how to delete whole flatlist in one go and whole firestore collection

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to delete whole flatlist in one go and whole firestore collection by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to delete whole flatlist in one go and whole firestore collection"
27 Jan 2017
1deleting whole flatlist in one go using firestore 
3filter data=(_item)=>{
4   this.setState({users: this.state.users.filter(item => item. Key=== _item)});
5    console.log(this.state.favorites) }
6call this function in button deleteall code given below
7 <Touchable Opacity
8            onPress={() => {   async function massDeleteUsers() {
9              // Get all users
10              const usersQuerySnapshot = await firestore().collection('user').get(                 
11              );             
12              // Create a new batch instance
13              const batch = firestore().batch();             
14              usersQuerySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
15                batch.delete(documentSnapshot.ref); });             
16              return batch.commit();}             
17           massDeleteUsers().then(() =>{     
18             this.filterdata()
19               console.log('All users deleted in a single batch operation.')}) }}>
20so this will delete whole flatlist in on go and delete whole firestore collection
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