how to create calculator in python

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12 Aug 2017
1#Store number variables for the two numbers
3num1 = input('Enter first number: ')
4num2 = input('Enter second number: ')
6#the sum of the two numbers variable
7sum = float(num1) + float(num2)
8sum2 = float(num1) - float(num2)
9sum3 = float(num1) * float(num2)
10sum4 = float(num1) / float(num2)
12#what operator to use
13choice = input('Enter an operator, + = addition, - = subtraction, * = multiplication and / = division: ')
14#different sums based on the operators
15if choice == '+':
16  print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum))
18  if choice == '-':
19    print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum2))
21if choice == '*':
22    print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum3))
24if choice == '/':
25    print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum4))
24 Sep 2018
1from tkinter import *
2import random
3import time
5def btnClick(numbers):
6	global operator
7	operator = operator + str(numbers)
8	text_Input.set(operator)
10def bcd():
11	global operator
12	operator = ""
13	text_Input.set("")
15def bei():
16	global operator
17	sumup = str(eval(operator))
18	text_Input.set(sumup)
19	operator = sumup
22root = Tk()
24root.resizable(False, False)
26operator = ""
27text_Input = StringVar()
30textDisplay = Entry(root, font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), textvariable = text_Input, bd = 30, insertwidth = 4, bg = "red", justify = 'right')
31textDisplay.grid(columnspan = 4)
34btn7 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "7", command = lambda:btnClick(7)).grid(row = 1, column = 0)
36btn8 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "8", command = lambda:btnClick(8)).grid(row = 1, column = 1)
38btn9 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "9", command = lambda:btnClick(9)).grid(row = 1, column = 2)
40Add = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "+", command = lambda:btnClick("+")).grid(row = 1, column = 3)
43btn4 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "4", command = lambda:btnClick(4)).grid(row = 2, column = 0)
45btn5 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "5", command = lambda:btnClick(5)).grid(row = 2, column = 1)
47btn6 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "6", command = lambda:btnClick(6)).grid(row = 2, column = 2)
49Sub = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "-", command = lambda:btnClick("-")).grid(row = 2, column = 3)
52btn1 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "1", command = lambda:btnClick(1)).grid(row = 3, column = 0)
54btn2 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "2", command = lambda:btnClick(2)).grid(row = 3, column = 1)
56btn3 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "3", command = lambda:btnClick(3)).grid(row = 3, column = 2)
58Multiply = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "*", command = lambda:btnClick("*")).grid(row = 3, column = 3)
61btn0 = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "0", command = lambda:btnClick(0)).grid(row = 4, column = 0)
63equal = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "=", command = bei).grid(row = 4, column = 1)
65divide = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "/", command = lambda:btnClick("/")).grid(row = 4, column = 2)
67clear = Button(root, padx = 16, bd = 8, fg = "black", bg = "red", font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = "c", command = bcd).grid(row = 4, column = 3)
09 Mar 2018
3import time
5def add():
6  n1 = input('Enter a number: ')
7  n2 = input('Enter another number: ')
8  time.sleep(1)
9  print(int(n1)+int(n2))
11def multiply():
12  n1 = input('Enter a number: ')
13  n2 = input('Enter another number: ')
14  time.sleep(1)
15  print(int(n1)*int(n2))
17def divide():
18  n1 = input('Enter a number: ')
19  n2 = input('Enter another number: ')
20  time.sleep(1)
21  print(int(n1)int(n2))
23def subtract():
24  n1 = input('Enter a number: ')
25  n2 = input('Enter another number: ')
26  time.sleep(1)
27  print(int(n1)-int(n2))
29run = True
30while run:
31  ans = input('Select an opreation: ')
32  if(ans=='Addition'):
33    add()
35  if(ans=='Divide'):
36    divide()
38  if(ans=='Multiply'):
39    multiply()
41  if(ans=='Subtract'):
42    subtract()
14 May 2020
1#My Personal Python calculator
2print("My Personal Python calculator")
4num1 = int(input('Enter the first number:  '))
5num2 = int(input('Enter the second number:  '))
6#opration req
7opr = input('Enter the type of operation you want to perform between your chosen two numbers:  ')
9if opr=='+':
10    ans = num1 + num2
11    # displaying the answer
12    print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
13elif opr == '- ':
14    ans = num1 - num2
15    # displaying the answer
16    print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
17elif opr=='*':
18    ans = num1 * num2;
19    # displaying the answer
20    print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
21elif opr=='/':
22    ans = num1 / num2
23    # displaying the answer
24    print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
26    print('Invalid Entry!!!')
05 Jan 2019
1num_one = int(input("Enter 1st number: "))
3op = input("Enter operator: ")
5num_two = int(input("Enter 2nd number: "))
7if op == "+":
8    print(num_one + num_two)
9elif op == "-":
10    print(num_one - num_two)
11elif op == "*" or op == "x":
12    print(num_one * num_two)
13elif op == "/":
14    print(num_one / num_two)
17 Jul 2019
1x = input("first number")
2y = input("second number")
3z = input("do you want to multiply, minus, divide or add? (x,-,/,+)")
5y = int(y)
6x = int(x)
8if z == "+":
9    print (x + y)
11if z == "/":
12    print (x / y)
14if z == "x":
15    print (x * y)
17if z == "-":
18    print (x - y)
21    print("use x,-,/ or + next time!")
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