showing results for - "how to convert number to array in javascript using array from"
18 Aug 2016
1const myNumber = 1245;
2function numberToArray(number) {
3  	let array = number.toString().split("");//stringify the number, then make each digit an item in an array
4  	return => parseInt(x));//convert all the items back into numbers
6//use the function
7var myArray = numberToArray(myNumber);
15 Jan 2017
1const n = 123456;
3// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
06 Nov 2020
1const n = 123456;
3// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
31 Apr 2017
1const arrayOfDigits = numToSeparate.toString().split("");
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