how to check substring in python

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showing results for - "how to check substring in python"
01 Mar 2018
1fullstring = "StackAbuse"
2substring = "tack"
4if substring in fullstring:
5    print "Found!"
7    print "Not found!"
06 Jan 2021
1if "blah" not in somestring: 
2    continue
11 Jul 2017
1def find_string(string,sub_string):
2	return string.find(sub_string)
3#.find() also accounts for multiple occurence of the substring in the given string
09 Jul 2019
1fullstring = "StackAbuse"
2substring = "tack"
4if substring in fullstring:
5    print "Found!"
7    print "Not found!"
07 May 2016
1type('hello world') == str
2# output: True
4type(10) == str
5# output: False
16 Sep 2017
1def is_value_in_string(value: str, the_string: str):
2    return value in the_string.lower()
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substring in pythonpython3 test if value is a stringhow to check if element is string in pythonpython in stringhow to check substrings in pythonpython check for substringpython2 7 check if strinc contain stringpython check if type is stringhow to check value is string in pythonhow to check a string is not in another stringhow to check if a string match another string in pythonhow to check characters in string in pythoncheck if number contained in string pythonpython substring matchfinding substrung in string in pythonis element in string pythonif type 28 29 3d 3d strsub string comparison in pythonif a string contains a character pythonhow do i say if a string doesn 27t contain a substring pythonhow to check for a substring in a string pythoncheck if a string is present in another string pythoncheck if type of stringhow do we say if something is a string in pythoncheck if is a string pythonpthon string containsif type 28data 29 3d 3d strre contains characterpython is stringif variable contains string pythonpython includes stringregex str containscheck if it is a string pythonpython test for substringcheck if element is presnt in string or ntohow to check if a string contains a specific word in pythontext contains pythoncheck if string is string pythoncheck if string includes character pythonpython sting containsfind out if a string is within another string pythonpython search if work is in stringhwiot tell if a string is in another string python 27how to check if a substring in pythonhow to check if a symbol is in a string pythonpython if variable containspython contains charfind character in string pythonpython string contains exectc 2b 2b check if computer is in ad domainpython check is strhow cann check 22 22 in text in pythonpython if variable contains stringhow to check if a substring is in a list pythonpython string inhow to check a variable is string in pythonif string has text in pythonpython check to see if character is in stringhow to see if string contains substring pythonif contains in pythonhow to check if a letter is in a string pythonfind a word that contains a substring pythonpython check if stirngpython check if includedhow to check string has value or noth pythonhow to check if a string has spfice text in it pythoncheck if variable is a string pythonpython find the string contains stringpython check if string is within stringpython string has substringstring contains pythonfind word in string pythonhow to check for certain strings pythonhow to check substring pythonpython check if strpython contains string ifpython check if string contains another stringpython checking if a string contains letterspython text contains wordstring contain pythonpython re if containspyton if str containssee if string contains substring pythonpython is stringpython include charactera contains pythonhow to check for string inside a string in pythonpython if type is string then printcheck for a substring in a string pythonhow to verify if its a character in a string pythoncheck if str in string pythonhow to see if a line includes a word in pythoncheck one string in anothercheck for a string in a string pythonfinding a substring in a string pythonpython check if character is in a stringpython test is stringhow to see if a string contains a substring python 3fpython test strcheck if a value is string or not pythonsubstring python checkpython how to check if string containssearch through string for string pythonpy contains stringcheck string in string pyhtonpython 22 40 22 in stringisstring pythonpython check if a value is a stringcheck if string has com pythoncheck for existence of substring in string pythonhow to see if string contains char pythonif part of a string is in another string in pythonif is a string pythonpython check if character is a stringhow to check if there is a character in a string pythonpython substring existchek whether text is substring of other pythonpython check if is in stringcheck on a substring in a string in pythonhwo to find text contains pythoncheck if object is string pythonif any of the values in string python how do we check is it string in pythonhow to check if substring exists in string pythonhow to check whether a part of string consists in a string in pythonfind a specific string in string pythonhow to check where a substring is in a string pythonpython if keyword in stringcheck if 2 strings have substring in pythoncheck if a given string is a substring of another pythonpython contains 28 29test if there is value in a string p ythonhow to str contains in pythonvalidate string pythonif string variable pythonpython check if variable contains a stringpython character exists in stringif includes pythonif subs ting find in sting pythoncheck if value is present in string pythoncheck if string containd pythinhow to check if a pattern exists in a string in pythonpython check if string contaions substringcheck if value is string pythonpython if value contains stringdoes string contain character pythonhow to check a string in if statement pythoncheck if a string conatins substring pythonhow to check for substring in pythonhow to know given string is substring in pythonhow to see if a word is in a stringpython code to check if string contains letterhow to check if particular word in present in a string using pythonif a string contains a letter pythonhow to cehck if a string is in another string pythoncheck if a substring is present in string pythonhow to search a string for a certain word in pythonhow check one string onctain in other stringin pythonhow to check string for characters pythoncheck if string in string python special characterhow to check if a string is a substring of another pythoncheck if text in string pythonpython substring in stringcheck for string in pythonpython if string contains patternif string contains word pythonhow to see if element is string pythonif string contains in pythoncheck if string is in substring pythonpython find string that contains similarpython word contains get matchpython 3 find the string contains stringhow to check if contains in pythonpython check if string contains a substringfind text containing a word pythonfind if a string includes a substring pythonpython check character in stringif is string pyhow to check if substring is in string pythonpython how to check word in stringhow to check if a string contains a substringif text in string pythonpython check parts of stringpython if a character is in a stringif is string method in pythonpython if 3a in stringpython check if it 27s a stringcheck if string is in variable pythonhow to check if the next character of a string exists in pythoncheck substring in python functionpython check if charchture exsist in stringtest for substring pythonhow to search from a subtring in a string in pythonhow to find substring from string in pythonpython what if you string a stringcheck if various words are in a string pythonstring check for character pythonpython check it string contains substringhow to see if a character is in a string pythonhow to check value of string in pythoncheck if a string pythoncheck if string contains word in pythonstring contains any character pythoncheck if string pythoncheck if something is a str in pythoncheck if a substring is present in a given list of strings in pythonhow to check if string or not in pythoncheck letter in string pythonpython if or string matchhow to check char in pythonhow to check for a character in a string pythonhow to check string caontains a word in pythonpython isstringcheck if data type is string pythonpython check string contains characterpython check for string in stringget a word that contains substring pythonhow to check a substring with 3f in a given string in pythonsearch for part of string pythonnot in string pythoncheck character in string pythonchecking if a string is in a stringhow to find string in a string pythonpython if type strpython strin not inhow to check if a a value is string pythonpython strin containshow to check string contains a letter in pythoncheck string contains substring in pythonpython3 if strpython if searchpython check contains substringverify text in string in pythonpython exist with stringpython3 check if string is in stringcontains str pythonpython if substring in stringcheck if contains a string pythonhow to check if a letter in a string exist pythonchecck data is string or notcheck if a string contains pythonpython check if string contains stringcheck if a string has a character in pythonhow to check if there is a substring in a string in pythonif a string contains pythoncheck if any element in string pythonif word has another word pythonpython check if something is a stringcheck if character in a string pythonhow to check if a substring is present a certain index in pythonhow to find a substring iin a string in pythoncheck if string is substring pythonpython check containshow to check a specific string is inside another string pythonpython contains strhow to do if something is a string pythonstring contains method pythonstring has string pythonpython2 7 check if string is in another stringpython code to check if string contains substringcheck string conatin in pythoincheck if the string is pythonpython if string in variablecheck if substring present in string pythonif string is part of string pythonpython re include string and include other stringpython check if is stringpython if str 28i 29check if an item is a string pythonif statement check string pythoncheck if a string has the same words of another pythonpython if statement check contain stringhow to check whether a variable is string or not in pythoncheck for substring in oythoncheck whether a string contains a substring pythonpython check for a character in a stringif string containts pythonfind string that contains substring pythonto check if a string contains a substring in pythoncheck if a character in string pythonpython check if string contains a certain stringhow to check if a string in python has a certain characterhow to check if string is a substring of another string pythonfind substring in string in pythonhwo to check contains in pythoncheck if variable has this in string pythonpython check if a string is contained in another stringsub string matching in pythonhow to check whether a string is present in pythoncheck if a letter is in a string pythonhow to find part of a string in pythonhow to check if a string matches a part of other string pythoncheck if a substring is included in a string pythonpython if is not stringscheck if something exists pythonhow to check if something is string in pythonsubstring in string pythoncheck string or ing pythonhow to check if a keyword is in a string python conditionhow to check whether a string contains particular character in pythonsubstring is in string pythonhow to now if a string is a command pythoncheck if two substring in string pythonpython check string contains stringpython string contains charactercheck string contains pythonif string has word pythonif string in stringpythin check if strinf contains stringcheck if string has character pythonis string check pythonif word does not contain letter pythonpython if stringif pattern in string python print stringcheck if char is in string in pythonhow to find substring in pythonfind certain character in string pythoncheck string pyhtonbest way to check if a string contains a substring in pythonpython search string for characterscheck if string has a specific word pythonpython is substring in stringif function has some string pythoncheck if a word is in a substring of a list in pythonhas character in string pythonhow to find operator in string pythonhow to look for a string in string in pythonpython has characterfind if a charater is in string pythoncheck string in pythonhow to check if a substring is present in string pythonpython if text containshow to check if string in stringpython check text containspython check if a word is in a stringcode to check if there is a string pythonpython if not in stringhow to check if a substr is present pythonverify if a string contains a char pythonpython if letters in stringhow to check if string pythonit check weather a substring is present in a string or notcheck on a substring in a string in p pythonsearch substring in string pythonfind if a string contains a substring pythonif substring not in string pythoncheck if its a str pythonhow to check if is string pythonpython check if substring in stringchenck if a string has a value in pythonpython code if string includespython test if substring in stringstring contains pythoncheck if the string is from a function in pythonif contain pythonpython check if a char is in a stringhow to see if a string has a character pythonif line includes pythonstr contains pythoncheck if substr matches other stringpython if a value is not a stringpython how to check if a string contains a stringpython 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string contains a wordlooking for a word in a string pythonptyhon check if string containshow to check whether user input contains a certain string in pythonif condition to check string in text pythonpy is string in substringpython check if 1 of substrings is in stringcheck is it string pythoncheck if letter in string pythonpython if str incudeshow to check if a string contains substring in pythoncheck if contains pythoncheck if string contains a string in pythonif is string pythonhow check if a string contains a character pythonpython find if string is in another stringhow to see if word in stringcheck for string in string pythonpython check if a string has a substringpython3 check stringhow to check if a string only have a character pythonpython for containscheck if string element in list pythobhow to check if there is a word in a string pythoncheck if certain element is present at certain posiion in string pythonfind if word in string pythonpython contains wordif item contains substring pythoncheck if string is substring of another pythonpython search text in stringpython if string in stringpython if val is stringpython is substringcheck if char is in string pythonhow to check if input is string in pythoncheck if a char is in string pythonhow to check substring in given string in pythoncheck if given is string in pythonpython if in stringpython string is containpython string contains nothow to check if a string is part of a string in pythonif var is type string pythoncheck is a string contains a substring pythonpython contains functionpython if string includes stringcheck if a value is string in pythoncheck value of string pythoncheck its a string or not pythonhow to check if string contains letters pythonsearching a character in a string in pythonif a string contains a substring pythonhow to check for a sting in a string pythonpython if string existscheck if a string is inside another string pythonhow to find whether an exact string in another string 22python 22search substring 26 print wordshow to check one string contain another string in oythonstring in string python checkif word in string pythonpython string contains methodre expression for containsre find if existcheck for substring python3how to check if a variable is a string in pythonhow to check contain in python in stringone or two contains in a string in pythonpython2 7 check if string is in another stirnghow to see if word is in string pythonpython how to check if a str contains a characterhow can u check if there something in a string pythoncheck string pythonfind string in another string pythonhow to check if a value is string in pythoncheck if it is string in pythonpython seach for string in stringpython check if item in stringcontains for a str in pythonpython string contains textcheck if type 3d string pythonstring contains regex pythonstring contain string in pythonpython isin stringhow to check if something is a string in pythonpython string contain substringpython contains letters 3fhow to check if string has a character in pythonpython check if a word in a string contains a lettercheck if string is in stringpython check if substring present in stringpython substring searchcheck if value in string pythonhow to check if x not in a string pythonsearch for string in string pythonfind if word is in string pythonpython check if string contains lettersstring is substring pythonpython regex if in stringhow to check if a sting has other string inside it pythonpython check if string is valueif contains python stringpython if character is in stringcheck if stringpython how to find substring in stringpython string existstring includes pythonstring cheking typepython check string includepython test object is stringpython check if string in valueschecking fo substring in pythonverify if string in pythonsubstring check in pythonpython has a stringpython check if str in strpython str contains stringif string in sstring pythonpython check if character in a row instringpython return substring that contains an elementcheck if type is string in pythonpython check if text contains one of wordssearch for substring in string pythonpython like stringpython if val isn 27t stringpython string check istest to see if is a string pythonpyhton if any letter in string check str is text 3f pythoncheck string different pythonif variable 3d string pythonpython if string contains string then use same stringhow to check if a string contains a word pythonpython check if word contains stringstring contains char pythonpython check if word is in stringcheck if there is not string character pythonpython 3 if string containspython if contains substringcheck if string is in another string pythonstring present in string pythonpython check if string contain substringcheck type of string pythonfind substring is present in string or notpython if is strinfunction that check for a string in pythoncontains in python stringhow to check whether a string contains another string in pythonsearch substring in string in pythontest if something is a string pythoncheck for substring in string pytcheck if a string contains a substring pythonstring not in pythonpython string containtshow to check if a string is in another string in pythoncheck char exist in string pythonpython check if string contain a stringpython find if stiring have any characterstring is in string pythonhow to tell if is a string pythonhow to test if string is sentence in pythonif a string contains substring in its word then select that word in pythonhow to check if a string contains a certain character pythoncheck if contains pythoinhow to know if a sring contain characters in pythonpython print where string contains valuehow to detect a substring in pythonif substring is present in string pythonstring contains python c3 b9string contains str python 3 withpython check type is stringhow to check name contains characters in pythonpython string if containsif string is pythinlook for character in string pythontext if string contains substring pythoncheck string have substring in pyhtonif text contains substring pythonhow to check if a string contains a certainsub strin in pythoncheck string includes in pythonfind if string contains substring pythonif string exists pythonpython check text in stringis type string pythonhow to find if string contains substring of pattern in pythonstr contains pythonsearch for char in string pythonhow to search string in pythoncheck if theres any character in string pythonsearch char in string pythonpython search a string in another stringnumeric check in pythonhow to check something for being a string pythonhow to check if a particular character is present in a string pythonif string contains a word pythonincludes in pythoncheck for a avalid string in pythonif something is a string pythonincludes python stringcheck if string includes pythoncheck string for substring python python check if stringpython identify if there is acharacter 2f in stringpython check if input contains a specific wordcheck if it is substring pythoncheck if a string has a script pythoncheck if any letter in string pythonhow to find a string in a string pythonpython checking if a value is in a stringhow to check if a word contains a letter in pythonchecking substring in pythonhow to check if a string has a certain character pythonpython test if part of string is in another stringpython search string and if how to know if a value is a string in pythonif value 3d string in pythonpython if string hashow to check for somthing in string in pythoncheck string check in pythoncheck if string contains string in array pythonpython assert if string is in another stringpython check if string value existsif string contains python decode predictionsif statement contains pythonif element 3d 3d 5bstr 28i 29 5d 3a pythonpython search if sentence containes word check type of variable in python strpython test if text in stringcheck python substring 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any operator in string in pythonpython string include 28 29python if stirng 3dif a character is in a string pythonname contains pythonpython if a word include stringpython isinstance of stringif character in string pythonchekc if string contain pythonstring contain character pythonpython string includes charcheck strign in substring pythonpython check subset in stringhow to check for a string in pythonhow to check if word is in string pythoncheck if string is a substring in item pythoncheck if the given string is substring of any string pythoncheck if any string is a substring pythoncheck if string in string pythjnpython using or in containsif in string 3a pythoncontains string in pythonpython check if name stringhow o check if string1 is a substring of string2 pythonpython if charicter in stringcheck if a string is in a string in pythonpython if type stringstring contains substring pythonfind a substrin in a string in pythonhow to check if string contains character in pythoncheck if is a string pycheck if variable is stringtext contains pythonpython3 string containsstring in python checkcontains m c3 a9thod pythonpython use the in or not in keyword to check whether or not a particular phrase or character is present in a stringpython function to see if a substring contains a stringpython if in the stringpython check sub string or nothow to have python see if a word contains a specific lettercontain command pythonpython if any keyword in stringcheck if substring pyhtonto check if a substring is present in a given string in pythonword contains in pythonany string in string pythonpython is string in stringhow to find a certain character in a string pythoncheck is letter in string pythonpython test if character in stringcheck if a substring is insoede a stringhow to check if a python string contains another stringcheck if word exists in string python3str contains character pythoncheck if input is a string pythoncheck for substring in pythonhow to check if string contains pythonif str in word pytonpython check string contains 3bpython check if substring contains all chars in astrignpython how to check if string contains substringstring contains function in pythonhow to check in pyhton that a given is stringhow to check if string exists in pythonpyhton if value not string checking if a word is in a string pythonhow to see if a string contains a character pythonpython is string containscheck if value if string pythonif not string pythonhow to find a substring in a string in pythonpy str containsto find a substring in a string in pythoncheck if a string in pythonget if certain letters are in a string pythoncheck sting pythonis 5cin string pythoncheck if char is in a string pythonstring contains using regex in pythonpython if line contains charhow to check if a string contains a particular substring in pythonpython test type object is stringhow to check string contains in pythonhow to check if substring exist in string pythoncheck if substring in string pythonpython contain word stringhow to check string a what in pythocheck if string in pythoncheck if string contains something pythonif text contains pythonpython if work is stringstring contains character pythonfinding substring in a string in pythonhow to use contains in pythonhow to check if particular substring is present or not in pythonhow to check if a substring exists in a string python 25i in string pythonpython text xontaincheck if string has 5ct pythonhow to check if string contains characters pythoncheck if string contains string pythonpython check if the string containscheck if list of string sis in string pythonpy check if string containspythin check if stringstring contains pythnpython to test if string in another stringcheck if string includes substring pythonhow to print a word if it contains an asteriks in pythoncheck if path contains string pythonpython how to check if something is in a stringpython if string in string orpython if source containscheck something in a string pythoncheck i fmultiple strings are in a string pyhtonhow to find if a character is in a string pythoncheck if string contains character pythonhow to check if letters in string pythoncheck string has substring pythonhow to find if a string exists pythoncheck if part of string find in list pythonpython find a substring in a stringpython check if string containscheck a substr in pythonif anything in python stringpython check for in stringif on string in pythonpythom if is stringpython match substring in stringcheck if string contains character pyhtoncheck if text is in string pythonif value exist pythonpython string that includes 25regex has string pythonpython if include stringcheck string existence in pythonpython check if string in textpython check for part of a stringincludes pythoncontains in string pythoncheck string for words pythonfind substrings in a string pythonhow to check a string for a character in pythoncheck if a character there in a string pythonpython how to check if there is a sub string in a stringcheck sub character in string pythoncontains character pythonif character is in variable check pythonpython check if string is operatorpython string contains with regexsearch for string inside string pythonstring includes pythoincheck if a string contains letters pythonif sub string 3d 3d in pythonlike operator in pythoncheck if a word is in a string pythonpython check if a string has a characterhow to see if there a character in string pythonpython string ffunction to checck a subsstringif is string in pythoncheck string exist in string pythontest if a string to similar to another string in pythonhow to check is there 21 in string in pythonpython if string is anythingpython verify string containsre contains a stringif string in line pythonsunstring in pythonpython check if string contains certain characterspython if type stringhow to check if there is anything in a string pythonhas substring method pythonif type 3d 3d string pythonsearch for text in a string pythonpython if exact string in stringcheck if python string is a subdomainpython test if stringhow to check if str in pythonif line contains pythonhow to check if text present in a string pythonpython match a string containingstring functionn to find a substring insidde a string in pythonif string contains pythona string containing another string pythonpython if a string is a substring of another stringcheck if a string is substring pythoncheck if any character in string pythoncheck if substring is in string pythonif char in string pythoncheck if a substring is in all strings in a list python all 28 29how to find if string contains substring in pythonhow to use contains pythobpython find if substring in stringpython check type stringcheck if a string contrains a character in pythonpython if a string containspython whether a string contains a substringif the value is a string pythonsearch for character in string pythonpython check if string existsstrings that contain 22 25 22 in pythonpython string include wordhow to check if a string is a character in pythonletters contains in word python stringcheck string value include some part of string pythonhow to see if a word contains a letter in pythoncheck if one string is substring of another pythonpython see if string contains substringpython test if is stringif letter in string pythoncheck if string contains substring python0how to check if a string contains a particular character in pythonpython if string containscheck string with if pyhtonpython check if type is inthow to search if something is in python stringcheck for specific character in string pythonpython not find stringhow to check if a string is on pythonpython check if a string is in a set of stringsif text exist in sting pythonython check if string is string or stringpython check string contains substringsubstrings in string pythonhow to check charater in string in pythonif value contains pythonpython check if character in stringcheck if substring is present or notpython substring checkhow to check if there is a letter in a string pythonif variable is not string pythoncheck if string contains words or number pythonpython like string matchif string in word pythonpython check if the string as a vlauepython check partial string matchfind substr in str pythonhow to check if string in string pythnpython if text is in stringif string is in string pythonpython strig containspython string ifpython check if a string is contained in another and it is beginning of stringtest if string pythonpython how to check if string contains characterchecking character in string pythoncheck string for x pythonpython check in string contains lettercheck characters in a string pythonpython check if sticng contains either orpython includes in stringcheck if string present in string pythoncontain word in string pythonpython does string contains python if in string valuepython string includinghow to check string in pythonpython check string contains certain charactersstring python conatinspython detect character in stringcheck match string or not pythonhow to check whether string contains substring in pythonif string contains any of substrings pythoncheck if string contains subtring pythonpython check type stirngcheck if there is a letter in a string pythonpython string contains lettershow to tell if a letter is in a string in pythonpython containstring substring or not pythonverify if a variable contain string value pythonget if element is string pythoncheck if string is substring of string in pythonif string includes channelhpw to test for stringpython check str containshow to check string in if condition in pythonpython string hashow to check if a name is in a stringpython checking if a string contains a string from a listcheck if string contains substring pythonfind if string in string pythontest if vairable contains string values pythonpython3 check if stringspython find string in substringstring doesn 27t contain pythonhow to check if there is a character in the string in pythonpython if string contains sub stringcheck whether given string is substring in pythonpython check charstring contains method in pythonpython string contains 3fhas word inside a string pythonpy check a stringpython check if one string contains another pythonif in string pythonhow to find if a letter is in a string pythoncheck if an element inside a string pythonpython check if string in any stringsearch a string in string pythonhow to check certain character in string in pythonfind present string pythonhow to check if an element is a string in pythonhow to check if a variable contains a specific string pythoncheck if something is a string python javapython check if something is stringif substring in string pycheck for string pythonpython isstringif type string pythoncheck charahcters exist in pythoncheck if a subset of sting is in a given string pythonstring checking in pythoncheck strings for substring pythonpython check if c3 a4nliche strcheck if is substring pythonhow to check the string in pythonhow to check a certain substrin in a string pythoncheck if it 27s string pythoncheck if a character in a string is 40 23 etc in pythoncheck is string contains something pythonhow to check if there is a string in a python wordpython find if string contains letterspython check if containscheck if substring exists in string pythonpython how to check is and substrings in story 3dinhow to check if a value is a character in pythonhwo to find that if the string contain number in pythonhow to check if memebr string is in string pthonpython to check a strings inside another stringpython string in string checkhow much like string pythoncheck substring part of a string pythonpython detect if string has a characterpython check type strcheck if string in python contains charactercheck if a string contains another in pythoncheck string is in another string pythoncheck if a string has a character pythonhow to find a substring in pythonpython 3 check if stringfind substring in a string pythonpython built in function to check a substring contains fun in pythonhow to tell if a string contains somthing in pythonsearch substring in pythonhow to check if a specific string is in a longer string in pythonpython line contains substringcheck if python string has and characterpython check if string includes substringhow to check that the string has the sub substring pythoncheck if an element is a string pythonpython check for strwrite a program to check if a user given string is a substring of another user given string in pythonpython check word is included incheck if a string contains a pattern pythoncheck if is in string pythoncheck for substring in pycheck if text is in python stringif text contains in pythoncheck element string pythonfinding if a string has sentence pythonhow to find in a part of a string pythonpython check if a word is in stringpython check if 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