how to change value of categorical variable in python

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María Camila
16 Apr 2020
2# where bins is cut off points of bins for the continuous data 
3# and key things here is that no. of labels is always less than 1
08 Jan 2021
1from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
3lb_make = LabelEncoder()
4obj_df["make_code"] = lb_make.fit_transform(obj_df["make"])
5obj_df[["make", "make_code"]].head(11)
15 Jun 2017
1df['Gender'].str[0].str.upper().map({'M':'Male', 'F':'Female'})
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encode multiple variables and decode pythonpandas encode categorical columnsencode columns pandaschnage numeric value in catagorical pandashow to transform numeric distribuition to categorical data pandasmanage categorical datareplace categorical values with numbers in pythonconvert into categorical variables in pythonpython numbers to categorical variablespython convert string to categorical variablemanual label encoding in pythonfunction to change categorical data into numeric in pythonassign each categorical value a number in a columnhow to convert labels to numbers in pythoncategorical encoding pbpythonhow to convert categorical column into numerical coulmn in pandas pythonmanually encode catagories pandas encoding for pandasconvert labels into numbers pythonpandas from category to int encodingencode class pandasassigning numbers to categorical variables in pythonchange categorical variable to numeric in pythonhow to make categorical variables numeric in pythonhow to convert 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