11 <!doctype html>
22 <html lang="en">
33 <head>
44 <meta charset="utf-8">
55 <title>Product Cost Calculator</
6 title>
76 <style type="text/css">
87 .number { font-weight: bold; }
98 </style>
109 </head>
1110 <body>
1211 <?php // Script 4.2 - handle_calc.php
1312 /* This script takes values from
14 calculator.html and performs
1513 total cost and monthly payment
16 calculations. */
1815 // Address error handling, if you want.
2017 // Get the values from the $_POST array:
2118 $price = $_POST['price'];
2219 $quantity = $_POST['quantity'];
2320 $discount = $_POST['discount'];
2421 $tax = $_POST['tax'];
2522 $shipping = $_POST['shipping'];
2623 $payments = $_POST['payments'];
2825 // Calculate the total:
2926 $total = $price * $quantity;
3027 $total = $total + $shipping;
3128 $total = $total - $discount;
3330 // Determine the tax rate:
3431 $taxrate = $tax / 100;
3532 $taxrate = $taxrate + 1;
3734 // Factor in the tax rate:
3835 $total = $total * $taxrate;
4037 // Calculate the monthly payments:
4138 $monthly = $total / $payments;
4340 // Print out the results:
4441 print "<p>You have selected to
45 purchase:<br>
4642 <span class=\"number\">$quantity</
47 span> widget(s) at <br>
4843 $<span class=\"number\">$price</span>
49 price each plus a <br>
5044 $<span class=\"number\">$shipping</
51 span> shipping cost and a <br>
5245 <span class=\"number\">$tax</span>
53 percent tax rate.<br>
5446 After your $<span
55 class=\"number\">$discount</span>
56 discount, the total cost is
5747 $<span class=\"number\">$total</
58 span>.<br>
5948 Divided over <span
60 class=\"number\">$payments</span>
61 monthly payments, that would be
62 $<span class=\"number\">$monthly</
63 span> each.</p>";
6550 ?>
6651 </body>
6752 </html>
2 $pro_id = $_COOKIE['product_id'];
3 $pro_id = explode(',', $pro_id);
4 $qua = 1;
5 foreach ($pro_id as $val) {
6 $ans = "SELECT * FROM wm_products WHERE pro_id='$val'";
7 $result = $conn->query($ans);
8 while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
9 ?>
10 <tr class="cart_item">
11 <td>
12 <a href="single-product.html"><img src="products_images/<?php echo $row['pro_img']; ?>" alt="" width="180" height="180"></a>
13 </td>
14 <td>
15 <a href="single-product.html"><?php echo $row['pro_name']; ?></a>
16 </td>
17 <td>
18 <span class="amount">Rs. <?php echo $row['pro_price']; ?></span>
19 </td>
20 <td>
21 <div class="quantity buttons_added">
22 <form action="" method="post">
23 <input type="submit" class="minus" name="minus" value="-">
24 <input type="text" size="4" class="input-text qty text" title="Qty" value="<?php echo $qua;?>" name="" max="29" min="0" step="1" >
25 <input type="submit" class="plus" name="plus" value="+">
26 </form>
27 </div>
28 </td>
29 <td>
30 <span class="amount">Rs. <?php echo number_format($row['pro_price'] * $qua); ?></span>
31 </td>
32 <td>
33 <a class="remove remove_cart" href="#" dataid="<?php echo $row['pro_id']; ?>">×</a>
34 </td>
35 </tr>
36 <?php
37 }
38 }