how manipulate the multiple input option data in one function in vue js

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04 Jun 2016
2  <select
3    :class="$"
4    v-model="selected"
5    @change="updateValue"
6  >
7    <option
8      disabled
9      value=""
10      v-text="disabledOption"
11    />
12    <option
13      v-for="option in options"
14      :key="option"
15      :value="option"
16      v-text="option"
17    />
18  </select>
22export default {
23  name: 'FormSelect',
24  model: {
25    // By default, `v-model` reacts to the `input`
26    // event for updating the value, we change this
27    // to `change` for similar behavior as the
28    // native `<select>` element.
29    event: 'change',
30  },
31  props: {
32    // The disabled option is necessary because
33    // otherwise it isn't possible to select the
34    // first item on iOS devices. This prop can
35    // be used to configure the text for the
36    // disabled option.
37    disabledOption: {
38      type: String,
39      default: 'Select something',
40    },
41    options: {
42      type: Array,
43      default: () => [],
44    },
45    value: {
46      type: [String, Number],
47      default: null,
48    },
49  },
50  data() {
51    return {
52      selected: this.value,
53    };
54  },
55  methods: {
56    updateValue() {
57      // Emitting a `change` event with the new
58      // value of the `<select>` field, updates
59      // all values bound with `v-model`.
60      this.$emit('change', this.selected);
61    },
62  },