how do i run a python program on atom

Solutions on MaxInterview for how do i run a python program on atom by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how do i run a python program on atom"
25 Oct 2019
1# How to run a python file in atom!
2# Once you are in atom, go to file and then press on settings. 
3# From there press install, and in the search bar, search "atom-python-run"
4# Once you install the package, press F5 and it should run the file!
05 Sep 2017
1# When you are in atom, Go to > File > settings (Or press Ctrl + comma if u are a window user)and select "install" Or just press Ctrl + Shift + P and type "View installed packages" and select the correct one from the drop down list. From there, Look at the left pane of the screen click Install.
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