getting time python

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04 Mar 2017
1import datetime
3currentDT =
7# or
9import datetime
11currentDT =
13print ("Current Year is: %d" % currentDT.year)
14print ("Current Month is: %d" % currentDT.month)
15print ("Current Day is: %d" %
16print ("Current Hour is: %d" % currentDT.hour)
17print ("Current Minute is: %d" % currentDT.minute)
18print ("Current Second is: %d" % currentDT.second)
19print ("Current Microsecond is: %d" % currentDT.microsecond)
20# prints
22Current Year is: XXXX
23Current Month is: XX
24Current Day is: XX
25Current Hour is: XX
26Current Minute is: XX
27Current Second is: XX
28Current Microsecond is: XXXXXX
01 Nov 2018
2from datetime import datetime
4now =
6current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
7print("Current Time =", current_time)
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