get wd in python

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25 Feb 2016
1import os
3path = os.getcwd()
6# /Users/mbp/Documents/my-project/python-snippets/notebook
9# <class 'str'>
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ubuntucurrent location in pythonhow to get current directory in python with 5c 5cpython print working directoryget wd in pythonhow to get folder path in pythonpython current directorypython change local directoryadd working directory on python pathos current working directorycheck current directory pythoncd to current directory pythonhow to check working directory in pythoninport os find directoryos pwd 28 29os path working directoryfetch current dirhow to find the cwd in pythonget pwd to variable pythonhow to get current direcoty pythonpython current file dir locationhow to show current directory in pythonsetting directory in pythonpython os path save in current directorypwd with os module python curr dir pythonhow to print current directory in pythontkinter how to get current direcoryshow current directory pythonget directory pythonpython get local dirget current path in pythonwork directory in pythonpython get cwdos getcwd shows user dirpython get current folderpython os get working directorypython os get pwdcommand to check current directory in cmd pythonhow to get current folder in python ospython file get 24pwdpython os working directoryos pwdpython current running directorycorrent working dir pythonpython read current directorycheck current working directory in python using ospython os check current directorycurrent working directory in pythonpwd command in pythonpython get current folder filepython print cdpython show current directoryhow to know cwd in pythonhow to pass current directory path in pythonpython how to check current directorypython 3 8 console get current directorypython return current working directoryhow to write to the current working directory pythonos library python get current directoryget file current location python kubtunutchange current directory python osos current directory pythoncurrent dir in pythonget the current working directory in pythonpython get current working durectorypython so getdirget fps pythonos set working directory pythonworking directory pythonpython current working directorypython find present working directorypython get path of current working directorychange the current working directory in pythonpython check current working directorychange directory python windowspython find current directoryget current working directoy pythonget the cwd in pythonprint current directory python macpython os check working directorypython cwd for fileget diroctary in pythonpython get working dir 27how to find current directory in pythonpython os pwdos path python get working directoryset new working directory in pythonget current dir pythonos getcwd 28 29 python file locationhow to get the working directory in pythonget working direcpython get current path add substring get current directory syspython how to get path to current directoryprint current directory os pythonpython change working directorypython application current pathpython show directorychange working directory in pythoncet current directory 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directoryget current pwd pythonpython get dirpython current working file locationget current path pythonos current directory pythonpython code to get current working directorypwd os pythonget current work folder pythonhow to get the current path in pythonget file nmae pythoncurrent directory in pythonpresent working directory in pythonusing chdir to print to desktop in pandashow to print present working directory in pythonpython get path from current directoryhow to print working directory in pythonget wd in python