get value from input field in php

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showing results for - "get value from input field in php"
25 Jul 2017
1<form method="post">
2  <input type="text" name="deleteinput" class="button"/>
3  <input type="submit" name="deletebtn" class="button" value="Delete single user data"/>
5  // php 
7    $name = $_GET['deletebtn'];
8    echo $name;
04 May 2019
1$info = array('Doina', 'brown', 'long');
3// Listing all the variables
4list($she, $color, $hear) = $info;
5echo "$she has $color eyes color and $hear black hair.\n";
26 Jun 2018
1<form method="post">
2  <input type="text" name="deleteinput" class="button"/>
3  <input type="submit" name="deletebtn" class="button" value="Delete single user data"/>
5  // php 
7    $name = $_POST['deleteinput'];
8    echo $name;
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