get text between two strings python

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showing results for - "get text between two strings python"
22 Jan 2016
1>>> import re
2>>> s = 'Part 1. Part 2. Part 3 then more text'
3>>>'Part 1\.(.*?)Part 3', s).group(1)
4' Part 2. '
5>>>'Part 1(.*?)Part 3', s).group(1)
6'. Part 2. '
Juan Esteban
14 Jan 2016
1# You can do this with Reg Exp
2import re
4s = 'asdf=5;iwantthis123jasd'
5result ='asdf=5;(.*)123jasd', s)
13 Apr 2018
1import re as regex
3s = 'asdf=5;iwantthis123jasd'
4result = regex.match('asdf=5;(.*)123jasd', s)
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