showing results for - "get multiple checkbox value in javascript"
17 Aug 2019
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3    <body>
4        <label>Check Which you have</label><br/>
5        <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="bike" value="Bike"> Bike <br/>
6        <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2" name="car" value="Car"> Car   <br/>
9        <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox3" name="home" value="Home"> Home <br/>
10        <button onclick="getValue()">Get Value</button>
11        <p id="p1"></p>
12        <script>
13            function getValue() {
14             var ele=[]
15              var bike = document.getElementById("checkbox1")
16              if(bike.checked){
17                    ele.push(bike.value);
18             }
19             var car = document.getElementById("checkbox2")
20              if(car.checked){
21                    ele.push(car.value);
22             }
23             var home = document.getElementById("checkbox3")
24              if(home.checked){
25                    ele.push(home.value);
26             }
27               if(ele.length>0){
28                document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = ele;
29               }
30               else{
31               document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = "You Dont have any thing";
32               }
33             }
36        </script>
37    </body>
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