showing results for - "get json data in ajax call"
27 Jan 2018
31- Pass the JSON format data in this way
4data: { "str1": "Love", "str2": "Singh" }
52- You can use JSON.Stringfy function also
6var employee = { Id: 101, Name: "Love singh" };  
7data: JSON.stringify(employee)
20 Aug 2018
1<!doctype html>
2<html lang="en">
4  <meta charset="utf-8">
5  <title>jQuery.getJSON demo</title>
6  <style>
7  img {
8    height: 100px;
9    float: left;
10  }
11  </style>
12  <script src=""></script>
16<div id="images"></div>
19(function() {
20  var flickerAPI = "";
21  $.getJSON( flickerAPI, {
22    tags: "mount rainier",
23    tagmode: "any",
24    format: "json"
25  })
26    .done(function( data ) {
27      $.each( data.items, function( i, item ) {
28        $( "<img>" ).attr( "src", ).appendTo( "#images" );
29        if ( i === 3 ) {
30          return false;
31        }
32      });
33    });
queries leading to this page
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