get hours difference between two dates in php

Solutions on MaxInterview for get hours difference between two dates in php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "get hours difference between two dates in php"
06 Jul 2019
1$hourdiff = round((strtotime($time1) - strtotime($time2))/3600, 1);
01 Sep 2020
1	date_default_timezone_set("Africa/Johannesburg");
2    $now = new DateTime();
3    $future_date = new DateTime('2020-10-21 00:00:00');
5    $interval = $future_date->diff($now);
7    echo ($interval->format("%a") * 24) + $interval->format("%h"). " hours". $interval->format(" %i minutes ");
8    print_r($now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
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