showing results for - "gatsbyjs shop flotiq"
16 Apr 2018
1// in your gatsby-config.js in root of the project
4module.exports = {
5  // ...
6  plugins: [
7    {
8      resolve: "gatsby-source-flotiq",		  
9        options: {
10            baseUrl: process.env.GATSBY_FLOTIQ_BASE_URL,
11            authToken: process.env.GATSBY_FLOTIQ_API_KEY,
12            forceReload: false, //(optional)
13            includeTypes: ['contettype1', 'contettype2', ... ], //(optional) List of used contenttypes identified by API Name. If ommitted, all content types will be synchronized. Make sure to include all referenced content types as well
14            objectLimit: 100000, //optional, limit total number of objects downloaded for every type
15            singleFetchLimit: 1000, //optional, limit the number of objects downloaded in single api call. Min: 1, Max 5000, Default 1000
16            maxConcurrentDataDownloads: 10, //optional, limit the number of concurrent api calls. Default: 10, Min: 1, Max: 50
17            timeout: 5000, //optional
18            resolveMissingRelations: true, //optional, if the limit of objects is small some of the objects in relations could not be obtained from server, it this option is true they will be obtained as the graphQL queries in project would be resolved, if false, the missing object would resolve to null
19            downloadMediaFile: false //optional, should media files be cached and be available for gatsby-image and gatsby-sharp
20        },
21    },
22  ],
23  // ...