find item in list

Solutions on MaxInterview for find item in list by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "find item in list"
25 Aug 2020
1>>> ["foo", "bar", "baz"].index("bar")
15 Mar 2019
1# There is several possible ways if "finding" things in lists.
2'Checking if something is inside'
33 in [1, 2, 3] # => True
4'Filtering a collection'
5matches = [x for x in lst if fulfills_some_condition(x)]
6matches = filter(fulfills_some_condition, lst)
7matches = (x for x in lst if x > 6)
8'Finding the first occurrence'
9next(x for x in lst if ...)
10next((x for x in lst if ...), [default value])
11'Finding the location of an item'
12[1,2,3].index(2) # => 1
13[1,2,3,2].index(2) # => 1
14[1,2,3].index(4) # => ValueError
15[i for i,x in enumerate([1,2,3,2]) if x==2] # => [1, 3]
24 Aug 2016
1def findNumber(arr, k):
2    if k in arr:
3        print("YES")
4    else:
5        print("NO")
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list by valuepython list get index for valuehow to find 27 27 in the element of listhow to get index of string in list pythonfind index of item in list pythonpython list index based on valueget index of value pythonpython search for element in listfind the postion of a element in a list pythpnindexes pythonhow to use find in list pythonlist match pythonpython indecoxfind index of list with value python python fin entry in listget indices of a list in pythonhow to position in list pythonprint element of index by list python index 28 29 pythonhow to get the index of an element in a list in pythonposition of an element in a list pythonpython find index in arrayindex listpython list find ifpython list first element indexhow to get the index of an element in an array pythonfind index of a value in list pythonget index of list element pythonlist python indexablefind the index of a value in an array pythonhow to look at a list in pythonget item index in list pythonfind index of item in array pythonhow to find the index value in pythonfind a value in list pythonpython get index valuesif str in list do something pythonhow to search something in listhow to find value in list pythonhow to find the index of an element pythonhow to search for an element in a list in pythonpython index of value in arrayfind element in a list pythonget list index pythonhow to find item in list pythonsearch element in list of lists pythonpython list position forpython list find 28 29finding index of item in list pythonpython get index of item in arrayfind list pythonfind where an item is in a list pythonhow to get index value in pythonhow to find an item in a list pythonsearch through a listindex of a value in list pythonfind the index of a list element pythonsearch index in list pythonindex pythonindex of in pythonindex of lists functionsget index and value of array pythonfind something in list if it equals exactly pythonhow to index each item in list pythonprint element indexfindin a list pythonget index where for search element in list pythonpython array index elemenstliste indice pythonsearch item in listprint index of item in list pythonfind index of element in array pthonhow to find the index value of an element in a list pythonhow to get the value by its position in list pythonhow to use index 28 29 in pythonsearching a list in pythonfidn an item on a list pythonhow to get index of list in pythonfind index of a list pythonpython get vale by indexfind list pytohfind the index of a value in a list pythonpython find value in list from valuefind number in list pythonpython indexofindex given value in list pythonpython list item searchpython findindex of an element in a list pythonfind index of an element in array pythonfind data in list pythonsearch for match in list pythonhow to find an specific item in list pythonlist index 28 29search on listcheck string in list of strings pythonfinding the array index of a value pythonindex of a value in a list pythonhow to find index in pythonfind from a listlist find function pythonfind index of item in pythonfind match in list in pythonpython search clisthow to get index number in python arrayhow to find the value in list in pythonpython list how to find value 27s indexpython list find indexget index of a list in pythondind an index pythonhow to get index of an element in a listget item index from list pythonfind all subwords in a string scalapython find index of number in arrayhow to find the index of a value in python listcan we use find in list in pythonlist indexpython list element indexfind number in python listpython get index of element in listfind in ppython listlist lookup pythonhow to get the index of a list in pythonpython list find index by valuesearch a element in list pythonhow to search value in a listpython indexof element in listget index from element in list pythonpython element position in listhow to find index of an element in an array in pythonfind a value in slist pythonget item and idenx from list for pythonfind a item in a listfinding a value in a listhow to find element in list python indexof pythonfind in list in pythonpython find index of valuearray find in list pythonsearch value in list pythonfind item in list pythonhow to list index pythonhow to search an list pythonhow to search in listhow to find something in a list pythonfind index in pythonhow to find a item in a list pythonspecific index of a list pythonreturn index of value in list pythonlist to index an array pythonlist match pythonfind an element indexfind element in list python by valuehow to find the index in an array pythonfind index of a list in pythonpython get value by index listhow to find a element in list pyindex of list in pythonto show the index number of the list in pythonindex list pythonget item by index pythonpython indexof pythonindex of a listpythonlist searchfind value in list pytohnhow to find index of an element in an array pythonpython list findfind index fromvalue pythonlist find in pythonfind python listindex of array pythonfinding element in list pythonpython element index in listhow to find the index pythonfind index when have value in list pythonpython how to check number of indexes in listprint index string for python listget index of value in list pythonreturn the index of a value in a list pythoncheck position in list pythonpython find a value in listhow to search for an item in a list pythonhow to get the index of a value in pythonhow to find the index of an element in a list pythonhow to find specific item in pythonfind function in list pythonpython array index ofhow to get index of a value in a list pythonwhat library uses index in pythonfind value in list of list pythonpython find 28 29 in listarray index element pythonget index of list in pythonfinding in listfind element in list pyhtonsearching element in list pythonget index item in list pythonfind element in list of list pythonprint index number of list in pythonpython array find elementpython find in list 3fpython search in list methodsearch index position pythonfind on list python index list pythonfind element position in list pythonlist of python with index numberpython print the index of a listpython where in listsearch for element from a list pythonfinding the vlaue of an index in a list pyhtonlist function to return index and valuepython index of listget index of strign from list pythonhow to check waht itemes arent in a listhow to print index number in pythonfind index of object in array pythonpython list find an elementget index of ietm pythonpython get indexes where value isfind an item in listhowt to find element in a listposition of string in listhow to get value of index pythonhow to find a value in a list in pythonget index of elemnt in list pythonfind some ting in a list pythonget index of value in list with valueindexod in pythonfind element in list by index pythonpython how to get position in listhow to get index of an element in a list in pythonpython find or indexlist 5bindex 5d pythonpython search element in listget index of string in list pythonpython find index by valuehow to check list index pyhtonpython get item in listindex of list pythonget indexhwo to get index of element pythonfind certain value in list pythonhow to get ythe index in pythonpython lst get indexhow to find what soemthign is in pythonhow to search through a list in pythonfind index of an element in an array pythonpython find in lishow to find the index of the value in an array pythonposition of an element in list pythonpython find x in listfind in list pythnohow to find the index of a number in a list in pythonhow to find a element in list pythonpython find index of match in listpyhton list indexreturn index of a list pythonfinding a value in list pythonhow to print an index in pythonhow to find somthing in a list iwth the number pythonsearch for value in listhow to search for an item in a list in pythonhow to get index by value in list pythonhow to find index in an array pythonhow to print the index of a list in pythonfind something in a list of pythonsearch through list pythonhow to find position of an element in a list in pythonpython using the find function on listsearch finding index pythonhow to find the index of a value in a array python 3fpython find index in the listpython find the index of element in listhow to find the index of somehting in pythonpython position listinghow to reference a list index in pythonpython index of value in listpython lookup value in listpython find list valuepython3 find in listfinding index pythonhow to get an index of element with a given value in pythonpythn finding element in listhow to find where a value is in a list pythonfind something in list pythonfind for a list pythonsearch element in a list pythonfind index of string in list pythonget the indec of element in the list pythonhow to get index number in pythonhow to print list with index number in pythonlist find pythonfind a element in list pythonhow to find index of specific item in a python listhow to find the position of an element in a list in pythonhow to get index from value in python listfind the element in list in pythonget index of a element in list pythonreturn index pythonpython find index of element in listhow to get the value of an index pythonhwo to find the value at a particular index using a function in python how to find index of value in python 3findex of list member pythonindeof pythonfind specific value in list pythonfind pythonindex search pythonhow to find items in a list pythonhow to find index of value in listfine in list pythonfindindex pythonfind the index of a value pythonfind value index in list pythonpython3 list findpython find index of a list itmepython find index of number in listpython find index value in arraylist without an element given the indexhow to define the position in a list in python search in lists by values pythonpython get index of element in list by valuefind index of list by valuenumpy find index of valuepython find value in list of listshow to find specific value in list pythonfind in list python string return indexhow to get index of value in list pythonhow to get index python 5dhow to find element in listfind index of value pythonfind list in pythonfor item in list python indexhow to find an item in list pythonpython locate element in listfind matches in a list pythonfind index of value in list pythonget the position of an element in a list pythonpython how to get index of item in listpython list index functionfind element list pythonlist indexpython list search valueshow to use indexof in pythonhow to find the index of something in a list pythonfind an element of a list pythonpython get specific index from listfind index of element of list python based on string valueindex 28 29 pythonget index of value in pandas seriesget index of value in python listreturn index python listreturn indices in pythonhow to find the value of an item in a list pythonlist index pythonfinding the value of an item in a python list without indexfind list in a list pythonhow to getindex of list in pythonhow to return index of list in pythonlist search pythonhow to get the index of a element in a list in pythonfind 28 29 list pythonhow to find a number in an list pythonfinding a number in a list pythonpython get list index by valuepython x in listhow to find something in a listlist find in pythonpython get index of a value in listpython get list item indexpython index in a listhow to get an element of indexpython array find index that has a valuepython return indexes of item in listreturn index of item in list pythonpython search in the listfint elelment in list pythonhow do i find the index of something in pythonfind value in a listfind index in list python by valuelist of list indexfind an index of an item in a list pythonpython find specific value in listget index of list pythonfind an element in a list pythonfind index of string in a listindex of eleement pythonhow to return the index of an element in a list pythonpython postion of item in listhow to get index of element in list pythonpython indexes of in listpython get item from list without indexhow to get the index position of a list in pythonfind item in a listlist get indexindex in pythonlist index in pythonpython list find elementfind index of in array pythonhow to get value and index in pythonhow to find value from a list pythoncheck index value pythonhow to print index of element in list in pythonget index of particular element in llist pythonget index of element array pythonget index of an item in a list pythonindexof in python arrayindex of in a list pythonfind index of element in array pythonget value index in list pythonpython find the index of a value in a listpython fint in listpython searching a listopython list searchindex python listhow to get the index of an item in a list pythonsearch in list with elementhow to get an index if a value maeches certain value in pythonfind index in python arrayfind element in a list pzthonsearch for a value in list pythonhow to use find in list in pythonfind in list pyhthonindex syntax in pythonget index of elemet in listserch in list pythonpython find position in listhow to find index of value in array in pythonhow to get indices of seached element in a list in pythonindex of element in list pythonget index from listsearch a python list by elementfind in a listpython how to have the value by indexsearching through a listhow to find umber in listhow to get the index of an item in a listsearching the value from the listpython find function listindex and element python listhow to find the index of an element in a listmatch an element in list pythonget index in array pythonhow to find a value in a list pythonindexes of a value in a list pythongetting the index of an element in a list pythonpython element find indexhow to get index from a list in pythonhow to access index of list in pythonhow to find element using index in pythonget index pythonhow to find an element in a list pythonreturn index of element in list pythonfinding certain values in list in pyhtoninsicies pythonlist python findpython get indexhow to find the index of a number in pythonhow get index in array pythonhow to find index of a value in the list in pythonhow to get index of value pythonhow to get element index in pythonindex of value pythonindex from list pythonfind indices of values in array pythonpython get index of element in array by valuepython item searchhow to find index of object in list pygonpython find element in list with stringhow to find index in a listindexof python listhow can we print the indexpython find position of string in listlocate item in list pythonpython find in listhow to return the position of an item in a list pythonhow to find the element in a list pythonpython array find value indexpython find index in find in list and get index in pythonarray python get indexfind an element index in list pythonpython find a element in a listposition of value in list pythonindex of function in pythonhow to find a value at given index in python listpython 3 get index of item in listhow to find the index of an element of a list in pythonfind index of listpython find indexfind position of an element in list pythonfind element in list pythonpython give item in list and identifypython find from listfind number based on index in pythonfind element in list where pythonhow to find index of element with inf pythonlist python search findfind index of item in arraypythonsearch list for most recent pythonhow to search an element from a listfind in list pythonhow to check index of the element in the list in pythonfind list in list pythonpython index listhow to find index of a value in a list pythonitem index in list pythonoutput position in list pythonindexof python arrayfind the value from list using indexstring find in list pythonhow to find index of a list in pythonhow to find a element in the list using pythonhow to find position of number in list pythonsearch element from list pythonpython find from list syntaxsearch python listfind element by value in list pythonhow to get index of element in listfind an element in list pythonget list index index python listlist index 28 29 in python for stringpython how to get list element by indexesfind index for value in list pythonhow to find index number in pythonhow to find the index in pythonfinding index of a number in pythonfind in list of list pythonindedx pythonhow to find a value from list in listpython list detectfind function from listpython find values in listlist and index in pythonpython get index of value in arrayfind index inside for value pythonlist find in pythonpython get list indicespython take index of valuepython search object in listfind entries in list python stringget index of a value in an array pythonpython make alist and search listget the index of a value in a list pythonsearch a value in a list pythonpython index returnspython find on listpython get index from value in listindex list pytonfind elements in a list pythonhow to find a item in list in pythonhow to check number index from list pythonhow to search from a list in pythonfind item in list