file exist python

Solutions on MaxInterview for file exist python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "file exist python"
27 May 2016
1import os
3os.path.exists("file.txt") # Or folder, will return true or false
28 Nov 2016
1import os.path
3if os.path.isfile('filename.txt'):
4    print ("File exist")
6    print ("File not exist")
28 Oct 2016
1import os.path
3if os.path.isfile('filename.txt'):
4    print ("File exist")
6    print ("File not exist")
26 Aug 2019
1import os.path
3if os.path.exists('filename.txt'):
4    print ("File exist")
6    print ("File not exist")
08 Jan 2021
1#using pathlib
2from pathlib import Path
4file_name = Path("file.txt")
5if file_name.exists():
6    print("exists") 
8    print("does not exist") 
19 Sep 2016
1import os
2filename = "creating file with python function"#your file name
3print("Do ",filename," exists:- ",os.path.exists(filename))
queries leading to this page
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