showing results for - "extended class call method from super in javascript"
07 Mar 2020
1// this is how we call method from a super class(i.e MAIN CLASS) to extended class
2class Person {
3 constructor(name, age) {
4 = name;
5  this.age = age;
6 }
7greet() {
8  console.log(`Hi, all my name is ${}`);
9 }
12class Employee extends Person {
13 constructor(name, age, employer) {
14  super(name, age);  // NOTE : super must call before accessing (this)
15  this.employer = employer;
16 }
18 greeting() {
19  super.greet();  // this is how we call
20  console.log(`I'm working at ${this.employer}`);
21 }
24let Steve = new Employee('Xman', 25 , 'Skynet');
26Steve.greeting(); // check by consoling MATE
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