django migrate not creating tables

Solutions on MaxInterview for django migrate not creating tables by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "django migrate not creating tables"
06 Jan 2017
1python migrate --fake APPNAME zero
2python migrate APPNAME
queries leading to this page
django not creating tables migratemigrations running but tables not creating postgresqlmigrate django table are not createddjango migrate does not create tablemigrate is not creating tables djanogdjongo migrate not creating tablesmake migrations work but migrate not in djangomigrate doesn 27tcreate database djangodjango migrate doesn 27t create tablewhy migrate file does not create in djangodjango model not migrate django migration does not create table problemmigration doesn 27t create table djangocan not migrate in djangodjango migration does not create tabledjango already creates tabledjango not creating tabledjango not making migrationsdjango initial migration not creating tablemanage py migrate is not creating the data tablestables not being created when i migrate djangopython manage py migrate not creating tablemigrate without creating table djangomigration isnt creating tabledjango not create migration filedjango 3 migrate not creating tablesdjango makemigrations does not create tabletablels are not created after migrate in djangoafter migrate why table are not making in django django migrate is not creating tablesdjango migrations does not create tabletable not create after migrate djangodjango migration did not create tabledjango does not migratemigrate doesnt seem to create any tablesdjango migrations not creating tablesmanage py django migrate not create all tabledjango migrate command not creating tablesdjango migration not adding tablecreate table without migration djangodjango makemigrations not creating tablesdjango migrate and create new tablesdjango table not in migrationsdjango 2 0 migrate not creating tablesdjango migrate not creating tablesdjango not creating migration filesdjango not creating tables migrate mongodbdjango not creating migrationsmigration not creating new table djangodjango make migration does not makedjango migration not creating tableafter running migrate tables are not creating in djngodjango migrate not creating querydjango migrate not creating tables