django hello world

Solutions on MaxInterview for django hello world by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "django hello world"
05 Jan 2020
1...\> django-admin startproject mysite
06 Jan 2021
1django hello world 
3python -m virtualenv myenv
5pip install -r requiremets.txt
7django-admin startproject [project-name] . 
8python startapp [app-name]
10project > >
13  .
14  .
15  .
16  [app-name]
19project > >
21from django.contrib import admin
22from django.urls import path,include
23urlpatterns = [
24    path('admin/',,
25    path('', include('home.urls')),
28app > >
30from django.urls import path
31from home import views
32urlpatterns = [
33    path('', views.index),
36app >
38from django.http.response import HttpResponse
39def index(request):
40    return HttpResponse('Hello world')
42python makemigrations home
43python migrate
44python runserver
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