discord js custom create channel

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17 Mar 2020
1let channelName = args.slice(0).join(' '); //Arguments to set the channel name
2message.guild.channels.create(channelName, {
3        type: "text", //This create a text channel, you can make a voice one too, by changing "text" to "voice"
4        permissionOverwrites: [
5           {
6             id: message.guild.roles.everyone, //To make it be seen by a certain role, user an ID instead
7             allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES', 'READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY'], //Allow permissions
8             deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES', 'READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY'] //Deny permissions
9		   }
10        ],
11      })
13//Note, you cant have, for example, VIEW_CHANNEL, in both allow and deny.