different ways to create pandas dataframe

Solutions on MaxInterview for different ways to create pandas dataframe by the best coders in the world

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17 Aug 2020
1>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]),
2...                    columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
3>>> df2
4   a  b  c
50  1  2  3
61  4  5  6
72  7  8  9
07 Jun 2016
1# Import pandas library
2import pandas as pd
4# initialize list of lists
5data = [['tom', 10], ['nick', 15], ['juli', 14]]
7# Create the pandas DataFrame
8df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Name', 'Age'])
10# print dataframe.
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dataframe df 5b 5b 5d 5dhow to make a dataframe pandascreating a pandas tabledatagramecreating a dataframe in python pandaspython define new dataframeusing pandas dataframecrerate a dataframe pythonpd dfpython create new dataframehow to declare a dataframe in pythonpanda dataframehow to make dataframe in python pandas 22pd dataframe 28 7b 27 22create a dataframe in pandas pythonpandas create dataframpd make dataframemake df pandaspython create data framecreat a new pd dataframe dataframepandas dataframe from data to columnpandas dataframepandas create new dfhow to create dataframe pythonpandas dataframe in pythoncreate a dataframe in python manuallydifferent ways to create a dataframe in pandasdataframe in dataframebuild dataframe pythonpython declare dfpython create a pandas dataframewhat is panda pythonbuild dataframe from scratch pandashow create dataframe in pandaswhat are pandascreate new df pandascreate df from df pythonmake a simple dataframenew labels pandascreate dataframe in pandascreate dataframemake dataframe from varaib 3be pythondeclare dataframe in pythonpandas python nedirpython to create a dataframepython panda dataframecreate a dataframe from a dataframecreat a dataframe create a data frame in pandashow to generate a data frame in pandawhat is pandas data framespython pandas column labelspandas dataframepandas create table from dataframewhat are dataframes in pandaspandas dataframe pythonpanda in pythoncereate dataframe pythonhow to create dataframe in pandasin python pandaspandas how to create a dataframehow to make a new dataframe in pandashow to create a dataframe using pandaspandas in pythondifferent ways to create dataframe in pandascreate a new dataframe in pandaspython creatre dataframepandas 22df 5b 7e 22pandas set dataframedf 5bdf 5d in pandascreate dataframe pandas from scratchcreating df in pandascreating data frame in python using pandascreating dataframe in pandashow to crate a dataframepandas dataframecreatee pandas dataframecreate a new df pythonpandas create dfdf create dataframecreating a dataframe with columnspandas make dfdefine pandas dataframes create dataframe using pythonwe can create dataframe using panda dfwhat is pandas dataframe in pythonnew dataframe pythonpython create table from dataframecreatea pandas dataframe with datahow to define a new dataframe in pythonpd dataframe 28 29 in pythonpython creating pandas dataframedefine new dataframe pythondataframe pandacreate simple dataframe in pandasbuild dataframe pandascreating a data frame with pandascreate a simple dataframepd create dfdatafram pdwhat is pd dataframe in pythonpython make dataframepandas make a new dataframedataframe 2adf pytohnmake a df in pandaswhat are pandas in pythonways to create dataframe in pandasconstruct pandas tablewhat is dataframe in pandascreate a dataframecreate pandas tablegenerate dataframe pandas manually create datafram pandaspandas python definitiondataframe pythonhow to create a pandas data framecreate a datafrma with datapandas manually create dataframepd dataframe python syntaxpandas dataframshow to create a dataframe pandasdataframeput a dataframe in to pandasmake a dataframe in pandascreate df in pandascreate data frame in pyhtonpd dataframe functionsdataframe 28 29pd to dataframepd dataframe pandas 5cobject in dataframe pythondatagrame pandaspandas df pythoncreating a dataframe with pandasdeclare dataframe pandashow to create dataset in pythonpandas make tabledataframe pandas python fordataframe newcreate dataframe input values pandaspython create a new data framepanda dataframe pythondataframes in pandaspandas functiondeclare a new pandas dataframecreate new dataframe pythoncreate pandas dataframe pythonhow to create a table using pandasfor df in df pandaspandas pymaking table in python pandawhat is data frame in pandas create new table pandasdata pandaspandas method to dataframecreate datafarme pandascreate nre dataframe pandshow to createa dataframepd dataframehow to create a pandas dataframepandas use dataframedatafram pythonpython create a pandas dataframe with lable for index and headersdeclare a new dataframe pythonphyton create new data framepandas python what iscreating a dataframe in pandaspython pandas dataframedf 3d pd dataframepandas declare dataframecreawt new dataframe in pythonways to create dataframepandas create a dfcreate pandas dfdata table create a data framehow to generate a dataframe in pythonpd dataframe creationdf datapython create dataframehow to create df in pandas pythondifferent ways to create pandas dataframecreate a dataframe from a dataframe pandascreate to a dataframe pythongenerate dataframepandas data series creation defaultcreate pandas arraycreate new pandas dataframecreate datafream i pandascreate a simple dataframe in pythonpython make a new dataframepy pandasmanually creating a dataframe in pythonpython create a dataframepython create dataframe from dataframedeclare a pandas dataframemake dataframe pandaswhat is a pandas dataframewhat are pandas pythonpd datframepandas dataframe methodmake a dataframe in pandahow to create new dataframe pandascreate dataframe python pandashow to use pandas dataframespython create dataframe pandaspd dataframe 28 7b 7d 29python new a dataframecreate pandas dataaframewhat is dataframe pandahow to create a df in pandascreate data frame pythonpandas data framecreate numerical dataframedataframe pandaascreate a simple df in pythonpandas new data framepython create a basic dataframepython what is pandasdeclare dataframe pythonas dataframe pandashow to create data frame in python how to create dataframes in pythondefine dataframe pandascreating a data frame in pythonpython dfpandas create a new dataframehow to work with dataframes in python pandasdataframe pytohncreate a dataframe python using pandascreat a dat framepanda dataframedataframe new dataframe data frame in pandascreate a dataframe from a dataframe in pythoncreate new dataframecreate dataframe in python 5ddataframe 5b 5d 5b 5d pandas syntaxpandas instantiate dataframepandas data frameshow to create a pd dataframehow to create a pandas sdataframcreate simple dataframeexample create dataframespython creating a pandas dataframedataframe create pythondf pandaspandas python 2cdefine pd dataframehow ot create data framecreate new dataframe with datapandas column to dataframecreate a dtaframe literal pandaspandas how create dataframepandas 5b 5b 5d 5ddf create new creating new dataframemake dataframe in pythonpandas dataframe dataframes pythoncreate df pandascreate a df pandascreating a new dataframe in python with valuespd pandaspython dataframe create dataframe from variablepandas creating dataframedataframe en pythonpython 2b create dataframehow to create a new dataframe from dfhow to create a dataframe from scratch pandaswhen i create a df in pythoncreate dataframe python with panadawhat is pandas in pythonpyhon pandashow to create data framehow to create a new pandas dataframedcreate dataframe pandas panda dataframepandas python 27 7e 27python pandas dfpandas df and pd dataframe 28data 3d 29how to construct a panda dataframecreate a dataframe with pandasdifferent way to with pandashow to create a dataframe pythondeclare pandas dataframehow to make a df in pythondataframe pandas dataframe data to columnbuild a pandas dataframe from scratchpandas dataframe from classcreating dataframe in pythondataframe with pandashow to create a new dataframein pandaspandas how to create dataframecrate data frame pandas how to make a pandas dataframecreate dataramecreate table with pandaspandas how to create a new dataframecreate data fram in pythondataframe in pandas in pythonhow ti create new dataframedf 3d pd dataframe pandas dataframe make newcreating a data framecreate a new dataframe pandascreate a data pandashow to create new dataframe in pandasmake dataframe in dataframes pandaspandas generate dataframegenerate pandas dataframedatafram methods pandashow to make a data frame python create a table from pandascreate a new dataframe in pythonpandas 7edfpandas dataframe what isdataframe from scratch pythonhow to pandas dataframehow to create a new dataframe in pandaswhat does pandas do pythonpanda create a dfhow to create a new df in pandas what is pandas in pythoncreate a data frame pythonhow to create a dataframe in pythonhow to use pandas dataframe in pythonhow to create a new dataframe pandascreate a dfpython for dataframemake dfpython create own dataframepandas function in pythoncan be used to create a dataframe in pandasmake a dataframe in pythonpandas new a dataframewhat is pandas pythoncreate dataframe fomr columns pandascreate a data frame pandascreating df pandascreate pd data framepandas create dataframepython pd create dataframemake a new dataframe pandaspandas dataframcrreate dataframewhat are the different ways a dataframe can be created in pandas 3fpandas ways to create dataframepandas pddataframes in pythonpd dataframe 28 29pandas generate datapython pandas 2chow to make pandas data frameways to create dataframe in pythongenerate a new dataframe pandas dataframe create a dataframehow to manually create a pandas dataframewhat is python pandaspd new dataframecreate a pandas dataframe examplecreate a new dataframehow to create a datafram in pandasnew pandas dfpd create data fraemcreate a pandas dfdataframe pandas python dataframe pandas how to create df in pandaspandas dataframedefine pandashow to create an dataframe in pythonhow to make a dataframe in pythoncreate a pandas dataframepython dataframe in dataframehow to create pandas dataframecreat dataframe in pandascreating the dataframe in pythonpython dataframe athow to create a dataframe from scratch pythonpdd dataframewhat is a dataframe pythonpython create pandasgenerate dataframe pythonpanda new dataframepandas pd 7ecreating a dataframecreate df in pandas dataframecreat a pandas dataframemake a pandas data framemaking a data in pythoncreating a new dataframecreate dataframe in python examplepython panda create dataframedeclare dataframedf dataframedata dataframepython how to make a dataframedataframe in pythonpandas creating a dataframedataframe by pandascreate dataframe pandas manuallywhat is dataframehow to create data frame in pandas python frame pandaspanda data frame create framepython data framecreating pandas dataframecreate a data frame in pythondefine pandas dataframecreate a dataframe pandas pythonpandas dataframe 3ahow to make a dataset in pandaspanda data framecreate data table pandas 22pd dataframe 28 7b 22pd create dataframecreate new dataframe in pythonmaking pandas dataframeconstruct a pandas tablecreate dataframe from a dataframe pythonmake a dataframepd dataframescrate dataframe pythonhow to create a new data framepd data framepandas make new datasetwhat is the dataframe constructordataframe pdwhat the use of dataframe in pandashow to work with pandas dataframedataframe in python pandasmake new dataframe pandasdataframe create python c3 bcdataframe pandas definitionmaking pandas datqaframecrea dataframe pythonwhat is dataframe in pythoonpython pandas new dataframein how many ways we can create dataframe in pandascreate dataframe in python with datahow to create new dataframe in pythonpandas create data framewhat is pd in pandaspd dataframe createcreate datafram using pandashow create pandas dataframehow to manually create a dataframebuild a dataframe pandascreate a new pd dataframecreate data frame in pythonpython pd dataframepd create data framecreate df pythonpandas python 22create a data frame 22pandas in pytoncreate dataframe in pythoncreate dataframe using pandasmake dataframecreate a dataframe using pandascreate pd dataframe dataframe 2c pythonpanda dataframe what ispandas df 5b 27 27 5d 5b 27 27 5ddataframe 28 29 pythondf in pandascreate dataframe c3 bdthonpandas dataframe methodscreate a dataframe pandapandas create a data framepd dateframepandas dataframe creationhow to use dataframe pandasmake new dataframepython make pandas dataframepython data 3a dataframe 3d pandaspandas dataframe 7epandas python dataframecreate dataframe with datain pandas dataframecreate new dataframe pandas pythonpandas make dataframecreating dataframe with pandaspandas dataframe into dataframecreate simple pandas dataframedataframe createpanda dataframe functionpandas dataframespython create a new pandas dataframedata frame pythonhow to create dataframe pandahow to create a dataframe from a dataframe in pythonto create a pandas dataframe data pandascreate pandas df pythonhow to create a dataframe in pandaspd dataframe 28pandas definition pythondataframe creation pandashow to make a new dataframehow to create a dataframe in python pandascreate a dataframe datacreate dataframe pandasset up df pandaspython pandas create dataframeconstruct dataframe in pandahow to create a new dataframe in pandas 3fpd dataframe create new dataframecreating dataframes pandaspython dataframesdataframe in dataframe pythonpandas make new dataframedata frames pandascreate python dataframecreating a dataframe python pandascreate dataframe in pytoncreate a dataframe pythonhow to use pandas dataframedataframe wat ishow to make a dataframe pythonpd dataframe pandashow to create a dataframe with pandascreate a data frame create a df in pandascreate pd dataframepandas table pythonpandas datagramecreaten dataframe pythonpd create dataframewhat is a dataframe in pythoncreate dataframe in pythonmanually create a dataframe in pandasbuild pandas dataframepython pandas how to create a dataframepandas dataframe createpd dataframecreate a dataframe with pandaaspandas make 2d datafframehow to create dfnew pandas dataqframecreating a data frame based on a data framepandas pd 22 7e 22declare new pandas dataframenew dataframehow to make pandas dataframehow to create dataframehow to create new dataframes in pythoncreate a new dataframe python pandaspandas columns to dataframehow to create a data framedataframe build datawhat is dataframe in python pandashow to create dataframe dataframe with indexpandas create a new tablecreate dfnew dataframe pandaspd dataframcreate a pd dataframeuse pandas to create tablecreate dataframe from dataframewhat is pandashow to create dataframe in python pandashow to make a new dataframe in pythonpandas pd dataframepython pandas make dataframecreate new dataframe python pandaspython dataframelabelling attributes pandascreate new dataframe from dataframe pandascreate dataframe in python pandasaccess pandas datafram 5dpandas datafrom creating dataframehow to create a dataset in pythondf create 28 29pandas create a data framecreate dataframe pythonpandas dataframe datawhich in pandas dataframecreate your own dataframe pandaspd dataframe 28 7bcreating a df in pandascreate data frame pandashow to make new dataframe in pandaspython dataframwhat is pandas dataframemaking a dataframe in pythoncreate simple dataframe pythonhow to declare a new dataframe pandasccreate a dfpandas python 7epandas datframe from scratchcreate new dataframe in pandasdataframe pandas createpandas make new dfmaking a dataframe in pandashow to make a dataframe in python pandaspandas create a toplines dataframehow to create new pandas dataframepandas dataframe 7ccreate dataframe fomr file pandashow to create a datfram ein pythoncreate the data framemake a df pandasdf new dfcreating a data frame pandaspandas new dfwhy use pandas dataframes 3fpandas dataframnepyhton create dataframedataframe in pandashow to create dataframe pandasuse a dataframe to create datadata frame pandasnew pandas dataframecreate dataframe with pandascreate a dataframe in python using pandaspandas dataframe how to createcreate a dataframe pandascreate a new dataframe pythonhow to create pandas dataframe in pythonhow to create a dataframehow to create a new dataframe in pythonpython new pandas dataframehow to create pd dataframecreate a df in pythoncreating a pandas dataframeinitial dataframe pythonhow to create a data frame pythonhow to declare a dataframe in pandaspandas build dataframepanda create a dataframemake a data frame pythonmake pandas dataframecreation of a dataframecreate dataframe with dataframecreate new dataframe pythonmaking a dataframe pandaspython declare dataframepandas make a dataframehow to make dataframe in pandashow to make dataframe pandaspanda python dataframedf data frame python how to define a pandas datafame with columns onlycreating a dataframe pandasdatafram pandaspandas df 5b 7ehow to make a dataframe in pandaspd dataframewhat is dataframe in pythonwhat is a dataframe pandaspandas in dataframescreate a dataframe in pythonpython creating dataframepython how to create new dataframecreate pandas dataframe from pandas dataframeconstruct pandas dataframedf 3d pd dataframe 28 29attribute to pandas dataframecreate dataframe of dataframesnew dataframe in pythonhow to make a pdpandas create new dataframepd dataframe createcreat new dfhow to make dfhow to make data frame in pythoncreating a new pandas dataframemaking dataframe in pandascreate data table in python pandadataframe create pandasdataframes pandas python pandas create a new data framedata framehow to work with pandas dataframescreateting dataframemanual dataframe pandashow to create a df from scratchpandas new dataframe create new data framehow to create dataframe dataframepython make dataramecreate a new pandas dataframehow to create a df in pythoncreate df in python dataframe with pandasmake panda dataframepandas how to make a dataframepanda create dataframehow to create new dataframepython how create dataframehow to ccreate new dataframe in pandaspython dataframe objectcreate a pandas dataframe in pythonwhat is a dataframehow to make something a dataframe in pythoncreate new dfhow to create dataframe in pythonhow to create new df pandasusing pandas dataframe in pythoncreate dataframe pd 7c python pandas dataframepandas datapython how to create a dataframehow to make data frame in pandascreate a datafram python pandascreating dataframe pandaspd dataframe how to createpandas how to make dataframehow to create a dataframe in ptyhonwhat are python pandaspandas dataframe from scratchcreating a dataframe pythonpandas pythondataframe creationmaking a new df in pandaswhat is a dataframe in pandashow to make dataframe in pythonmake a pandas dataframepandas create tablepd dataframe pythonpandas frameworcreate an dataframehow to create new dataframe pythoninput df 3e input pandas dataframepython pythan create dataframecreating data frame in pythondeclare new dataframebuild dataframe in pandascreate dataframe pandas pythoncreate a new df in pandasnew dataframe in pandashow to make panda dataframedataframe creation pythondataframe python pandas 7b 7d pandasmake dataframe pythonpython panda and pandascreate dataframe pytohnhow to make dataframe dataframe create new making a dataframehow to declare new dataframecreating a panda dataframecreate own dataframe pythonbuild new dataframe pandas 2a pandas dataframedf create pandasmake a dataframe pandashow to craete pd dataframecreate panda dataframemake dataframe pdmake new pandas dataframecreate simple dataframe pandasdataframe python datpandas create dataframe programmaticallypandas create dataframe with valuespython pandasmake a dataframe pythonhow to build a dataframe in pythondataframe make pandascreate dataframe in python fcreate pandas dataframe from scratchcreate a dataframe in pandasmaking dataframe dataframe pandascreat dataframe pandashwo to create a table from dataframe in pythoncreate df from dfmake a data framehow to create a dfwhat is dataframe in pandapython create pandas dataframecreating a new dataframe pandasdata frame pandahow to create the dataframe in pythondeclare a dataframe in pythoncreating a dataframe in pythonmake dataframe pandas pythoncreate dataframe in python using pandas data dataframecreate pandas dataframe in pythonpandas create a dataframepython new dataframefor df in df pythoncreate new dataframe pandasdata pandaspandas dataframe functionshow to create new dataframe from given valuescreate pandas dataframe columnsbuild dataframepython dataframe createinit pandas dataframepython pands df createcreating a pandas dfhow to make a dataframecreate pandas dataframecreate the dataframe in pythondf how to create a dataframe creating dataframs in pandascreating in df in pandascreate pd dataframe with pandacreate dataframes pandas dataframe in pythonpython populate dataframehow to create a new dataframepandas dataframe makecreate dataframe in pythongenerate dataframe in pythonmake a data frame in pythonpandas to dataframewhat does pandas do in pythondataframe creation in pythonwhat does pandas dohow to make a panda dataframedeclare new dataframe pandascrate dataframe pandashow to generate dataframe in pythonpandas dfpandas createhow to create a data frame pandaspandas dataframe in python 3pandas dataframpandas create dataframewhat is pandascreat data frame in pytho nhow to declare a pandas dataframedifferent ways to create pandas dataframe