destructuring object from a nested object

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showing results for - "destructuring object from a nested object"
13 Oct 2019
1const person = {
2    name: 'labib',
3    age: 22,
4    job: 'web-developer',
5    frieds: ['ahsik', 'abir', 'alvi', 'hanafi'],
6    childList: {
7        firstChild: 'Salman',
8        secondChild: 'Rafi',
9        thirdChild: 'Anfi'
10    }
13//simple destructuring
14const { name, age, job } = person;
15console.log(name, age, job);
16//Expected output: labib 22 web-developer
04 Mar 2016
1const person = {
2    name: 'labib',
3    age: 22,
4    job: 'web-developer',
5    frieds: ['ahsik', 'abir', 'alvi', 'hanafi'],
6    childList: {
7        firstChild: 'Salman',
8        secondChild: 'Rafi',
9        thirdChild: 'Anfi'
10    }
12const { frieds: [a, b, c] } = person; //array destructuring from a nested object 
13console.log(a, b, c);
14//expected output: ahsik abir alvi;
15const { childList: { firstChild, secondChild } } = person; //object destructuring from a nested object
16console.log(firstChild, secondChild)
17//expected output:Salman Rafi
17 Oct 2018
1const person = {
2    firstName: 'Adil',
3    lastName: 'Arif',
4    age: 25,
5    job: 'web-developer',
6    love: 'coding',
7    friedsList: {
8        friend1: 'Abir',
9        friend2: 'Adnan'
10    }
12const { friend1, friend2 } = person.friedsList;
13console.log(friend1, friend2);
14//Expected output: Abir Adnan
31 Sep 2020
1const user = {  id: 339,  name: 'Fred',  age: 42};
2const {name} = user;
3console.log(name); //Expected output: fred
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