descendent selector in css

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Juan Sebastián
02 Apr 2017
1The descendant combinator — typically represented by a single space ( ) 
2character — combines two selectors such that elements matched by the second
3selector are selected if they have an ancestor 
4(parent, parent's parent, parent's parent's parent, etc) 
5element matching the first selector. 
8  h1 ul {
9    border : 1px solid #f1f1f1;
11Explanation: This above CSS code snippet will select all the 'ul' (unordered list)
12			 tags which are preceeded by an 'h1' (header tag).
13/*the best way to understand is to practice by implemetation.
14Create a html file with lots of h1 and ul elements to understand by
15implementing CSS on them*/
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