showing results for - "cypress graphql request example"
Diego Alejandro
03 May 2019
1    const query = `{
2        findUser(username:"hello")
3        {
4            id
5        }
6    }`;
8    cy.request(
9        {
10            url: 'http://localhost/graphql/',  // graphql endpoint
11            body: { query },  // or { query: query } depending if you are writing with es6
12            failOnStatusCode: false  // not a must but in case the fail code is not 200 / 400
13        }
14    ).then((res) => {
15        cy.log(res);
16    })
24 Jun 2019
1// --------------------------------------
2// Mock GraphQL requests with stubs.
3// --------------------------------------
4Cypress.Commands.add('mockGraphQL', stubs => {
5  cy.on('window:before:load', win => {
6    cy.stub(win, 'fetch', (...args) => {
7      console.log('Handling fetch stub', args)
8      const [url, request] = args
9      const postBody = JSON.parse(request.body)
10      let promise
12      if (url.indexOf('api') !== -1) {
13        stubs.some(stub => {
14          if (postBody.operationName === stub.operation) {
15            console.log('STUBBING', stub.operation)
16            promise = Promise.resolve({
17              ok: true,
18              text() {
19                return Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(stub.response))
20              }
21            })
22            return true
23          }
24          return false
25        })
26      }
28      if (promise) {
29        return promise
30      }
32      console.log('Could not find a stub for the operation.')
33      return false
34    })
35  })