curl php

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showing results for - "curl php"
19 Jan 2018
1$ch = curl_init();
2curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");
3curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
4curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$vars);  //Post Fields
5curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
7$headers = [
8    'X-Apple-Tz: 0',
9    'X-Apple-Store-Front: 143444,12',
10    'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
11    'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate',
12    'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5',
13    'Cache-Control: no-cache',
14    'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
15    'Host:',
16    'Referer:', //Your referrer address
17    'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0',
18    'X-MicrosoftAjax: Delta=true'
21curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
23$server_output = curl_exec ($ch);
25curl_close ($ch);
27print  $server_output ;
28 Oct 2016
3$post = [
4    'username' => 'user1',
5    'password' => 'passuser1',
6    'gender'   => 1,
8$ch = curl_init();
9curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
10curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
11curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
12$response = curl_exec($ch);
23 Aug 2019
1// set post fields
2$post = [
3    'username' => 'user1',
4    'password' => 'passuser1',
5    'gender'   => 1,
8$ch = curl_init('');
9curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
10curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
12// execute!
13$response = curl_exec($ch);
15// close the connection, release resources used
18// do anything you want with your response
27 Jan 2018
1PHP cURL GET Request
2A GET request retrieves data from a server. This can be a website’s HTML, an API response or other resources.
6$cURLConnection = curl_init();
8curl_setopt($cURLConnection, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://hostname.tld/phone-list');
9curl_setopt($cURLConnection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
11$phoneList = curl_exec($cURLConnection);
14$jsonArrayResponse - json_decode($phoneList);
23 Nov 2020
1function getUrl($url){
2    $ch = curl_init($url);
3    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
4    $response = curl_exec($ch);
5    curl_close($ch);
6    return $response;
08 Sep 2019
1// Initialize Curl 
2 $curl = curl_init();
3 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); // set live website where data from
4 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); // default
5 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // default
6 $content = curl_exec($curl);
8 preg_match_all('!<p color="text3" class="sc-AxhUy bzeXdk coin-item-symbol" font-size="1">(.*?)</p>!', $content, $matches);
10 var_dump($matches);
queries leading to this page
curl function in phpcurl php example with headerscurl i phpphp curl optionsphp curl defining cremesend post data via curl phpget curl header phphow to post data using curl phpcurl call phpphp specify curl get requestcurl to php curlrequisi c3 a7 c3 a3o post curl phpphp curl put requestecho curl get response phpmake http request curl phpphp string to curlphp curl request get headerset header curl post phpphp curlphp basic curl requestphp 7 curl examplecurl php get requestphp curl send post requestphp simple curl examplephp curl get header parametersminimal curl phpdo get request curl phpcurl add header phpreturn result curl phppost request with curl phpcurl get 5c headers phpphp simple get curlphp setup curl headercurl on chromesimple curl get phphow to use the response from curl phptest curl php script hello worldcurl php method get postphp curl header and bodyphp curl pistheaders in curl phpphp curl send headersphp curl get set headerget set header in curl phpphp get bash curl responsephp get response header curlcurl get examplecurl php headersphp basic curl getsending requests using curl in phpphp requests 3a 3apost curlcurl test phpuse curl phpphp curl get pagedo a curl call phpphp curl get a website contentuse curl php postget curl options phpmake put curl phpcurl usage in phpcurl functions in phpcurlp post phpcurl get div classphp curl get codeget header number php curlphp curl return headersphp curl send request headerphp curl set browser headercurl in phpheaders with curl phpcurl get request php wwhy we use curl in phpcurl a url phpcurl php post method callphp curl response dataphp curl local php function set request header in php curlmake get curl phpphp curl isphp curl get element by classset header in curl phpcurl request in phpphp get curl headerscurl i phpphp curl get request examplecurl send post request in phpget request in php using curlget curl http response headers phpcurl print request url phpphp curl execute requestcurl php return header informationadd header php curlcurl url php examplephp create response for curl requestphp curl documentationcurl get request header phpcurlfile in phpphp curl request header and bodyset curl header phpcurl set http header php get php curlphp post with curlpost data in php curlcurl request headers php curlphp curl print headersset headers in curl phpcurl request php with headerscurl get request example phphow to get curl response headers in phphow to get response code from curl phpphp curl post jsoncurlopt post curlphp 29 curl postheader with curl phpphp curlfilecurl get set header phpphp curl get headers as arrayphp curl test exampleapi curl phplinux php curlphp curl outputcurl do phprequest get curl phpcurl get request phpphp get curl response dataphp display headers curlhow to send headers in curl phpinstall curl phpput request in curl phpcurl php set up header postcurl simple get request in phpcurl setopt headers phpphp curl post request phpphp curl bashphp curl with post dataphp run curl requestcurl to phppphp curl get response infosend request curl php header postcurl exec php examplescurl response phpcurl php with normal headersphp curl post with datapost curl phpphp curl get request apicurl post phpmake get request with php curlhow to use curl with phpphp recieve curl requestphp check curlwhat is curl function in phpphp easy curlphp set curl optionsphp put curlenable curl in php inipphp curl callphp curl request with headercurl header and request in phphow use php curlhow to set header in curl phpsend post request php curlpost request curlphp curl add header parametersphp to curlphp curl get javascript curl sample code phpphp dynamic curl servicefunction curl with header and body phpphp curl getphp curl methodphp curl get infophp curl installphp convert to curlphp curl postphp 7 curladd headers in curl phpphp curloptphp curl post headersphp curl exec propertiescurl request body php headershow to send data to curl in phpcurl use in phpcurl get request php with headerscreate curl request phpcurl ss https 3a 2f 2fgetcomposer org 2finstaller 7c phphow to send curl 22get 22 request phpphp get value from curl responsesend post request phpcurl php get response headersget data using curl in phpsimple php curl getphp curl post form dataphp curl display responsecurl https request phpget response http php curlphp curl header variableget curl error phpphp curl how to get curl data phpget in curl phpcurl http header phpcurl php exampleshow to get headers php curlcurl a url php apicurl request php getcurl passing header phpphp curlget curl request resultphp curl send headerhow to get data using curl in phpview curl request phpphp curl put php variable into headerscurlopt header phpcurl php api tutorialadding curl in phpphp get php curlcan i get the code curl from curl library phpphp curlphp curl packagephp curl requestabusing curl phpcurl get example phpset header curl phpcurl in php example with headersend get request curl phpphp curl set headermake get curl call in phpheaders in php curlphp curl rest clientphp curl obtain full requestbasic curl phpphp curl send form data get methodphp curl retreisserver get request php curlcurl php documentationphp curl request outputmake simple curl request phpphp run basic curl getphp curl get request headers as arraycurlhandle phpphp curl get response including headersphp simple https curlsend curl request phpphp curl api call postcurl php to curl commandphp curl for getcurl status phpcurl php token closecurl php post jsonphp check curl headersheader in curl phpmake post request php curlpost curl php headercurl add headerhow to use php curl response in jsget website page data using curl phpcurl get header response phpphp curl headers responsecreate curl api phphow to check request headers of curl in phpphp curl result somethingphp curl get methodphp curl http response codecurl set method phpphp curl responsecurl send data in phpbasic curl script with php responsehow to add header to php curlconvert php to curlpost data php curlcurl exampleget curl request in phpsimple curl post request phpcurl phpphp simple curl get requestphp curl get request samplecurl send post phpcurl get requestphp curl requestrget curl http response code phpphp request by curlphp curl with javascriptcurl php filephp curl get headershow to echo curl response in phpcall api in php using curl set headercurl php set postdoes php use curlbasic api with php curlphp curl url header and dataphp basic curl post examplephp get curl request objectphp get curl responsecurl options phpphp curl get response headersphp pass api in curlcurl as post phpphp curl terminalpost api using curl phpcurl phpprint request using curl phpphp 7 4 curl postcurl post with data phphow to see curl options in phpwhats php curlphp sample curlphp curl read header responsephp curl in getsend request php curlphp curl getphp curl get data simpleget result from curl phpphp curl get response codeget div with curl phpcurl get request headers phpphp curl sampleget curl response headers phpphp get request using curlcurl php get parametersphp use curl to post apicurl call in phpget request with curlcurl parameters post phpoutput curl phpphp curl scriptusing curl funciton in phphad headers curl phpcurl return headers phpphp make curl get requestsend curl request get phpcurl get header phpphp curl headersend get php curlpost curl data phpcurl php header bodyphp curl headers for browsersend a post request in curl phpallow curl in header phpuse php curlsend curl command post phpget curlopt header phpecho get request curl phpcurl echo response phpget response from curl phpcurl result code in phpprint curl request php 3c 3fphp 24ch 3d curl init 28 29 3b curl setopt 28 24ch 2c curlopt url 2c 27https 3a 2f 2fconfig e droid netphp curl response objectcurl get result phpphp curl with headersget headers response from curl phpcurl headers post phpconvert php code to curlwhich request curl sent in phpcurl options to know in phpcurl ca phpcurlopt php getcurl to php requestget response headers curl phpcurl response code phpcurl setopt post datamake curl post request phpsend data curl post phpsend post data in curl phpphp request get headers curlphp examplewhat is curl do in phpcurl php post with header data in phpphp curl for websiteget request php curlget curl from chromehow to send post request in curl phpphp curl httponlycurl body phpphp curl classphp how to curlpost curl example phpcurl get request in phpphp ext curlusin php curlcurl php exemplephp curl what isphp curl add headersphp curl post request and get responsephp post curlphp curl https phpphp curl list headerscurl return header body phpphp curl set headersphp set curl headerphp curl header parametersphp curl lphp curl get contenthow to fetch a curl exec header in phphow to pass header in curl in phpget method curl call in phpadd header in curl phpbasic curl script with phpphp retrieve curl commandcurl post body phpphp curl with postcurl to php with headerusing curl phpcurl setopt get requestmethod post with curl phpsend header curl phpphp installing curlhow use curl in phpphp curl setoptphp curl post requestget header from curl response phpphp curl echo requestcurl get post phpexecute get request with curl phpcurlopt httpheader postphp curl post request apiphp curl request headerscurl php requestcurl send phpphp curl post get responsephp print curl optionsget value from curl phphow to set header in php curlphp curl filecurl get php examplehttp header curl phpget headers from curl phpcurl php samplecurl simple get phpperform curl get requests phpcurlopt gethow to view curl headers phpphp curl get full requestphp curl put examplephp how to use curlcurl send data phpphp post curl usercurl post with headers phpget request curl phpget data passed by curl request phpphp what is a curlsend curl post with phpprint header in curl in phpcurl alternative phpphp curl localhostphp curl response http codecurl api get phpcurl setopt header phpphp access curl response valuephp curl request getchrome to curl requesthttps curl phpphp curl putcurl api in phpcreating a php curl post requestphp curl header optionshpw to use curl with phpphp curl get dataphp curl requestphp curl get request dataphp get response from curlphp curl with parametersphp post request curl returnphp curl get request with loginprint the headers of curl in phpphp cli curl requestexplain curl in phpphp curl headersphp curl serverhow to send header in curl phpsend post request in curl phpphp curl 24headersusing php curlcurl headercurl post example phpcurl post request with headers phpphp get curl request headerscurl command to phpphp check curl request madecurl post request examplewhat is the use of curl in phphow to use curl in phpget http response from curl phpshow header info in curl response phpphp curl post specifyhow to use curl in php with examplessample curl code phpphp curl curlopt headerphp curl execute set get request curl phphow to get son in curl phpset header php curlcurl info phprunning curl in phpget result of curl phpphp curl post with parameterscurl post url phpget curl request phpphp curl set header postphp curl get resultcurl put phpphp curl add multiple headerssend get request by curl in phpphp curl full examplephp curl get response headeruse cases of curl function in phpphp curl httpsphp curl set request headerphp send curl requestcurl get https phpphp curl post localhostphp curl libraryphp make curlget data from curl request phpphp post fields curladd header to curl get request in phpmake simple curl request php with commandphp and curlphp curl response headergenerate curl request in phpphp curl set postcurl request with headers phphandle curl request php php curl path headerphp api curl examplecurl set headers phppost curl in phpget curl http code phpadd headers to curl phpphp curl code 27how to get curl post data in phpphp get response from curl postcurl with header in phpcurl call with get method in phphow to read curl response in phpreturn curl response phpphp curl send get with headerssimple php get request curlusing a curl functionality in phpphp curl print http headersget request using curl phpcurl post php examplesample get curlheader curl phphow to receive curl post data in phphow to pass curl post data in phpphp curl header optset header in curl request phpcurl send get phpphp curl simple get requesttest curl request phpcurl in php get methodcurl script post in phpphp curl exemplephp check curl executehow to curl in phpphp make curl callphp curl graphql examplephp curlopt headerphp curl curl php send curl post to urlcurl php get exampleget curl phpphp curl set request to getphp get curlphp send post via curlcurl post with header and bodyphp make get request curlcurl for post request phpheaders types in curl phpphp curl returnget response headers in curl phprecieve header response via curl phpcurl post header phpphp curl to curl commandhow to return header in curl phpphp print curl requestphp curl request examplephp curl syntaxphp curphp curl acceptsend get request with curl phpcurl get request example in phpphp curl stringphp curl parse headersphp curl request methodsimple curl request api phpsimple curl phphow to get curl result phpsimple curl request phpphp curl print response headersn c3 a3o permite curl phpphp manual curlcomo passar curl user para phpcurlwhat is curl php 3fmake a post request using php curl curl chromehow to get request curl phpphp curl downloadcurl post string phpphp curl http headerpost data in curl phpphp curl curlopt httpheaderphp curl request post datamake a get request in curl in phpcurl send post data phpcurl php example post jsonphp curl 2fcurlphp curl get urlphp curl send get dataphp curl as browserphp curl get html responsemake curl call in phpphp curl example requestcurl send post request phpcurl exec example phpwhy need curl in php phps curlphp curl request with header postcustom header curl in phpcurl get headers phpget headers from php curl requestphp return curl response codecurl with phpcurl in php usephp curl post jsonget curl result phpphp curl access control request methodphp curl request with headerssend post curl phpcurl post in phpjs to php curl example curl client tutorial php php curl example codecurl and php examplephp run curl syntaxphp post data using curlphp curl browsercurl example with headers phpphp curl jscurl https phpsend post curl requesthow to make a put request using curl in phpphp curl set headers phphow to add curl in php inicurl php post exampleget php curl requestsee php curl requestsphp run curl get requesthow to get response from curl phpcurl php method postecho 24 postphp curl javascript codecurl example in phpphp curl api tutorialcurlopt post phpcurl add headers phphow get the data from curl response in phpcurl in localhost for phpget response header in php curlphp curl return codephp curl get request with headers examplephp curl get responsephp curl only get headersphp get curl respponsephp curl example codephp install curlphp curl response headersset get method in curl phpexample curl phpphp curl basic examplecurl php add headercurl phppostphp curl setopt 28 24curl 2c curlopt httpheader 2cphp do curl getphp curl complete request curl for get request phphow to post data using curl in phpcurl get error phphow to send curl get request phpcurl php custom headercurl php headerhow to use php curl to post to an apiphp function curl postusing curl in phpcurl php methodadd header curl phpcurl with parameters phpphp sample crul requestphp curl set header parameterscurl post method in phpget curl post response code phpcurl headers request phpphp 8 curlchecking curl response phpcurl php apiphp curl response codehow to pass header in curl phpphp curl simple example 5dsend curl request php postcurl init example phpphp curl gecli curl post in phpphp how to read curl response headerput curl example phppost request curl phpphp curl insatllset headers in php curlphp curl send postphp get curl response codeuse curl in php getcurl init get method phpoutput headers only curl phpcurl from phpcurl php scriptcurlopt header add header to curl phpsend post request with php curlweb curl in phpcurl post request php exampleget curl response code phpcurl post request php headercurl php post request on httpsdo a curl post request phpphp curl 24display headers in curl phpcurl post operation phphow to use php curlget curl content phphow to do a curl request in phpcurl php arrayprint php curl request in browsercurl to phpphp curl https to httpphp curl set header variablecurl get response headers phpcurlopt url phpphp curl callcurl put php exampleget curl data phpphp curl post from urladd header to curl request phpcurl php get responsephp curl get request with headersphp curl get request and headerpass headers in curl phpphp curl print requestuse curl in php filecurl php get headerscheck curl connection phpcurl in php postsend post php curlcurl en phpphp curl rest apiphp curl send http get requestcurl method get phpparameters curl phpphp curl get return headersphp curl get method examplephp post from https to http curlphp simple curl curl api phpcurl php send postcurl php postbasic curl get request phpcurl get request php examplephp basic curlphp curl see request headersphp curl see curl requestcurl get request in terminalphp output curl requestphp curl get parametersphp curl get with headersphp curl function aboutwhat is curl command in phpin curlk how to write get method phpphp curlopt postphp curl codehttp post request php curlphp get curl requestdisplay curl response phpadd curl header in phpphp curl post with headersphp curl testwhat is curl in php with examplecurl get response phpimport curl in phppost data through curl phphow to generate a curl command from curl phpphp api request curlphp curl get everythingphp curl post response codecurl request get phpsimple curl get example phphttp post curl php examplephp curl get command line stringcurl sample phpmake php get curlcurl php pagecurl get in phpphp curl request in postmanphp curl request objectget curl type get in phphow do i use curl phpcurl in core php examplephp curlfrom curl to phphow to see headers curl phpphp curl get detailsfetch data from live website curl phpphp curl execute javascripthow to test curl phpphp curl https request to httpcurl post request with headers in phphow to pass http referer header php curlpost request in curl phpphp curl post request with authentication make curl request phpphp curl see requestcurl post exampl phpget api call curl in php with headersphp curl 3fphp curl header parsephp crul requesthow to add to header in php with curlphp curl requesthow curl phpphp curl get headers from responsephp curl push examplesmaking get request in php curl with headerscurl with post data phpphp get curl post datause curl with k phpcurl php set post datacurl simple get request phpcurl extension enabledphp 27s curlphp curl get request with parametersusing curl with phpphp curl post and get responsephp get curl objectphp read curl requestcurl for https post phpget header response curl phpphp return curl responsecurl php post parameterscurlopt post in phpphp curl send current url with requestaccess value from curl phpcurl for phprequest php curl gertphp curl parameterscall curl from phpget curl php file usin how to use curl phphow to create function for curl request in phpcurl to php curl requestcurl to phpphp curl request api with headerresponse header php curlcurl to requests phpget html php curl examplephp curl put headerscurl in php getwhy curl in phphow to get data from curl response in phpphp basic curl examplehow to curl api in php with http headerset headers curl phpcurl program in phpget data from curl in phpmaking get request in php curlphp header curlput curl phphow to return curl response from localhost in phpphp show curl headers senthow to use curl to post data phpphp do curl get requestphp curl get contentsget curl in phpcheck curl phpphp curl post request with headers examplesend post with curl phpphp curl set methodphp curl get post requestget data from php curl callphp curl siteuse curl in phpcurl sent post phpphp curl get 5dcurl php get full requestcurl h php 5bphp curl exampelcurl php request examplephp curl ucurl get response header phpphp echo curl informationcurl command phpsend header in curl phphow to get response code from curl in phpcurl post php examlephp curl retrieve headersextract content from http curl header phpphp echo curlhow have https with curl in phpcurl php get requesrthow to get curl phpphp k curl requestphp new curl 28 29what is curl in phpcurl php print requestphp curl http codephp curl is postphp post request curlhow to setup curl for phpphp curl get response and headers of urlhow to use curl to post data in phpcurl request type phpcurl package in phpphp send post request curlconver php curl request to curlcurl get phpphp curl post exampleenable curl in phpcurl php getcurl post request example php php recieve post curlphp curl tutorial for beginnerscurl in header phpphp get curl request responsecurl in php functyiomnreceive post curl request phpphp simple curl requestsimplest php curl examplephp make curl getinputstream php curl putpost data using curl phpphp curl set method gethow to see php curl requesthow to write curl request http headers phppost api curl phpcurl with header and post data in phpphp curl how to usephp curl set getcurl header response phpphp load curlphp send post request curl functionphp get info about curl request that was madeecho curl response phpcurl 5ccurl phpphp curl code for post with headersphp how return curl responsepost php with curlcurl d paramscurl file phpget request with curl phphow to view sent headers php curlphp recieve post curl and responsephp curl post adding headerscurl post mes phpphp curl modulesimple curl get request phphow to set headers in php curlcurl send post request with headers phpphp curl examplecurl request in php examplecurl get method in phpphp curl infocurl doc phpphp curlopt headerfunctioncurl php post httpscurl post php headerspost code php curlget curl info phpphp curl apipass header in post curl in phpget response code curl phpphp curl get headerhow to use curl in phjpphp curl post datadisplay curl result phpphp curl show requestphp curl https examplephp post apiphp curl api callphp curl allphp curl requetpost data with curl phpeample of curl setoptrecieve php curl requestphp curl set request headersphp curl from command linewhat does php curl dophp curl get exampleget headers from curl request phpcurl post phpphp get headers from curl responsecurl in php usagecurl library phpphp curl get functionresponse headers from curl request phpphp curl get requesthow to print curl request made phpcurl into phphow to curl with phpphp https curl workscurl with parameters post phphow to create curl in phphow to add header in curl phpphp post using curlget headers with curl phpcurl php librarycurl in php examplecurl php get headerphp curl send http requestsend get request php curlcurl function get in phpget response header php curlcurl method for phpcurl http post header phpcurl get header location phpcurl headers phpphp curl dataphp use curlphp curl post body with variablescurl to phpcheck php curl request header and bodyphp sample curl request with headerscurl options request phpwhere php curl locatedget method curl phpcreate curl request in phpget the curl data phpphp curl with get paramscurl to send post request phpget curl info from phpphp curl request only headersphp curl api postphp curl get request httpscurl post data phpphp curl post parametershow to use curl post mehtod in phpdo you need to include curl php 3fphp send get curlcurl get request phpphp curl see response headerscurl get request with headers phpphp curl send get request with headerscurl post request in phpphp curl getoptget request in curl phphow to send get request in curl phpcurl request headers phpphp curl opost curl with header phpcurl tutorial phpget curl request from chromesend post request using curl phpmake http request post curl phpphp curl add headersending headers with curl phpcurl php format responseget in php curlphp curl get http codephp get imagefromcamerasimple request curl phpopen http using curl phpphp make post request curlphp curl rest librarycurl php post requestcurl h phpcurl with post phpphp curl example headercurl php return response headers and bodyphp send to jabber curlphp curl functionphp curl methodsget http code curl phpcurl header set in php curl psot phpcurl php tutorialphp curl getoptcurl php variable in headerphp allow curl postheader number php curlphp curl get callcurl make post request phpcurl in php post exampleoutput header in php curl 27curl post api phpphp curl tutorialget to php curlcurl api post request phppost in php curlusing curl php get dataresponse code of request curl phpget response header curl phpprint the made curl request phpcurl get php request examplecurl response headers phpcurl get data phpcurl set header phpphotoscissors curl phpprint header curl phpcurl php api getcurl script get in phpphp curl exampleshttp request with curl in phpcurl gethow to check curl response in phpphp check curl responsecurl get exmaple phphinstall curl php 23php curl auspostphp curl code examplecurl get print request headers phphow can be header pass in curl phpphp curl read responsecurl options in phpcurl post using php scriptphp http 2fcurlcurl get get phpget request php with curl 24curl php curl php complete examplecurl post parameters phpcurl to post phpcurl in php with headercurl with get php curl in phpcurl in chromecurl request phpphp curl basic syntaxcurl php to call a functioncurl hit in phpphp curl get example with headersphp curl get apiwhat is php curlsend post curl in phpadd headers to php curl responsehttp code from curl phpphp curlopt header exampleuse curl with phpcurl php get request examplephp curl get response datacurl php examplebasic curl in phpsimple get curl phpphp post curl headerphp what is curlcreate curl in phpcurl for php 2chow to post request using curlphp post json curlsimple curl method phpphp curl get code and responsephp curl post data examplecurl post and get request in phppost request php curlcurl u phpadding header curl phpphp curl to phpphp curl return echocurl init php examplewhat is curl file in phpphp is curl installedcurl post php jsoncurl example phpmeaning of curl in phpterminal curl to php curlphp curl sent postcurl php command linehow to perform curl get in phpphp curl get request and response headerscurl php httpscurl php script requestcurl 5ccurl php libcurl php header is in responsecurl pass header phpphp curl get and postphp curl how to get response data from http requestphp curl content requestcurl post php fileenable curl phpget api php curlcurl request in php with headerscurl exec phpphp make curl request getcurl php set headerhow to run curl in apache phpcurlopt get in phpphp curl get postpost request with curlphp curl post request with headersphp curl hphp curl send get requestmake curl request in phpphp curl host headercurl call post api phpphp curl restaphp curl get specific headerphp curl simple getwhat does curl do in php php curl post example with headerscurl host header phpeasy php does it come with curlcurl request with headers and body phpphp curl example getphp curl response get codecurl php hitphp curl build headershow to check how data is going from curl phpcurl in php example with get parametersphp curl api functionphp using curlhow to get curl request code from phpcurl init php w3schoolscurl get response headers data phphow to specify get method in php curlcurl header phpcurl post request phpcurl header post in phpcurl request to php curlprint curl response headers phpcurl post data with phpcurl using phpsend post request curl phpcurl extension phpcurl in php example using ucurl put request phpmake a curl request phpcurl php