csv file

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showing results for - "csv file"
15 Feb 2020
1import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv ('file_name.csv')print(df)
31 Jan 2020
1Manufacturer,Model,Sales in thousands,4-year resale value,Vehicle type,Price in thousands,Engine size,Horsepower,Wheelbase,Width,Length,Curb weight,Fuel capacity,Fuel efficiency,Latest Launch
2Acura        ,Integra          ,16.919,16.36,Passenger,21.5,1.8,140,101.2,67.3,172.4,2.639,13.2,28,2-Feb-14
3Acura        ,TL               ,39.384,19.875,Passenger,28.4,3.2,225,108.1,70.3,192.9,3.517,17.2,25,6-Mar-15
4Acura        ,CL               ,14.114,18.225,Passenger,.,3.2,225,106.9,70.6,192,3.47,17.2,26,1-Apr-14
5Acura        ,RL               ,8.588,29.725,Passenger,42,3.5,210,114.6,71.4,196.6,3.85,18,22,3-Oct-15
6Audi         ,A4               ,20.397,22.255,Passenger,23.99,1.8,150,102.6,68.2,178,2.998,16.4,27,10-Aug-15
7Audi         ,A6               ,18.78,23.555,Passenger,33.95,2.8,200,108.7,76.1,192,3.561,18.5,22,8-Sep-15
23 Nov 2016
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