css animate svg circle radius

Solutions on MaxInterview for css animate svg circle radius by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "css animate svg circle radius"
19 Jan 2018
2    <head>
3        <link href = "styling.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css"></link>
4    </head>
5    <body>
6        <svg class = "button" expanded = "true" height = "100px" width = "100px">
7            <circle cx = "50%" cy = "50%" r = "35%" stroke = "#000000" stroke-width = "10%" fill = "none"/>
8            <circle class = "innerCircle" cx = "50%" cy = "50%" r = "25%" fill = "#000000">
9              <animate attributeName="r" begin="0s" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" from="5%" to="25%"/>
10            </circle>
11        </svg>
12    </body>