create a dashboard that can be implemented in python

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18 Jun 2019
1import dash
2import dash_core_components as dcc
3import dash_html_components as html
4import pandas as pd
6data = pd.read_csv("avocado.csv")
7data = data.query("type == 'conventional' and region == 'Albany'")
8data["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(data["Date"], format="%Y-%m-%d")
9data.sort_values("Date", inplace=True)
11app = dash.Dash(__name__)
13app.layout = html.Div(
14    children=[
15        html.H1(children="Avocado Analytics",),
16        html.P(
17            children="Analyze the behavior of avocado prices"
18            " and the number of avocados sold in the US"
19            " between 2015 and 2018",
20        ),
21        dcc.Graph(
22            figure={
23                "data": [
24                    {
25                        "x": data["Date"],
26                        "y": data["AveragePrice"],
27                        "type": "lines",
28                    },
29                ],
30                "layout": {"title": "Average Price of Avocados"},
31            },
32        ),
33        dcc.Graph(
34            figure={
35                "data": [
36                    {
37                        "x": data["Date"],
38                        "y": data["Total Volume"],
39                        "type": "lines",
40                    },
41                ],
42                "layout": {"title": "Avocados Sold"},
43            },
44        ),
45    ]
48if __name__ == "__main__":
49    app.run_server(debug=True)
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