context api react ts

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22 Feb 2019
2import React from 'react';
3import PageContextProvider from './PageContextProvider';
4import Header from './Header';
5function App() {
6    return (
7        <div className="App">
8            <PageContextProvider>
9                <Header />
10            </PageContextProvider>
11        </div>
12    );
14export default App;
18import React, { useState, useEffect, createContext } from 'react';
19export const PageContext = createContext();
20const PageContextProvider = (props) => {
21    const [user, setUser] = useState({
22        'name': 'harry potter'
23    });
24    return (
25        <PageContext.Provider value={{ 
26            user: user,
27        }}>
28        	{props.children}
29        </PageContext.Provider>
30    );
32export default PageContextProvider;
36import React, { useContext } from 'react';
37import { PageContext } from './PageContextProvider';
38const Header = () => {
39    const { user } = useContext(PageContext);
40    return (
41        <div className="header">
42        	{}
43        </div>
44    );
46export default Header;
17 May 2016
2Context provide a way to pass data through the component tree without 
3having to pass down manually at every level
5HOW TO USE::::::
7	const MyContext = React.createContext()
8Creating a new Context for each unique piece of data that needs to be available
9throughout your component data
10	const LocaleContext = React.createContext()
11Properties of LocaleContext --------
12	LocaleContext.Provider
13    LocaleContext.Consumer
15What is a Provider 
16	Allows us to "declare the data that we want available throughout our
17	component tree"
19What is a Consumer
20	Allows "any component in the tree that needs that data to be able to 
21    subscibe to it"
23How to use Provider	
24	<MyContext.Provider value={data}>
25      <App />
26    </MyContext.Provider>
13 May 2019
1export { TodosContext, default } from "./TodosContext";
queries leading to this page
how to use the context apireact context api authreact api context in consumer set statereact use this context in stateprovider functions react contextcontext api tutorial reactcontext api set upreact contxtscontexte reactreact use context shouws as 7bvalue 7duse context consumer react in classreactjs context tutorialcontext consumer react docsusing context api in react to get datareact js context consumerreact native context api examplehow to save things in react contextreact context how to setupcontext and match reactdoes react context has to be object or can be primary typereact contex apiusecontext react classesreact createcontetcontext react call apireact context api nestedcontext api and use contexet api reactcontexttypes reactreact context api simpole examplereact context class componentset context value react context typewhat is context and context provider in reactcontext without provider reactfunction component context provider valuecomponent on reactjs with contextcontext api 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examplereact example with context api callreact create context anyreact context ornekadd context to react native class componentreact custom context providerpassing data through context api reactreact context 28 29where does children come from context reactreact context in jscontext api nehow to use react context in class componentreact contextcan i use preferencescontext in class componentcontext based apiclass component use contextcontext provider reactset a component inside value of context providerwhen should you consider using context in a react application 3fwhat is a context reactwhat is context provider and consumer reactreact usecontext in class componentcontext api wescontext in class componentreact context api 3freact class component context apicontext consumer 28 29how to access context api in react classcontext apisroot context react contextexample react contexthwo to get the value from a context provider reactjssetup context reactcreate a context object exampletype of 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reactget react context value from the objectwhen is react context usedmultiple context api reactaccess context in constructor reactcontext api trong reactjsreact update contextcontext api en reactreact using context apiwhen was context api introducedcontext in react componentreact user provider in same componentreact context multiple providers classreact create context objectreact contextapi 28 29consumer in reactreact js context api examplecreate context providerthis context reactwhere to provide context in reactusercontext provider examplesreact provide context hierarchystate providers reactreact js contextgreact docs context apihow to get the provider value in reactunderstanding react context apicontext api in hooksreact context api class basedfunction component context provider put value in functioncontext types reactcreate a context reactcontext api in classes reactreact 27s context api class componentreact context api using reactuse context in class componentreact context in a 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is context api react used for state context apilearn react context api what is react creatcontextupdating ui based on context reactreact createcontext example in reactreact many contextsreact contextesreact context provider read values exampleuse context apireact js context api syntaxreact context styleset type in consumer react jscontext api react expaliningreact how to think about contextcontext set reactcontextapi react docsreact app contextcontext provider component reactjsreact testing context apiprofile 3f consumer 3f phones 5b0 5d 3f value in reactreact context api diagramuse of context api in reactresult context reactcontext js reactedit a state before importing from context react nativecontext provider vs consumerreact how to create a contextreact component render set contextcreate context file in reacthow to create complex context react functionallycontext en reacthow to provider access component in contextapi in reactreact static contexttypereact js context api 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provider react exampleimport createcontext from 27react 27react change context valuereact component using contextreact context add onreact context api release dateusing react context providerset variables in context reactreact application contextimport context reactreact get data from context in functioncreatecontext react js context providerwhen should i use context apiadding multiple function in react context apicontext and context api in reactcontext api in react js exampleis context api is necessary for react js componentcontext get reactreact createcontext estate state not in context reactreact simple advanced contextcontext providet in reactsetup context in reactcreate a react app using context and an apicontext renderscripts 28 29how to use context with reactcontext 3a this context 2chow to tell if context is production reactcontext api functiona 3b component reactreact inside contextreact context api children componentwhen or when not should you use context apiwhere can you use 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make context api setup reacthow to use context in class componenttheme context reactcontexts reactaccessing state in global context in reactcontext set value reactpassing content of state to components using react contextuse context with statereact using context in classcontext api consumermutate the react contextpass state as context in reacthow to pass function in context api to component in reactjsreact get all contexthow to use the react context apiwhat is create context in react jshow i can use my context reactmultiple contexts in reactis react context an objectreact context provider examplereact context classreact context send componentsconsueme context in react js old versioncontext react createcontext nullcontext api react changereact contexttypecontext provider in react libreact context api nedirreact createcontext with functionpassing functions in context providermultiple value pass using context api in reactprovider react context passing context api to render in reactreact 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