compare string camelcase and lowercase javascript

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showing results for - "compare string camelcase and lowercase javascript"
10 Oct 2018
1var text = 'helloThereMister';
2var result = text.replace( /([A-Z])/g, " $1" );
3var finalResult = result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1);
15 Apr 2020
1var name1 = "Taylor Johnson";
2var name2 ="taylor johnson";
4//convert to lowercase for case insensitive comparison
5if(name1.toLowerCase() === name2.toLowerCase()){
6    //names are the same
01 Nov 2017
1str.toUpperCase() === str || str.toLowerCase() === str;
24 May 2016
1function sameCase(str) {
2  return /^[A-Z]+$/.test(str) || /^[a-z]+$/.test(str);
12 Apr 2017
1var haystack = "A. BAIL. Of. Hay.";
2var needle = "bail.";
3var needleRegExp = new RegExp(needle.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), "i");
4var result = needleRegExp.test(haystack);
5if (result) {
6    // Your code here
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character comparison case insensitive javascriptcompare no case javascriptconvert snake to camel case javascripttitleize a letter after an article javascripttypescript string not equals ignore caseconvert snake case to camelcase javascripthow to compare strings in javascript case sensitivenode js 2b compare string ignoring casecomparing uppercase and lowercase letters to result to true jsstring equals ignore case jscamel case converter jsjavascript to convert string to camelcasecase insensitive string comparison in node jscamelcase to snake case javascriptjavascript convert string to camelcasejavascript contains not case sensitivehow to compare two strings in javascript ignorecasemake string camelcase jscompare string with case sensitive javascriptmake string case insensitive in if statement javascriptfind a word in sentence javascript no case senmake string camelcase javascriptjavascript endswith case insensitivejavascript regex camelcase to titlecasecompoare 2 string case insesitive javascriptpropercase to space javascripthow to mmake two strings lowercase when comparing injsjs make camel case textcompare strings without case sensitive javascript functionscase sensitive javascriptjs string match case insensitivehow to make string case insensitive in javascriptcamelcase to sentence js with close uppercasejavascript word to camel casejs camelcase to snake caseignore case sensitive in javascriptcase insensitive comparison javascriptcamelcase stirng jsjs equals ignore casejavascript how to make case insensitivejavascript camelcase oppositecamelcase to normal text javascriptjs string to camelcaseignore case when comparing strings javascriptjavascript compare two strings case sensitivecase insensitive comparison jsjavascript camelcase to uppercasejavascript case insensitive comparesomething case jsignore case javascript stringmatch strings irrespective of casejavascript to camelcaseconvert camel case to snake case javascriptjavascript check case insensitivejs convert snake case to camel casematching two case insensitive string javascriptcamelcase letters javascriptjavascript includes case insensitivesnake case to camelcase javascriptcast camelcase to between that jshow to compare two strings without case sensitive in javascriptchange str to camel case jscamel case to convertjs convert capapcase to camelcaseignore case sensitive in nodejsconvert camelcase to stringjavascript compare text case insensitivejavascript convert camel case to wordsconvert simple sentence into camelcase code in javascriptjavascript compare strings case sensitivejavascript camelcase to wordsignore case equal js 22 string js ignorehow to convert sentence in camel case javascriptcompare without casenot case sensitive compare function in javascriptcheck equals without case react nativestring without caseshow to check string without case insensitive javascriptto convert string into camel case in javascrcamelcase label space javascriptjavascript compare string case sensitivejs check number localization insensitivejs convert string to camelcasecamelcase to snake case javascriptcompare a string ignore case in javascriptjs compare two strings ignore casejs compare strings ignore caseequals ignore case js nodejs add undo camle case except abbreviationstransform to camelcase javascriptlowercase uppercase and camelcase function javascriptconvert snake case to camelcase javascriptconvert camelcase to snake case javascriptstring case insensitive javascriptturn string to camelcase jsstring to camel case javascriptjavascript what is case insensitivejavascript equal ignore casejs camecase to normal stringhow to convert camel case string into text in javascripthow to make a variable case insensitive in javascriptmatch string without casejs camelcase to words titlesearching insensitif in lower or upper with jshow to make something case insensitive in jscompare strings without case sensitive javascripthow to convert a camel case back to normal string in javascriptjs ignore case functionjavascript if equal not case sensitivejavascript compare string not case sensitivecamel case to capitalize string javascriptlowercase comparisonjavascript string equals ignore casejs string compare ignore casecompare ignore case jsjavascript ignore string casestring into camelcase jsusing case js to compare answersjavascript equal string case sensitivehow to make string not case sensitive javascriptjs convert camelcase string to wordsjavascript string to camelcasejavascript string contains not case sensitiveignore lowercase or uppercase nodejs stringconvert snake case to camelcase javascriptjs how to make variable case insensitive in jsjs replace camelcase to pascalcasepascal case to title case javascriptcamel case to normal word javascriptconvert camelcase to words javascripthow to match 2 strings with different case and special characters in javascriptjavascript compare strings without case sensitivecase insensitive match jsangular expect to equal ignore capitalstring camel case javascriptjavascript case ignorejs word to camelcasecamel case to title case javascriptjs case insensitive comparecompare string camelcase and lowercase javascriptjavascript case insensitivejavascript camelcase to title casejavascript include case insensitiveconvert camel case to normal case javascriptconvert camel case javascriptjavascript string camelcasemake name camelcase javascriptts equals ignore casejscript convert to camel caseconvert string to camel case in javascriptcamelcase to snake case jsjs ignoring casejs convert to sentence casejs string comparison irrespective of languagejs equality between uppercase stringsregex compare two string ignore casesentence case javascriptcompare lower case to upper case jscamelcase find words in javascriptstring from camelcase to normaljs add to all text in string incasesensitivehow to annul equal uppercase to lowercase in javascriptcamelcase to sentence lowercasemake camelcase in javascripttypescript camelcase to spacescase insensitive string comparison in jshow to use ignorecase in react jsjavascript check string ignorecaseconvert camelcase to jshow to js camelcaseto camelcase javascriptjavascript convert uppercase to camelcasejavascript string match case insensitivetitleize a letter after 22the 22 javascriptstring compare in javascript ignoring caseignore char case javascriptnodejs case insensitive string comparechange string to camel case javascriptjavascript camelcase functionjavascript string compare case insensitiveis javascript string comparison case sensitiveequals ignnore case js 24 7bstring 2fabc 2fxyz 7d that is case insensitiveconvert namke case into camelcase javascriptconvert string to camel case jsjs string equals ignore casecompare sting js ignore case sensitivejavascript match incasesensitivewhat is the different camelcase js and upper case jsjs to camelcasecheck case insensitive in javascriptupper camel case javascriptcamelcase to string javascripthow to make exact search 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javascriptjavascript not case sensitive string comparejs how to make something case insensitivestring compare insensitive javascriptjavascript snon case sensitive comparisonconvert string to camelcase javascriptcompare string in javascript ignore casejavascript how to make the method names case insensitivease insensitive compare in javascriptignore case javascriptjavascript lower and equalstypescript string comparison ignore case in ie 11javascript string camelcase to sentence casejavascript compare strings case insensitivehow to make case insensitive in javascriptjavascript convert snake case to camel casecompare case sensitive javascriptjavascript match string ignore caseconvert text to camelcase in javascriptcheck 2 string without case sensitive javascriptconvert text to camel case javascriptjs iteration compare strings ignore casestring comparison with ignore case in javascriptjavascript compare string ignore casestring convert to camel case in jshow to make any string case insensitive typescriptconvert string to camel case format in javascriptnodejs conver to camelcaseconvert camelcase javascriptjavascript string includes case insensitivejs convert value to camelcasetypescript camel case to title casemake a text camelcase 2b javascriptnon case sensitive find method in javascriptjavasciript string case insensitivestring match case insensitive javascriptcompare string contains word javascript case insensitivecamelcase convert javascriptjavascript function to camelcasejs camelcase stringhow to compare two strings in javascript case insensitivedont care uper case javascripttransform camelcase javascriptjs string compare without casejavascript compare ignore casets uppercase comparecompare string in javascript case insensitivecompare ignorecase javascriptis double equal case sensitive in javascriptjavascript ignore case sensitivecompare letters case insensitive javascriptcheck strings equal case insensitive jsjavascript compare case insensitivestring to camelcase javascriptformat string to camelcase javascriptchange to camel case javascriptjavascript match not case sensitivejs case sensitive comparecheck a string case insensitive javascriptreact native ingrore casecamelcase text jstypescript string comparison ignore caseconvert lowercase to proper camelcase javascriptmake camel case titlecase javascriptequalsignorecase in reactjavascript camelcase to sentence casejavascript camel case wordsconvert snake case to camel case javascriptconvert string to camelcase jsjavascript convert proper string to camelcasesmall camel case to normal string jscompare char in javascript case insensitivejavascript includes case insensitiveincludes doen 27t not match on capital string in javascriptjavascript string no casejavascript transform string to stance casecamelcase in javascriptconvert camelcase to sentence case javascriptjavascript match string regardless of casetypescript convert camelcase text to normaljs string reolace case insensitivecamelcase javascript function javscript convert camelcase to sentence 27how to convert string to camelcase in javascriptjavascript compare strings ignore casecapital to camel case javascriptjs convert camelcase to param casejs string case insensitivelower camel case javascriptlodash title case addes space in between numbersjavascript if in dont care what casejavascript equals ignore casejavascript string non case sensiteiveconvert to camel case jschange camel case to title case using regex in jsignore case in if statement javascriptconvert titlecase with space in jqueryjs camel case to snake case stringwhat is case insensitive in javascriptto camelcase method jsexact match not case sensitive validation in javascripthow to search without capital sensitivity javascripthow to check case insensitive in javascriptcompare strings ignore case javscriptmake code case insensitive javascriptcase insensitive comparison in javascriptwhy does js not care about 3bmake lowercase string to camel case javascriptequals ignorecase jshow convert string camel case in js ignoring text case javascript using match functionjavascript string to camel casejavascript separete camel case lettersjavascript camel case wordlower case to camel case jscompare two characters in a string in javascript case insensitiveconvert string into camelcase javascriptcase insensitive javascriptlowercase uppercase camelcase jscomo convert un string en camelcase javascriptconverting string to camelcase in javascriptcompare two strings case insensitive javascripthow to compare string in js insensitivehow to compare string irrespective of case in javascriptstring case insensitive jscode to make a string case insensitive in javascriptcase insensitive equality jsjavascript camelize stringhow to change camel case to capitalize text with spaces in js lodashtitleize regex javascripthow to use string ignore case without parameterjavascript match text case insensitivecamel to snakecase javascriptconvert to camelcase string jsstring to camelcase in javascriptjavascript make camelcasecamel spaces and capitalization javascriptare string equal case insensitive javascriptmatch string case insensitive javascripthow to make includes not case sensitiveconvert hyphen case to camelcase javascriptequal ignore case javascriptcapital case to camel case jsstring camelcase javascriptstring comparison case insensitive javascriptconvert spaced sentence to camecasecompare case insensitive javascriptseparate camelcase to words javascriptnon case sensitive comparison javascriptequalignorecase in js on varconvert sentence to camel case javascriptjavascript case insensitiveignorecase javascript comparing stringcase sensitive string comparison in javascriptcamelcase to plain textjavascript method for camelcasejs camelcalse to sentence casehow to convert a string to camelcase in javascripthow to compare case insensitive strings in javascriptcase insensitive string match in javascriptcase sensitive comparison javascriptchange string to camelcase javascriptjavascript transform to camel casestring comparison camelcase insensitive javascripthow to do case insensitive comparison in javascriptconvert camel case to title case javascriptconvert from camel case to javascriptjjava script check string equality case insensitiveis javascript case sentitivejs camelcase to wordsts string equals ignore casejs string camelcase to space separatedjavascript how make string comparison case insensitivecompare string case sensitive javascript camelcasecase 28 29 javascriptjavascript case sensitive comparesnake to camelcase javascriptnodejs sentence case to camel casejs camelcase a stringjavascript not case sensitive string compare includesconvert variable to camelcase in javascriptcamelcase to snakecase javascriptcompare included ignore capital or lower casejavascript case insensitive booleanconvert string to camel case javascriptequals ignore case nodejscase insensitive string comparison in javascriptsnake case javascript into sentence casecamel case to title function javascritpjs convert camelcase to snake casejavascript camelcase methodjquery string match case insensitiveignore case jsjavascript regardless casemake string comparison case insensitive javascriptcompare string irrespective of case in javascriptjavascript string compare ignore caseconvert camel string to javascriptjavascript compare case sensitiveequal condition uppercase jscamelise a string with uppercase letters inside javascriptjavascript t oany casehow to camelcase in javascriptto camelcase jsjs case insensitiveif string 3d 3d not including caps jscamelcase to normal javascriptconvert to camel case in javascriptjs how to make results case insensitivenodejs string tolowercase equals ignore casejavascript string comparison ignore casejavascript case insensitive conditionjavascript match any casejavascript convert string to camel casehow to use ignorecase in reactequale ignore case javascripthow to ignore case sensitive in javascriptdoes 22 3d 3d 22 check case in javascriptjavascript make string case insensitivehow to compare capital and small word javascriptjavascript string case sensitive comparejavascript camel case to wordsjs convert camelcase to normalcheck if string not equals case insensetive in jslodash camelcase to sentence caseconvert camelcase to sentence case javascript lodashjavascript camelcasets ignoring caseequal ignore case in javascriptcamel case to words javascriptjavascript convertname to camelcasehow to convert a string into camelcase in javascriptjavascript case insensitive solutionsjavawcript convert camel case to sentwnce casejs camelcase to uppercasecamelcase conversion in jsjavascript case insensitive string compareconvert camel case to normal in jsignore upper case lower case jest test reactjshow to do case insensitive comparison in javascript using regular expressionwhat does it mean to be case insensitive in javascriptto camel case javascriptcamelcase to sentence case javascriptconvert string to camel case in jscamelcase javascript stringjavascript dont care about uppercasejavascript camelcase to snake casemake camel case javascriptjs string camelcasehow we compare both uppercase and lowercase in javascriptjs case insenseitivesnake case to camelcase jshow to convert words into camelcase javascriptignorecase jshow to typescript string compare without casesnake case to camelcase javascriptmake a string lowercase javascriptjs case sensitive checkjavascript camelcase stringexpect to equal ignore capitaljavascript string to camelcasejavascript string contains case insensitive localeignore case in typescriptignore uppercase lowercase javascriptconvert string in camel case javascripthow to compare two strings without case sensitive in jscamelcase to all lowercase convert javascriptcompare string ignore case in javascripttouppercase vs ignorecasestring to camel case jsjavascript convert camelcase to title casesnakecase or camelcase javascriptcompare string case insensitive jsconvert camel case to snake case jsstring comparison ignore case react jsjavascript string insensitive comparejavascript function to exactly match string sensitivtyhow to make comparisons case insensitive in javscriptignore camel comparison typescriptnode js compare strings ignore casejavascript string case insensitivejavascript don 27t care about uppercasejs split camelcase to wordscamelcase to title case javascriptsnake case 22to camelcase 22 jsjs convert to camelcasehow to do case insesnitive comparisonjavascript convert camelcase string into normaljavascript to make string camel casemake case insensitive javascripthow to ignore capitalization in javascriptconvert a camel case to stringcase insensitive method of string compare javascriptchange text to camelcasing jsignore case typescriptreverse javascript string camelcasejs string to camel casejavascript parse camelcasejavascript snake case to camelcasehow to compare two strings in javascript with case sensitiveconvert to camelcase javascriptjs string equality check case insensitivehow to ignore case in typescriptjavascript equal not case sensitivestring to camelcase jscompagr two strings by ignoring case sensitive in javascriptfrom camel case to words jstwo string comparing in javascript regardless of casejs compare case insensitivehow to make any string case insensitive in javascripthow to do insensitive comparison in js of stringscamelcase to snakecase jsexpect to equal ignore mayusjs compare strings in iteration ignore casecamelcase to sentence without capital lettersconvert snake case into camelcase javascriptequals ignore case javascriptconvert lowercase to camelcase javascriptjs convert to camel caseconvert a string to camel case javascriptconvert camelcase to normal javascriptjs ignore casecompare ignore case javascriptuppercase to camelcase javascriptcode allows two strings to be compared without worrying about case sensitivity javascript string convert camelcase disable string case sensitive in javascriptignore case sensitive jschange capatalized model returns c 23 to sentence case angular 8jquery if equal to lower case stringcamel case to normal case jshow to check case insensitive string in javascriptjs change string to camelcasejavascript camel case to capitalizejavascript words to camelcasejs case insensitive string comparechange normal case to camleturning camelcase to snake case javascriptnode js input text case sensitiveturn camel case into text javascriptjs incase sensitive comparejs string ignore casepattern to just ignore and not ignore case in javascripthow to match 2 strings with different case in javascriptnightwatch js ignore string case comparisonhow to convert from snake case in a camelcase js js camelcase to capitalizecamel case word in jscamelcase javascript examplestring ignore 27 js case sensetive compare jsjavascript convert from camelcaseconvert camelcase to snake case string jshow to convert any string into camelcase in javascriptjavascript not case sensitivenode case insensitive string comparisoncamelcase string converter on javascriptcamel case word javascripthow to convert snake case to camel case in javascriptcompare string without case sensitive javascriptjavascript convert camelcase string comparison case sensitive javascripthow to compare string case insensitive in javascriptcase insensitive check in javascriptjs convert camelcase to capital casejavascript code to convert snake case to camelcasehow to ignore case letter casing javascripthow to convert string into camelcase in javascriptconverting to camel case in jscompare two strings ignore case javascripthow to ignore character case in in an if statement jshow to compare with in without case sensitive javascriptcompare two strings js without case sensitive in ksjavascript check string case insensitiveconverting camel case to snake case javascripthow to convert camelcase to sentence case javascriptcomparison case insensitive javascriptjavascript string case insensitive comparehow to compare strings in javascript ignoring case sensitivetypescript string equals ignore casejs equality between uppercased stringsstring comparison in javascript ignore caseequalsignorecase typescriptignore upper case lower case jest testjs compare string ignore casecompare string accent insensitive javascriptjs test ignore casejavascript make string camelcasehow to convert camel case to normal case in javascriptcompare strings case insensitive javascriptlodash camelcase to wordsmake a string case insensitive jsjs case equalsjavascript incasesensitive comparecase insensitive jshow to make includes case insensitive in javascriptcompare string javascript case insensitivestring compare case insensitive javascriptcamel case to normal string javascripthow to make case sensitive jsjavascript match string case insensitivejavascript split by camelcaseconvert all caps string to camelcase in javascriptjavascript convert to camelcasecamelcase function in javascriptjavascript convert camelcase to snake casejavascript case invariant comparecamelcase in javascript examplecamel case to sentence case javascripthow to ignore case in javascript comparing stringcheck if strings match case sensitive jsjs string case insensitive comparestring match javascript case insensitivejavascript case insenstive string comparecompare string camelcase and lowercase javascript