class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found

Solutions on MaxInterview for class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found"
10 Apr 2020
1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
09 Jan 2017
1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
3# most likely you will need these 2 too
4use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
5use App\User;
18 Jan 2017
1use Response;
2Or use full namespace:
4return \Response::json(...);
5Or just use helper:
7return response()->json(...);
29 Nov 2016
1include below line on top of your file
2use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
18 Jan 2020
1public function store()
2    {
3        $rules = array(
4            'name'    => 'required',
5        );
7        $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
9        // if the validator fails, redirect back to the form
10        if ($validator->fails()) {
11            return Redirect::back()
12                ->withErrors($validator) // send back all errors to the login form
13                ->withInput();
15            $input = input::all();
17        } else {
19            $company                = New Company();
20            $company->name          = Input::get('name');
21            $company->user_id       = Input::get('user_id');
22            $company->country_id    = Input::get('country_id');
23            $company->description   = Input::get('description');
25            $company->save();
27            return Redirect::to('/backend')->withInput()->with('success', Company added.');
29        }
30    }
queries leading to this page
error 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cstring 27 not found inclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not found 22 laravelclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found in lumneclass 27response 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cvalidator 27 not found 22class 27app http controllers controller 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontrollers 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cv1 5cregistered 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontroller have not found in laravellumen class 27response 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cfile 27 not foundcall to undefined function app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponce 28 29class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cfront 5c 5cvalidator 27 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 5curl 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers not foundclass 27app http controllers validator 27 not found in laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ctaskcreated 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cappbasecontroller 27 not foundmessage 22 3a 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 27 not found laravel 6class app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidationexception not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cfrontcontroller 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cactivity 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capiauth 5ccontroller 27 not found 22message 22 3a 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cresponse 27 not found 22 2claravel 8 x class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cvalidator 27 not found in fileerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not found laravel 8app http controllers owner validator 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidationexception 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cvalidationexception 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cmail 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cteacher 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cmeal 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5c 60 was not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cmotorquote 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 22 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5ccategoryresource 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cserver 5chospital 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cproject 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cpayer 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 22 not found 22 2c exceptionclass app http controllers not foundlaravel class http not foundhttp not found in controllerclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontrollers 27 not foundclass validator not found laravel 8validator 27 not found laravelsymfony 5ccomponent 5cdebug 5cexception 5cfatalthrowableerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers response 27 not found laravel 8class 27illuminate 5csupport 5cfacedes 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers collection 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontrollers 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5chttp 27 not foundclass 27app 5cmodules 5capi 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cmiddleware 5cilluminate 5chttp 5cresponse 27 not foundfatal error 3a class 27http 5cenv 5cresponse 27 not found in symfony2class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidatorlaravel class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthor 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27pickbazar 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cconfig 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cmodels 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not foundsymfony 5ccomponent 5cdebug 5cexception 5cfatalthrowableerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5csucrai 5cadmin 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass validator not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttprequest 27 not foundundefined type 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidationexception 27class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cjsonresponseclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cstr 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccustomer 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers response 27 not found laravel 7class 27app http controllers http 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cactivity 27 not founderror 3a class 27controller 5cresponse 27 not foundapp 5c 5cimports 5c 5cvalidate 28 29class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 27 not found barryvdherror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidationexception 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers app 27 not foundlaravel response not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cschema 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cjson 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontact 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5creview 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cresources 5cresource 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 27 not foundclass 27app 2fhttp 2fresources 2fcategoryresource 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cexception 27 not foundsymfony 5ccomponent 5cdebug 5cexception 5cfatalthrowableerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cfrontend 5ccontroller 27 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 27 not found in file 2fvar 2fwww 2fhtml 2fapiekselens 2fapp 2fhttp 2fcontrollers 2fordercontroller php on line 339class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cvalidator 27 not found 22 2claravel how to respond not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cservice account 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers api validator 27 not foundundefined class validator laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5crule 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 22 not foundvalidator not found in laravelvalidator class not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cconfig 27 not foundcontroller or its method is not found 3a 5capp 5ccontrollers 5capi 3a 3auserresponse not found laraveltarget class 5bapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 5d does not exist laravel validator not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cfacaderesponse 27 not foundclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cvalidator 5c 22 not found 22error class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cclient 27 not foundresponse return type in laravel controllers not foundcontrollers 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cresources 5cattendancecollection 27 not foundclass 27app providers validator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not found laravel 8fatal error 3a class 27http 5cenv 5cresponse 27 not found inclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cbackend 5cvalidator 27 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cvalidator 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chome 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5credirect 22 not foundlaravel use validator not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 27 not found 22 2c exception 3a 22error 22 2c e2 80 a6 7dfix class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5ccontroller 27 not found 22 2c errorclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers str 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cvalidator 27 not found 22class 27app 5ccontrollers 5crest controller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cvalidator 27 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cresponse 27 not found 22class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 22 not found 22error class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 22 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5cresources 5cresourceresponse 27 not found in filemessage 3a 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cview 27 not foundrror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cdb 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidationexception 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 27 not foundclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cfile 5c 22 not found 22 2cclass 27backend 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cjson 27 not founderror class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cactivity 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5chttp 27 not found 22class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cdb 22 not founderror class app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cactivity 5ccontroller not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cpaymentcontroller 27 not found 22 on web servercall to undefined function app 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 28 29class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinertia 27 not foundclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cvalidator 5c 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chttp 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers exception 27 not found laravel 22message 22 3a 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cresponse 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chelpers 5cvalidationexception 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cvalidator 27 not foundapp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found in file c 3a 5claragon 5cwww 5cappstream 5capp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cusercontroller phpclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvendor 5cvalidator 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cclient 27 not found http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 3a8001 2fclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5ccontroller 27 not found 22error 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccommon 5cresponse 27 not found 22class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cview 22 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cserviceprovider 27 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 5chttp 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi basecontroller 27 not found 7bmessage 3a 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 27 not found 22 2c exception 3a 22error 22 2c e2 80 a6 7dclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5crule 27 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not found laravelerror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5chttpexception 27 not found in laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cconfig 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cstr 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cinput 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5crule 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cconfig 22 not foundfix class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chas 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5credirect 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cemployee 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cvalidator 27 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuserimage 27 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 27 not found 22 2c exception 3a 22error 22 2c e2 80 a6 7dclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ctask 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1 5cadmin 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cclient 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not found laravel 8 54class 27app http controllers not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cpost 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cinput 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cmiddleware 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cvalidationexception 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccompany 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1 5cvalidator 27 not foundundefined type 27app 5chttp 5cmiddleware 5cresponse 27class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1 5cresponse 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5ctraits 5cresponse 27 not foundclass app http controllers not found laravel 8class app http controllers http not found laravelmessage 3a 22class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cresponse 22 not found 22 class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found in lumenclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cconfig 27 not found inclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cservice 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvalidator 27 not found