calculator code

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03 Aug 2017
2<html lang="en">
4<meta charset="utf-8">
5<title>Calculator Made by Sanjith </title>
6<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
8    * {
9        font-family: 'Inconsolata', monospace;
10        color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
11    }
12    body {
13        background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(24, 184, 168), rgb(118, 190, 50));;
14    }
15    .container {
16        width: 320px;
17        background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(173, 58, 173), rgb(184, 63, 26));;
18        margin: 120px auto;
19    }
20    table {
21        width: 100%;
22        border-color: #09646407;
23        background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(184, 24, 37), rgb(78, 13, 230));;
24    }
25    td {
26        width: 25%;
27        border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.363);
28    }
29    button {
30        width: 100%;
31        height: 70px;
32        font-size: 24px;
33        background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(151, 11, 151), rgb(190, 94, 50));;      
34        border: none;
35    }
36    #inputLabel {
37        height: 120px;
38        font-size: 40px;
39        vertical-align: bottom;
40        text-align: right;
41        padding-right: 16px;
42        background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(4, 65, 88), rgb(226, 68, 47));;
43    }
47<div class="container">
48    <table border="1" cellspacing="0">
49        <tr>
50            <td colspan="4" id="inputLabel">0</td>
51        </tr>
52        <tr>
53            <td colspan="3"><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">AC</button></td>
54            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">/</button></td>
55        </tr>
56        <tr>
57            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">7</button></td>
58            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">8</button></td>
59            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">9</button></td>
60            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">*</button></td>
61        </tr>
62        <tr>
63            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">4</button></td>
64            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">5</button></td>
65            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">6</button></td>
66            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">-</button></td>
67        </tr>
68        <tr>
69            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">1</button></td>
70            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">2</button></td>
71            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">3</button></td>
72            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">+</button></td>
73        </tr>
74        <tr>
75            <td colspan="2"><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">0</button></td>
76            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">.</button></td>
77            <td><button onclick="pushBtn(this);">=</button></td>
78        </tr>
79    </table>
83    var inputLabel = document.getElementById('inputLabel');
85    function pushBtn(obj) {
87        var pushed = obj.innerHTML;
89        if (pushed == '=') {
90            // Calculate
91            inputLabel.innerHTML = eval(inputLabel.innerHTML);
93        } else if (pushed == 'AC') {
94            // All Clear
95            inputLabel.innerHTML = '0';
97        } else {
98            if (inputLabel.innerHTML == '0') {
99                inputLabel.innerHTML = pushed;
101            } else {
102                inputLabel.innerHTML += pushed;   
103            }
104        }
105    }
06 Jul 2017
1x = input("first number")
2y = input("second number")
3z = input("do you want to multiply, minus, divide or add? (x,-,/,+)")
5y = int(y)
6x = int(x)
8if z == "+":
9    print (x + y)
11if z == "/":
12    print (x / y)
14if z == "x":
15    print (x * y)
17if z == "-":
18    print (x - y)
21    print("use x,-,/ or + next time!")
04 Apr 2018
1a=int(input("first number:"))
2b=int(input("second number:"))
3c=input("what you want +,-,*,/: please input sign:")
8if c==d:
9    print(f"your answer is: ({a+b})")
10elif c==e:
11    print(f"your answer is:({a-b})")
12elif c==f:
13    print(f"your answer is:({a*b})")
14elif c==g:
15    print(f"your answer is:({a/b})")
16print ("thank you")
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