calculate area of rectangle using constructor overloading in java

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12 Oct 2020
1import java.util.*;
2class RectangleShape
4   int length, breadth;
5   // rectangle constructor java
6   RectangleShape(int l, int b) 
7   { 
8      length = l; 
9      breadth = b; 
10   } 
11   RectangleShape(int l) 
12   { 
13      length = l; 
14      breadth = 20; 
15   } 
16   RectangleShape() 
17   { 
18      length = 6; 
19      breadth = 2; 
20   } 
21   float getArea() 
22   { 
23      return(length * breadth); 
24   }
26public class FindArea 
28   public static void main(String[] args)
29   {
30      RectangleShape rs1 = new RectangleShape(); 
31      RectangleShape rs2 = new RectangleShape(60); 
32      RectangleShape rs3 = new RectangleShape(40, 20); 
33      System.out.println("First rectangle : " + rs1.getArea()); 
34      System.out.println("Second rectangle : " + rs2.getArea()); 
35      System.out.println("Third Rectangle : " + rs3.getArea());
36   }