c 2b 2b arrray

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showing results for - "c 2b 2b arrray"
09 Aug 2016
1assert((std::is_same_v<int, int>))
16 Feb 2017
1#include <iostream>
2#include <array> //for using std::array
4int main()
7	int example[5];//array on stack
8	int* another = new int[5];//array on heap
9	delete[] another;//freeing up memory on heap
10	example[0] = 1;
11	example[1] = 2;
12	example[2] = 3;
13	example[3] = 4;
14	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
15		example[i] = 2;
16	}
17	int* ptr = example;//arrays are just pointers to the begining of the block of memory
18	example[2] = 5;
19	*(ptr + 2) = 6;//adding 4+4 bytes to ptr
20	std::cout << example[2] << std::endl;//output => 6
21	*(int*)((char*)ptr + 8) = 8;//adding 8 bytes to ptr using ptr arithmetic
22	std::cout << example[2] << std::endl;//output => 8
23	//std::array provide some additional functionality like bounce checking size checking but do have a performance overhead
24	std::array<int,5> stda;//creating an array named stda of int 5 size
25	std::cout << stda.size() << std::endl;//will output size of std::array ,output =>5   
26    std::cin.get();
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