bootstrap contact form

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18 Jan 2019
1<!--Section: Contact v.2-->
2<section class="mb-4">
4    <!--Section heading-->
5    <h2 class="h1-responsive font-weight-bold text-center my-4">Contact us</h2>
6    <!--Section description-->
7    <p class="text-center w-responsive mx-auto mb-5">Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our team will come back to you within
8        a matter of hours to help you.</p>
10    <div class="row">
12        <!--Grid column-->
13        <div class="col-md-9 mb-md-0 mb-5">
14            <form id="contact-form" name="contact-form" action="mail.php" method="POST">
16                <!--Grid row-->
17                <div class="row">
19                    <!--Grid column-->
20                    <div class="col-md-6">
21                        <div class="md-form mb-0">
22                            <input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control">
23                            <label for="name" class="">Your name</label>
24                        </div>
25                    </div>
26                    <!--Grid column-->
28                    <!--Grid column-->
29                    <div class="col-md-6">
30                        <div class="md-form mb-0">
31                            <input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="form-control">
32                            <label for="email" class="">Your email</label>
33                        </div>
34                    </div>
35                    <!--Grid column-->
37                </div>
38                <!--Grid row-->
40                <!--Grid row-->
41                <div class="row">
42                    <div class="col-md-12">
43                        <div class="md-form mb-0">
44                            <input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" class="form-control">
45                            <label for="subject" class="">Subject</label>
46                        </div>
47                    </div>
48                </div>
49                <!--Grid row-->
51                <!--Grid row-->
52                <div class="row">
54                    <!--Grid column-->
55                    <div class="col-md-12">
57                        <div class="md-form">
58                            <textarea type="text" id="message" name="message" rows="2" class="form-control md-textarea"></textarea>
59                            <label for="message">Your message</label>
60                        </div>
62                    </div>
63                </div>
64                <!--Grid row-->
66            </form>
68            <div class="text-center text-md-left">
69                <a class="btn btn-primary" onclick="document.getElementById('contact-form').submit();">Send</a>
70            </div>
71            <div class="status"></div>
72        </div>
73        <!--Grid column-->
75        <!--Grid column-->
76        <div class="col-md-3 text-center">
77            <ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
78                <li><i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt fa-2x"></i>
79                    <p>San Francisco, CA 94126, USA</p>
80                </li>
82                <li><i class="fas fa-phone mt-4 fa-2x"></i>
83                    <p>+ 01 234 567 89</p>
84                </li>
86                <li><i class="fas fa-envelope mt-4 fa-2x"></i>
87                    <p></p>
88                </li>
89            </ul>
90        </div>
91        <!--Grid column-->
93    </div>
96<!--Section: Contact v.2-->
22 Sep 2019
1Example of .form-group
3 <div class=”form-group”>
4 <label for=”exampleInputEmail1”>Email 
7 <input type=”emailclass=”form-controlid=”exampleInputEmail1ariadescribedby=”emailHelpplaceholder=”Provide email”>
8 </div>
9 <div class=”form-group”>
10 <label for=”exampleInputPassword1”>Your password</label>
11 <input type=”passwordclass=”form-controlid=”exampleInputPassword112placeholder=”Password”>
13 </div>
14 <div class=”form-group form-check”>
15 <input type=”checkboxclass=”form-check-inputid=”exampleCheck1”>
16 <label class=”form-check-labelfor=”exampleCheck1”>Remember me</label>
17 </div>
18 <button type=”submitclass=”btn btn-primary”>Submit</button>
21Use this class to style all textual form controls such as user input, titles, etc.
23 <div class=”form-group”>
24 <label for=”exampleFormControlInput1”>Email address</label>
25 <input type=”emailclass=”form-controlid=”exampleFormControlInput126placeholder=””>
27 </div>
29Add this class whenever you need to provide the user with an option to upload a file to the form.
30<input type=”fileclass=”form-control-fileid=”exampleFormControlFile1”>
31.form-control-lg and .form-control-sm.
32Create a visual hierarchy within your form by adding .form-control-lg to make bigger input areas and .form-control-sm to
33make smaller ones.
34<input class=”form-control form-control-lgtype=”textplaceholder=”.form-controllg”>
35<input class=”form-control form-control-smtype=”textplaceholder=”.form-controlsm”>
29 Jul 2019
1formulário de contacto bootstrap
queries leading to this page
textarea in bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 contact form designform bootstrapcontact form 7 with bootstrapbootstrap formscontact box bootsrapbootstrap contact formbootstrap contact form open your emailcontact form in bootstraphow to create contact us form in bootstrapwhat is bootstrap input text 27s default css stylingbootstrap contact me pageinline form bootstrapcreate an about me form bootstrapboottrap inline formcontact form html bootstrap 4bootstrap contact formcontact me boostrapbootstrap input boxforms bootstrapboottrp contact formcontact form 7 bootstrap columnsbootstrap form row responsivebootstrap form contactcontact bootstrap formhow to create contact form in bootstrapbootstrap contact form codebootstrap inline form groupbootstrap form classescontact form in bootstrap responsiveform class bootstrapform post bootstrapform in bootstrapcontact us page design bootstrapform contact us bootstrapsick bootstrap contact formsforms bootstarpbootstrap 4 checkbox disabledhow to create contact us form in bootstrap codingforms for bootstarp htmlbootstrap html formhtml form bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 text input form bootstrapbootstrap contant form template bootstrap text area smallhtml form 2bbootstrapcontact us form bootstrap 3bootstrtap formsformulario de contacto ejemplo bootstrapcontact form html bootstrapbootstrap embed label of textareabootstrap 3 inline form groupcheckbox bootstrapbootstrap contact form templatesbootstrap file inputbasic form bootstraptext disabled bootstrapformulario de contacto bootstrapboosteap formsbootstrap constrained text boxhow to access the input in bootstrap formcontact us page in bootstrapcontact form bootsrap bestclass form contro c3 a7bootstrap form emailhtml textarea bootstrapformulario contacto bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 checkbox label inlineform with bootstrapbootstrap for contact forminput textarea in bootstrapcontact us page bootstrapboostrap contact formcontact us page template html bootstrapbootstrap inout on second columnsubmit successfully design in bootstrape 5contact page bootstrapboostrap contact me pagebootstrap disable input classbootstrap 4 inpuntforms in bootstrapform contatti bootstrapbootstrap inline formbootstrap form gridbootstrap 4 order forminline forms bootstrapbootstrap forms in gridbootstrap contact templatechoice dependence sections form bootstrapbootstrap formform help textbootstrap for contact form 7form styles in bootstrapbootstrap formulaire de contactformulaire contact bootstrapcreate bootstrap forminline forms in bootstrapbootstrap contact me formbootstrap inline formcontact boostrapform inline in bootstrapmdbootstrap form designcontact pages bootstrapbootstrap contact us formbootstrap contacts tablecontact page html bootstrapbootstrap contact us pagecontact section for bootsdtrapcontact form source code bootstrapform bootstrap inlinebootstrap disable inputbootstrap contacthow to make contact us page in bootstrapbootstrap form group and rowbootstrap contact us form examplecontact box bootstrapis valid bootstrap 4bootstrap disabled inputemail form template bootstrapcontact us form bootstrap dwonlaadinline bootstrap forminput disabled class bootstrapcontact form bootstrap tbootstrap contact form githubtext formating input bootstrapbootstrap 4 enquiry formcontact me page using bootstrappage contact bootstrapcontact us form bootstrap 4bootstrap5 contact us formcontact bootstrapcontact us template bootstrapbootstrap 5 text fieldinput box bootstrapcontact form bootstrap 4input bootstrapbootstrap contact info pagebootstrap form classworking bootstrap contact formfrom contact us bootstrapbootstrao formsform small textboostrap check boxcontact us form in bootstraptemplate contact form bootstrapbest contact fornms bootsrapbootstrap contact form templatemake a contact me page with bootstrapbootstrap 5 contact formformulario contacto bootstrapbootstarp contact plain bootstrap contact formemail validation form bootstrapresponsive bootstrap contact formform inline bootstrapadd contacts boostrap4 formcontact form bootstrap templatecontact form bootstrapbootstrap textinputdisable input field bootstraphow to make contact page with bootstrapbootstrap 4 contact us formboostrap formssend message template bootstrapfree contact us page with bootsstrapforms contact bootstrapboostrap simple contact formcontact section bootstrapcontact us bootstrap templatebootstrap inputcheckboxcontactpage bootstrapformulaire de contact bootstrapcontact me boostrapborrar informacion de formulario bootstrapbootstrap formcontact form bootstrap3bootstrap 4 contact formphp boostrap contact starterbootstrap 4 checkbox validationformulario de contacto bootstrap 4bootstrap form control picker fadebootstrap contact us page with imagecol 5 text boxgetbootstrap com formsform labels bootstrapbootstrap contact pagebootstrap conatactbootstrap class form page contact boostrapclass in form bostrap 4contact form css bootstrapbootstrap contact fromformulaire de contact bootstrap 4bootstrap input formcontact details bootstrapform div bootstrapinput bootstrap 4contact me bootstrapcontact us bootstrapbootstrap input disabledform group bootstrapcontact form 7 bootstrapbootstrap contact formshtml form bootstrapbootstrap in formsbootstrap contact form with smtpcontact form using bootstrapform class rowcontact forms bootstrpbootstarp inputcontact form template bootstrapform html bootstrapbootstrap contact information pagebootstrap 4 conatct formcontact form bootstrap codingbootsdtrp form inlinebootstra inline formcontact template bootstrapform classname 3d signup form bootstrapbootstrap contact form examplesbootstram formsbootstrap classes for formadd contact form in bs4boostrap contact meboostrap textr areaboostrap contactform inline bootstrapbootstrap5 contact formbootstrap 4 formsbootstrap click field turns into form inputget bootstrap 4 formformulaire boot legendbootstrap 4 enquiry contact form codecontact information bootstrap 3cinput type 3d 22text 22 class 3d 22form control 22 id 3d 22name 22 placeholder 3d 22ex 3a john devis 22 3eexample contact us page bootstrapcontact page with bootstrapbootstrap cotactformbootstrap contact form html templatebootstrap form horizontalenquiry form from right bootstrapform contact bootstrapbootstrap contact usinput forms in bootstrapbootstrap textboxbootstrap 4 form label and textinput text readonly bootstrapform in grid bootstrapcontact me form bootstrapcontact form bootstrap 4 templatecontact information bootstrap template htmlbootstrap responsive contact formcontact page bootstrap with htmlalign form group controls horizontally bootstrapbootstrap form horizontalbootstrap contact mebootstrap fcontact formcontact us bootstrap 5boot strap formbootstrap form htmlcontact form in html bootstrapbootstrap form controlcontact us form bootstrapinline forms for emailgo to form button bootstrap 4html forms with bootstrapformulario bootstrapfull width bootstrap contact form advanced csscontact form bootsrapbootsrap formscehckbox validation bootstrapbootstrap 5 fro selection and text area and buttonbeautiful contact form bootstrapchoice dependence form bootstrapinput class 3d form controlcss bootstrap form controlbootstrap form layoutform for bootstrapbootstrap form inlinebootstrap contact form