binary tree in pythons

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11 Mar 2018
1class Binarytree:
2    def __init__(self,data):
3 = data
4        self.left = None
5        self.right = None
7    def addChild(self, data):
8        if data ==
9            return
11        if data <
12            if self.left:
13                self.left.addChild(data)
14            else:
15                self.left = Binarytree(data)
16        else:
17            if self.right:
18                self.right.addChild(data)
19            else:
20                self.right = Binarytree(data)
22    def inorder(self):
23        element = [ ]
25        if self.left:
26            element += self.left.inorder()
28        element.append(
30        if self.right:
31            element += self.right.inorder()
33        return element
35    def search(self,val):
36        if val ==
37            return True
38        if val <
39            if self.left:
40                return
41            else:
42                return False
43        else:
44            if self.right:
45                return
46            else:
47                return False
49def buildtree(element):
50    root = Binarytree(element[0])
51    for i in range(1,len(element)):
52        root.addChild(element[i])
53    return root
55if __name__ == '__main__':
56    element = [39, 87, 21, 42, 95, 52, 12]
57    tree = buildtree(element)
58    print(tree.inorder())
59    print(
10 Mar 2018
1class Binary:
2    def __init__(self, data):
3 = data
4        self.left = None
5        self.right = None
7    def addChild(self, data):
8        if data ==
9            return
10        if data <
11            if self.left:
12                self.left.addChild(data)
13            else:
14                self.left = Binary(data)
15        else:
16            if self.right:
17                self.right.addChild(data)
18            else:
19                self.right = Binary(data)
21    def inorder(self):
22        ele = []
24        if self.left:
25            ele += self.left.inorder()
26        ele.append(
28        if self.right:
29            ele += self.right.inorder()
31        return ele
33    def search(self, data):
34        if data ==
35            return True
36        if data <
37            if self.left:
38                return
39            else:
40                return False
41        else:
42            if self.right:
43                return
44            else:
45                return False
47    def find_min(self):
48        if self.left is None:
49            return
50        return self.left.find_min()
52    def find_max(self):
53        if self.right is None:
54            return
55        return self.right.find_max()
57    def delete(self, val):
58        if val <
59            if self.left:
60                self.left = self.left.delete(val)
61        elif val >
62            if self.right:
63                self.right = self.right.delete(val)
64        else:
65            if self.left is None and self.right is None:
66                return None
67            if self.left is None:
68                return self.right
69            if self.right is None:
70                return self.left
72            min_val = self.right.find_min()
73   = min_val
74            self.right = self.right.delete(val)
76        return self
80def build(element):
81    root = Binary(element[0])
82    for i in range(1,len(element)):
83        root.addChild(element[i])
84    return root
86if __name__ == '__main__':
87    element = [32, 89, 12, 94, 23, 61, 2]
88    tree = build(element)
89    print(tree.inorder())
90    print(
91    print(tree.find_min())
92    print(tree.find_max())
93    tree.delete(12)
94    print(tree.inorder())
21 Mar 2017
1Binary Tree implementation at this link:
12 Jan 2021
1Binary Search Tree at this link:
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