1//Bigint.hpp class
2#ifndef BIGINT_HPP
3#define BIGINT_HPP
5#define BASE 10
7#include <iostream>
8#include <list>
10class Bigint {
12 Bigint() = default; // Construct expect no arg
13 Bigint(const Bigint&) = default; // Copy constructor
14 Bigint(Bigint&&) = default; // Move constructor
15 Bigint& operator=(const Bigint&) = default; // Copy assignment
16 Bigint& operator=(Bigint&&) = default; // Move assignment
17 ~Bigint(); // Destructort
18 Bigint(std::list<unsigned char>B);
19 // Accessors methods ########################################################################
20 bool is_zero()const;
22 bool is_negative() const;
24 // Friends ####################################################################################
25 friend Bigint operator+(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
26 friend Bigint operator-(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
27 friend Bigint operator*(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
29 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bigint& i);
30 friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Bigint& i);
31 friend Bigint minus_operator_cases(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
33 //! Determine whether the integer is negative.
34 bool m_is_negative = false;
36 //! A linked list of digits.
37 std::list<unsigned char> m_digits;
40Bigint operator+(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
41Bigint operator-(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
42Bigint operator*(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b);
43std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bigint& i);
44std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Bigint& i);
1//bigint.cpp methods implementation
2#include <stdexcept>
6//**************************** overloading operator multiplication ********************************************
7******************************** Amir Ammar *******************************************/
8Bigint operator*(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b){
9 Bigint temp1 = a;
10 Bigint temp2 = b;
11 Bigint temp3; // using temp3 object as a temporary to store the chars each iteration
12 temp3.m_digits ={'0'};
13 Bigint temp4; // for the arithmetic operation + between (temp3+temp4) and next temp4 to store the value of temp3
14 temp4.m_digits = {'0'};
15 Bigint mult; // the final values will be stored here and we return mult
16 mult.m_digits = {'0'};
17 if(temp1.is_zero()||temp2.is_zero()){return mult.m_digits;} // if one of them is zero we return mult == '0';
18 char devide_by_ten{'0'}; // initializing devided by ten variable as a char type
19 char devide_by_modulo{'0'}; // initializing devided by modulo variable as a char type
20 int size_of_in {0}; // size of in is a variable that will decide next how many zeroes will be pushed inside temp3 each iteration
21 if(temp1.m_digits>temp2.m_digits){ // if statement to in
22 size_of_in = temp2.m_digits.size();// i decided to intilize it according to the size of the bigger Bigint.size()
23 }else{
24 size_of_in = temp1.m_digits.size();
25 }
26 int push_zeros = size_of_in ; // we need to loop and push zeroes so i need this variable first to have the same value as size_of_in
27 int counter = 0; // to increment the counter each time a zero is pushed and finally to break the loop
28 int minus_one = 0; // to decrment the valuee by one each loop
29 auto iterator1=temp1.m_digits.end();
30 auto iterator2=temp2.m_digits.end();
31 // auto iterator1_1=temp1.m_digits.end(); // those variables was a part of experiment that succeeded
32 // auto iterator2_2=temp2.m_digits.end(); // those variables was a part of experiment that succeeded
33 while(true)//iterator1_1!=temp1.begin()||iterator2_2!=temp2.begin()
34 {
35 temp3.m_digits.clear(); // cleaning the temp3 each loop so we can store the new value
36 while(push_zeros+minus_one+counter != size_of_in){ // while loop to push zero for temp3 each iteration
37 ++counter;
38 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front('0');
39 }
40 --minus_one;
41 counter =0;
42 --iterator2;
43 if(iterator2==temp2.m_digits.end())break; // break when we finally reached the last iteration
44 while(iterator1!=temp1.m_digits.begin()){
45 --iterator1;
46 devide_by_modulo=((*iterator1-48)*(*iterator2-48)+(devide_by_ten-48))%10+'0';
47 devide_by_ten = ((*iterator1-'0')*(*iterator2-'0')+(devide_by_ten-'0'))/10+'0';
48 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(devide_by_modulo);
49 }
50 if(devide_by_ten != '0')temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(devide_by_ten);
51 devide_by_modulo = {'0'};
52 devide_by_ten ={'0'};
53 mult = temp3+temp4; // the arithmetic operation between temp3+temp4 stored inside mult
54 temp4= temp4+temp3; // the result will be also stored inside temp4 so we can do another + operation but with different values inside temp3
55 iterator1=temp1.m_digits.end();// initializing the iterator1 as the end so we could loop again with same values
56 // --iterator2_2; // experiment
57 // --iterator1_1; // experiment
58 }
59 if(a.m_is_negative==true&& b.m_is_negative==true){return mult;} // if both negative we return mult with none negative sign
60 if(a.m_is_negative==true||b.m_is_negative==true)mult.m_digits.emplace_front('-'); // if one of them is negative we push -
61 return mult; // and finally we return mult
1// bigint methods implementation
2#include <stdexcept>
5//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ overloaded pluse operator ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Amir Ammar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7Bigint operator+(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b){
8 Bigint temp1 = a;
9 Bigint temp2 = b;
10 Bigint temp3;
11 if(temp1.is_zero()&&temp2.is_zero()){temp3.m_digits={'0'};return temp3;}
12 if(!temp1.is_negative() &&temp2.is_negative()){ // if (+temp1) (+) (-temp2) done
13 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
14 temp3 = temp1-temp2;
15 return temp3;
16 }
17 if(temp1.is_negative()&&!temp2.is_negative()){ // if (-temp1) (+) (+temp2) done
18 temp1.m_is_negative = false;
19 temp3 = temp2-temp1;
20 return temp3;
21 }
22 int carry {0}; int sum{0};auto it1 = temp1.m_digits.rbegin(); auto it2 = temp2.m_digits.rbegin();
23 while(it1 != temp1.m_digits.rend() && it2 != temp2.m_digits.rend() ){
24 ((a.m_digits.size()>b.m_digits.size()))?temp2.m_digits.push_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.push_front('0');
25 sum=((*it1-'0')+(*it2-'0')+carry);
26 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(sum%10+'0');
27 carry=sum/10;
28 ++it1; ++it2;
29 }
30 if(carry != 0)temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(carry+'0');
31 if(temp1.is_negative()&&temp2.is_negative()) // if (-temp1) + (-temp2) done
32 {
33 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front('-'); // we push eventually (-)
34 }
35 return temp3;
37//-------------------------------- overloaded minus operator ----------------------------------------
38//-------------------------------------- Amir Ammar ----------------------------------------
39Bigint operator-(const Bigint& a,const Bigint& b)
41 Bigint temp1(a);
42 Bigint temp2(b);
43 Bigint sub;
44 if(temp1.is_zero()&&temp2.is_zero()){sub.m_digits={'0'};return sub;}
45 if(!temp1.is_negative()&& temp2.is_negative()){ // (+temp1) - (-temp2)
46 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
47 return temp1+temp2;
48 }
49 if(temp1.is_negative() && !temp2.is_negative()){ // (-temp1) - (+temp2)
50 temp2.m_is_negative = true;
51 return temp1+temp2;
52 }
53 if(temp1.is_negative()&&temp2.is_negative()){
54 temp1.m_is_negative = false;
55 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
56 return temp2 - temp1 ;
57 }
58 auto it_1 = temp1.m_digits.end();
59 auto it_2 = temp2.m_digits.end();
60 int one_less{0};
61 int length = temp1.m_digits.size()-temp2.m_digits.size();
62 if(length <0){
63 for(int i = length ; i<0; ++i) //
64 ((temp1.m_digits.size()>temp2.m_digits.size())?temp2.m_digits.emplace_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.emplace_front('0'));
65 }else
66 {
67 for(int i = length; i>0; --i)
68 ((temp1.m_digits.size()>temp2.m_digits.size())?temp2.m_digits.emplace_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.emplace_front('0'));
69 }
70 auto it1 = temp1.m_digits.end(); auto it2 = temp2.m_digits.end();
71 while(it1 != temp1.m_digits.begin() && it2 != temp2.m_digits.begin()){
72 --it1; --it2;
73 int it1_int = *it1%48;
74 int it2_int = *it2%48;
75 if(it1_int-it2_int-one_less<0){
76 it1_int+= 10;
77 sub.m_digits.emplace_front(it1_int-it2_int-one_less+'0');
78 one_less = 1;
79 }else{
80 sub.m_digits.emplace_front(it1_int-it2_int-one_less+'0');
81 one_less = 0;
82 }
83 }
84 if(one_less==1){
85 sub=temp2-temp1 ;
86 sub.m_digits.emplace_front('-');
87 }
88 while(sub.m_digits.front()=='0'&&sub.m_digits.size()!= 1){
89 sub.m_digits.pop_front();
90 if(sub.m_digits.size()== 1)
91 break;
92 }
93 return sub.m_digits;
1//bigint.cpp methods implementation
2#include <stdexcept>
6Bigint::Bigint(std::list<unsigned char>B)
7 :m_digits(B){}
9//##################################### is_zero #########>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amir Ammar
10bool Bigint::is_zero()const
12 if(m_digits.front()=='0'){
13 return true;
14 }
15 return false;
17//##################################### is_negative #########################################################
18bool Bigint::is_negative() const{
19 if(m_is_negative == true){
20 return true ;
21 }else
22 return false;
24//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<insertion operator overloading<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Amir Ammar
25std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bigint& i){
26 for(auto b = i.m_digits.begin(); b != i.m_digits.end(); ++b){
27 out<<(*b);
28 }
29 return (out);
31//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>extraction operator overloading>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Efi Fogel
32std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Bigint& i) {
33 char c;
34 in.get(c);
35 if (c == '-') i.m_is_negative = true;
36 else {
37 if (! std::isdigit(c)) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid input");
38 i.m_digits.emplace_front(c);
39 }
40 while (in.get(c) && (c != 0xa)) {
41 if (! std::isdigit(c)) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid input");
42 i.m_digits.emplace_front(c);
43 }
44 i.m_digits.reverse(); // additional method to return the reversed value (the real input)
45 while(i.m_digits.front()=='0'&&i.m_digits.size()!= 1){ // while loop to earse additional zeroes
46 i.m_digits.pop_front();
47 if(i.m_digits.size()== 1)
48 break;
49 }
50 return in;
2//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ overloaded pluse operator ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Amir Ammar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4Bigint operator+(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b){
5 Bigint temp1 = a;
6 Bigint temp2 = b;
7 Bigint temp3;
8 if(temp1.is_zero()&&temp2.is_zero()){temp3.m_digits={'0'};return temp3;}
9 if(!temp1.is_negative() &&temp2.is_negative()){ // if (+temp1) (+) (-temp2) done
10 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
11 temp3 = temp1-temp2;
12 return temp3;
13 }
14 if(temp1.is_negative()&&!temp2.is_negative()){ // if (-temp1) (+) (+temp2) done
15 temp1.m_is_negative = false;
16 temp3 = temp2-temp1;
17 return temp3;
18 }
19 int carry {0}; int sum{0};auto it1 = temp1.m_digits.rbegin(); auto it2 = temp2.m_digits.rbegin();
20 while(it1 != temp1.m_digits.rend() && it2 != temp2.m_digits.rend() ){
21 ((a.m_digits.size()>b.m_digits.size()))?temp2.m_digits.push_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.push_front('0');
22 sum=((*it1-'0')+(*it2-'0')+carry);
23 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(sum%10+'0');
24 carry=sum/10;
25 ++it1; ++it2;
26 }
27 if(carry != 0)temp3.m_digits.emplace_front(carry+'0');
28 if(temp1.is_negative()&&temp2.is_negative()) // if (-temp1) + (-temp2) done
29 {
30 temp3.m_digits.emplace_front('-'); // we push eventually (-)
31 }
32 return temp3;
34//-------------------------------- overloaded minus operator ----------------------------------------
35//-------------------------------------- Amir Ammar ----------------------------------------
36Bigint operator-(const Bigint& a,const Bigint& b)
38 Bigint temp1(a);
39 Bigint temp2(b);
40 Bigint sub;
41 if(temp1.is_zero()&&temp2.is_zero()){sub.m_digits={'0'};return sub;}
42 if(!temp1.is_negative()&& temp2.is_negative()){ // (+temp1) - (-temp2)
43 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
44 return temp1+temp2;
45 }
46 if(temp1.is_negative() && !temp2.is_negative()){ // (-temp1) - (+temp2)
47 temp2.m_is_negative = true;
48 return temp1+temp2;
49 }
50 if(temp1.is_negative()&&temp2.is_negative()){
51 temp1.m_is_negative = false;
52 temp2.m_is_negative = false;
53 return temp2 - temp1 ;
54 }
55 auto it_1 = temp1.m_digits.end();
56 auto it_2 = temp2.m_digits.end();
57 int one_less{0};
58 int length = temp1.m_digits.size()-temp2.m_digits.size();
59 if(length <0){
60 for(int i = length ; i<0; ++i) //
61 ((temp1.m_digits.size()>temp2.m_digits.size())?temp2.m_digits.emplace_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.emplace_front('0'));
62 }else
63 {
64 for(int i = length; i>0; --i)
65 ((temp1.m_digits.size()>temp2.m_digits.size())?temp2.m_digits.emplace_front('0'):temp1.m_digits.emplace_front('0'));
66 }
67 auto it1 = temp1.m_digits.end(); auto it2 = temp2.m_digits.end();
68 while(it1 != temp1.m_digits.begin() && it2 != temp2.m_digits.begin()){
69 --it1; --it2;
70 int it1_int = *it1%48;
71 int it2_int = *it2%48;
72 if(it1_int-it2_int-one_less<0){
73 it1_int+= 10;
74 sub.m_digits.emplace_front(it1_int-it2_int-one_less+'0');
75 one_less = 1;
76 }else{
77 sub.m_digits.emplace_front(it1_int-it2_int-one_less+'0');
78 one_less = 0;
79 }
80 }
81 if(one_less==1){
82 sub=temp2-temp1 ;
83 sub.m_digits.emplace_front('-');
84 }
85 while(sub.m_digits.front()=='0'&&sub.m_digits.size()!= 1){
86 sub.m_digits.pop_front();
87 if(sub.m_digits.size()== 1)
88 break;
89 }
90 return sub.m_digits;