bassed on text length find offset width in javascript

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showing results for - "bassed on text length find offset width in javascript"
06 Apr 2018
1function measureText(str, fontSize = 10) {
2  const widths = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2796875,0.2765625,0.3546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.8890625,0.665625,0.190625,0.3328125,0.3328125,0.3890625,0.5828125,0.2765625,0.3328125,0.2765625,0.3015625,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.2765625,0.2765625,0.584375,0.5828125,0.584375,0.5546875,1.0140625,0.665625,0.665625,0.721875,0.721875,0.665625,0.609375,0.7765625,0.721875,0.2765625,0.5,0.665625,0.5546875,0.8328125,0.721875,0.7765625,0.665625,0.7765625,0.721875,0.665625,0.609375,0.721875,0.665625,0.94375,0.665625,0.665625,0.609375,0.2765625,0.3546875,0.2765625,0.4765625,0.5546875,0.3328125,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.2765625,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.221875,0.240625,0.5,0.221875,0.8328125,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.5546875,0.3328125,0.5,0.2765625,0.5546875,0.5,0.721875,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3546875,0.259375,0.353125,0.5890625]
3  const avg = 0.5279276315789471
4  return str
5    .split('')
6    .map(c => c.charCodeAt(0) < widths.length ? widths[c.charCodeAt(0)] : avg)
7    .reduce((cur, acc) => acc + cur) * fontSize
9console.log(measureText("Hello world")); // Output: 49.40625000000001
10console.log(measureText("This is a long text")); // Output: 77.74999999999999
11console.log(measureText("i")); // Output: 2.21875
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