attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27

Solutions on MaxInterview for attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27"
21 Sep 2019
1As you are in python3 , use dict.items() instead of dict.iteritems()
2iteritems() was removed in python3, so you can't use this method 
3anymore. Take a look at Python 3.0 Wiki Built-in Changes section, 
4where it is stated:
6Removed dict.iteritems(), dict.iterkeys(), and dict.itervalues().
8Instead: use dict.items(), dict.keys(), dict.values() respectively.
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27dict 27 object has no attribute 27encode 27dict object 27 has no attributeattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attributeattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27mycuserid 27attributeerror 3a 27rect 27 object has no attribute 27draw 27python attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 27dict object 27 has no attribute 27iteritems 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 python3 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27only size 1 arrays can be converted to python scalarsattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 site 3astackoverflow comresolving 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iter 27dict object has no attribute iteritemsattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 in frappe client 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritemsattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27item 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iterrows 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27name 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27itervalues 27why iteritems no longer exists in python 22object has no attribute 27dict 27 22dict has no attribute iteritemsresolving 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iter 27 on clean htmlattributeerror 3a 27nonetype 27 object has no attributeattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27edwdocumentmasterid 27dictionary object has no attribute iteritemsdict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27itervalues 27attributeerror 28 22 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 22 29attributeerror 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 python3 27dict values 27 object has no attribute 27values 27attributeerror 3a 27series 27 object has no attribute 27split 27the error was 3a 27dict object 27 has no attribute 27invocation 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27type 27attributeerror 3a 27timestamp 27 object has no attribute 27days 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27norm 27attributeerror 3a 27function 27 object has no attributedict object 27 has no attribute 27stdout 27attributeerror 3a 27mappingproxy 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27attributeerror 3a 27plot oldsync 27 object has no attribute 27mpyplot 27 0alist object has no attribute to dictdict object 27 has no attribute iteritemsdict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 python 3attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27 mutable 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritemsattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27todf 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27 27 28 3cclass 27attributeerror 27 3e 2c attributeerror 28 22 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27itervalues 27 22 29 2c 3ctraceback object at 0x11cfd7e10 3e 29 22attributeerror 3a 27table 27 object has no attribute 27table 27 22the error was 3a 27dict object 27 has no attributeattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27python 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27errors 27attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27twiny 27preppy attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27number 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27text 27 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27 dict 27attributeerror 3a object has no attrubuteattributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27 5cdict has no object iteritems 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27 dict 27 5cn 22attributeerror 3a 27dict 27 object has no attribute 27iteritems 27