array in php

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showing results for - "array in php"
13 Jul 2020
3$array = array("size" => "XL", "color" => "gold");
08 Jul 2017
4    #array is a variable that holds multiple values
5    /*
6    Three types of arrays
7        - Indexed
8        - associative
9        - Multi-dimensional
10    */
11    // Indexed array is the most common and easiest
12    $people = array('Kevin', 'Jeremy ', 'Sara');
13    $ids = array(23, 55, 12);
14    $cars = ['Honda', ' Toyota', 'Ford'];  // also an array
15    //add to an array
16    $cars[3] = ' Audi';
17    // you can use empty brackets and it will be added to the last one
18    $cars[] = ' Chevy';
20    echo $people[1];
21    echo $ids[1];
22    echo $cars[1];    
23    echo $cars[3];
24    echo $cars[4];
25    echo count($cars);
26    //you can also print the entire array
27    print_r($cars);
28    //to look at data type
29    echo var_dump($cars);
31    //Associative Arrays key pairs
32    $people1 = array('Kevin' => 35, 'Jeremy' => 23, 'Sara' => 19);
33    $ids1 = array(23 => 'Kevin', 55 => 'Jeremy', 12 => 'Sara');
34    echo $people1['Kevin'];
35    echo $ids1[23];
36    //add to these types of arrays
37    $people1['Jill'] = 44;
38    echo $people1['Jill'];
39    print_r($people1);
40    var_dump($people1);
42    //Multi-Dimensional Arrays aka an array within an array
44    $cars2 = array(
45        array('Honda',20,10),
46        array('Toyota',30,20),
47        array('Ford',23,12)
48    );
50    echo $cars2[1][0];
22 Jun 2019
1$array = array(
2    "foo" => "bar",
3    "bar" => "foo",
15 Jan 2019
1$nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
05 Oct 2020
1$my_array = array();
29 Jun 2017
3$cars = array("Maserati", "Porsche", "BMW");
5echo "I like " . $cars[0] . ", " . $cars[1] . " and " . $cars[2] . ".";
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phpphp store single element in arrayphp initialize an array of arraysstore a value to an array phpw3 school array phpaccess array elements in phpget value from array phpphp how to create array type of array allows us to stores data as key and value 2a 1 point numeric array array associate array multidimensional arraydefine array phparray in phphdefine key value data structure phpcreate array list in phpphp array valuephp array elementarray in php make sure array in javascripthow to make an subarray phpaccess php arrayphp arrays w3php array of arrayswhat does array values do in phphow to define arrays in phpdeclaring a array in phpphp create arratget php arrays in php into a single variablephp array valueassign value to array phpphp 7 array multiplearray how to make phparra values phphow to access array element in phparray 28 29 php 5array implementation in php at run timephp creating arryaphph assign array to associative arrayphp arraydoes subscript assignment overwrite php array 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