append to lists python

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showing results for - "append to lists python"
05 Jan 2017
1  list = ['larry', 'curly', 'moe']
2  list.append('shemp')         ## append elem at end
3  list.insert(0, 'xxx')        ## insert elem at index 0
4  list.extend(['yyy', 'zzz'])  ## add list of elems at end
5  print list  ## ['xxx', 'larry', 'curly', 'moe', 'shemp', 'yyy', 'zzz']
6  print list.index('curly')    ## 2
8  list.remove('curly')         ## search and remove that element
9  list.pop(1)                  ## removes and returns 'larry'
10  print list  ## ['xxx', 'moe', 'shemp', 'yyy', 'zzz']
28 Jan 2021
1# Basic syntax:
4# Example usage:
5your_list = ['a', 'b']
8--> ['a', 'b', 'c']
10# Note, .append() changes the list directly and doesn’t require an 
11#	assignment operation. In fact, the following would produce an error:
12your_list = your_list.append('c')
24 Feb 2020
24 Aug 2017
1 list = []          ## Start as the empty list
2  list.append('a')   ## Use append() to add elements
3  list.append('b')
30 Apr 2016
1 list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
2  print list[1:-1]   ## ['b', 'c']
3  list[0:2] = 'z'    ## replace ['a', 'b'] with ['z']
4  print list         ## ['z', 'c', 'd']
04 Jul 2017
1 list = [1, 2, 3]
2  print list.append(4)   ## NO, does not work, append() returns None
3  ## Correct pattern:
4  list.append(4)
5  print list  ## [1, 2, 3, 4]
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