amazing spinners and loaders for reactjs

Solutions on MaxInterview for amazing spinners and loaders for reactjs by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "amazing spinners and loaders for reactjs"
03 Mar 2016
1//using npm or yarn
2import { Circle, Heart } from 'react-spinners-css';
3//using bit
4import Facebook from '@bit/joshk.react-spinners-css.facebook';
5import { getRandomColor } from '@bit/joshk.jotils.get-random-color'
7render() {
8   return(
9     <div>
10       <Circle /> //default color is #7f58af
11       <Circle color="red" />
12       <Circle color="#be97e8" size={200} /> //size prop is number in pixel
13       <Heart color={getRandomColor()} />
14       <Facebook /> //default color is #7f58af
15       <Facebook color="red" />
16     </div>
17   )