ajax is not a function

Solutions on MaxInterview for ajax is not a function by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "ajax is not a function"
12 Feb 2018
1// Make sure you are not using the slim version
20 Oct 2019
1Neither of the answers here helped me.
2The problem was: I was using the slim build of jQuery, which had some things removed, ajax being one of them.
4The solution: Just download the regular (compressed or not) version of jQuery and include it in your project.
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k ajax is not a function tablevm229 3a1 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionget is not a function jquert ajaxjquery 3 5 1 slim min js 3a2 uncaught typeerror 3a t ajax is not a functionjs js 3a4 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionscript js 3a33 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajax is not a function 28anonymous 29 40 vm26 3a1 send 40 jquery min js 3a2 ajax 40 jquery min js 3a2 28anonymous 29 40 view role 3a292 promise then 28async 29 28anonymous 29 40 view role 3a286 dispatch 40 jquery min js 3a2 v handle 40 jquery min js 3a2 24ajax error 28 29 is not a function 28index 29 3a194 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiot ajax is not a functiono ajax is not a function 24 easy ajax is not a functionlineup html 3a147 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at getstats 28lineup html 3a147 29404 28not found 29 send 40 jquery js 3a10099 ajax 40 jquery js 3a9682 signup 40 api js 3a31 onsignup 40 event js 3a12 dispatch 40 jquery js 3a5429 elemdata handle 40 jquery js 3a5233f ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a funcajax is not a function error 22 24ajax is not a function 22 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function 24ajax is not a function translationajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiouncaught typeerror 3a c ajax is not a function 28index 29 3a93 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajax success is not a function 24 ajax not functionajax create function is not a functionmain js 3a42 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24ajax is not a function 28index 29 3a153 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a153 29 at htmlselectelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlselectelement y handle 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29callback is not a function jqueryuncaught error ajax is not a functiontypeerror h ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlformelement 3canonymous 3e 28script js 3a50 29 at htmlformelement dispatch 28jquery 3 4 1 slim min js 3a2 29 at htmlformelement v handle 28jquery 3 4 1 slim min js 3a2 29 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a153 29 at htmlselectelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlselectelement y handle 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29showing 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlformelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a139 29 at htmlformelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 slim min js 3a2 29 at htmlformelement v handle 28jquery 3 3 1 slim min js 3a2 29uncaught typeerror 3a 24 28 29 value is not a function 2b 24 ajaxe ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror ajax is not a functionjquery deferred exception 3a 24 28 29 ajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 28 29 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function still not workingtypeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 2fjs 2fapp installer js 3a38 24 ajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajaxquery deferred exception 3a 24 28 29 xzoom is not a function typeerror 3a 24 28 29 xzoom is not a function at htmldocument 3canonymous 3e 24 ajax is not a function laravelis not a function after ajaxtypeerror 3a 24ajaxutils sendgetrequest is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 28 29 sector is not a function at htmldocument 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a234 29screenshot 3a63 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionavailability 3a154 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e laravel 8 24 ajax 28 29 error is not a function 24 ajax is not a function jconsolejquery 3 5 1 ajax is not workingncaught typeerror 3a o ajax is not a functionprojects html 3a2153 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajaxsetup is not a functionwhich ajax function not calling 28index 29 3a189 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functioajax not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a w 28 29 ajaxcomplete is not a function 24 ajax is not a function at 22htmlformelement 22 24 ajaxsetup is not a function at htmlbuttonelement 3canonymouuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajaxsetup is not a function at htmlformelement 3canonymous 3e 28home 3a105 29 at htmlformelement dispatcuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function consoleinformation 3a451 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 easyajax is not a function at sendsms 28information 3a451 29 at htmlanchorelement onclick 28information 3a321 29vue 40next 3a1414 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajax complete is not a functioncomplete is not a function ajaxscript js 3a741 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmldocument 3canonymous 3e 22ajax is not a function 22ncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function errorshoping cart 3a458 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a functiojavascript 24 ajax not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not ashoping cart 3a443 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at 3canonymous 3e 3a1 3a3 28index 29 3a1886 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at ljquery deferred exception 3a h ajax is not a function typeerror 3a h ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at 3canonymous 3e 3a1 3a3uncaught typeerror 24 ajax is not a function laravel 28index 29 3a144 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function bootstrap 24 ajax is not a function chrome console 24 ajax in not a function 24 ajax is not a functionjquery ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a153 29 at htmlselectelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlselectelement y handle 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29jquery deferred exception 3a 24 ajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajax is not a function jqueryjquery 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function jqueryjquery 3 5 1 slim min js 3a2 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 get is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax 28 29 complete is not a functionjquery ajax undefined is not a functiontypeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functio chrome 22 24 ajax 22 is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a144 29 at htmlselectelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlselectelement y handle 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29jquery3 22 24 ajax is not a function 22uncaught typeerror 24 ajax is not a functionjquery uncaught in ajax 24 ajax request is not a functionajax is not a function chrome consoleuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at main js 3a7ncaught 28in promise 29 typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiontypeerror 3a 24 ajaxsetup is not a functiontypeerror 3a this ajax request is not a functio ajax is not a functiontypeerror k ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionindex html 3fmarket name 3dasdfa 26name 3dcondition 26designation 3dmanager 26phone 3d6565656565 26email 3dadmin 2540demo com 3a199 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function 24 easyajax is not a functionajax js 3a23 uncaught referenceerror 3a post is not defined at htmlformelement 3canonymous 3e 28ajax js 3a23 29 at htmlformelement dispatch 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlformelement y handle 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29create 3a69 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function 3d 3e chkprofile 3a1107 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiontest js php 3a33 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlcareers job html 3a341 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function atcard 3a219 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function error messagetransfer 3a163 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiontypeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiouncaught typeerror 3a h ajax is not a functionajax syntax not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 22 23 22 html is not a function in jqury ajax 28index 29 3a103 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is nottypeerror 24 ajax is not a functiontypeerror 3a jquery ajax is not a functionjquery was not called at function error 28jquery 3 3 1 min js 3a2 29uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function laraveljquery ajax is not a functionhome 3a124 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionadmin js jsp 3a1213 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax 28 29 complete is not a functionsearch php 3a69 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionjquery 3 5 1 ajax not going to success functionajax this function is not a functionparam c3 a8tre 3a502 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at myfunction 28prametre 3a502 29 at htmlinputelement onclick 28prametre 3a485 29 24 ajax is not a function errori linked jquey ajax but its still showing ajax is not afunctionunhandledpromiserejectionwarning 3a typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a jquery ajax is not a function at pay now1 3a334 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 28index 29 3a381 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiontypeerror 3a a ajax is not a functionprametre 3a502 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at myfunction 28prametre 3a502 29 at htmlinputelement onclick 28prametre 3a485 29create 3a79 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionjquery min js 3a2 post https 3a 2f 2flocalhost 3a44362 2fproduct 2fcreate net 3a 3aerr insufficient resources send 40 jquery min js 3a2 ajax 40 jquery min js 3a2 s 3ccomputed 3e 40 jquery min js 3a2 28anonymous 29 40 create 3a140 promise then 28async 29 28anonymous 29 40 create 3a121registrati 3a61 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 28index 29 3a51 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 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htmlformelement submithandlerk ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 28 29 ajaxform is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a s ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiovm15237 3a2 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at server logs 28 3canonymous 3e 3a2 3a7 29 at 3canonymous 3e 3a1 3a1ajax request is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a s ajax is not a function selext2jquery 3 5 1 slim min js 3a2 jquery deferred exception 3a 24 ajax is not a function typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax error is not a function 24 ajax 28 7b not a function1234 3a138 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at docsearch 28update php 3a444 29 28index 29 3a55 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionerror ajax is not a function5 3a553 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajaxform js 3a2 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 is not a functionajax is not defined at updatenote 28main js 3a230 29 updatenote 40 main js 3a230 async function 28async 29 updatenote 40 main js 3a195 28anonymous 29 40 main js 3a188 dispatch 40 jquery min js 3a2 v handle 40 jquery min js 3a2ajaxcomplete is not a function5 3a272 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functiontypeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 28index 29 3a108 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a functionhow to solve uncaught typeerror 3a jquery ajax is not a function at pay nowtypeerror ajax is not a function 24ajax catch is not a functionget is not a function ajax jqueryinformation 3a492 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 easyajax is not a function at sendsms 28information 3a492 29 at htmlanchorelement onclick 28information 3a321 29uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlbuttonelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a112 29 at htmlbuttonelement dispatch 28jquery 3 5 1 slim min js 3a2 29 at htmlbuttonelement v handle 28jquery 3 5 1 slim min js 3a2 29uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a function at htmlselectelement 3canonymous 3e 28 28index 29 3a147 29 at htmlselectelement dispatch 28jquery 3 4 1 min js 3a2 29 at htmlselectelement v handle 28jquery 3 4 1 min js 3a2 29k ajax is not a function tabavble 24 ajax is not a function javascriptuncaught typeerror 3a jquery ajax is not a function 24 ajax is not a function jquery errorjquery deferred exception 3a k ajax is not a function typeerror 3a k ajax is not a functionscript js 3a49 uncaught typeerror 3a 24 ajax is not a functionajax is not a function