adding digits of a number in c

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14 Oct 2019
1//program to find the sum of digits:
4int main()
6  int num,sum=0,r,temp;
7  printf("Enter the number:\n ");  //taking input from the user
8  scanf("%d",&num);
10  temp=num;           //assigning num to temporary variable
12  while(temp!=0)
13  {
14    r=temp%10;
15    sum=sum+r;
16    temp=temp/10;
17  }
18  printf("\nGiven number = %d",num);
19  printf("\nSum of the digits = %d",sum);
22//code By dungriyal
11 Oct 2020
1Enter the number
3Given number = 300
4Sum of the digits 300 = 3
7Enter the number
9Given number = 16789
10Sum of the digits 16789 = 31
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