add seconds to datetime php

Solutions on MaxInterview for add seconds to datetime php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "add seconds to datetime php"
19 Jul 2018
1date('Y-m-d H:i',strtotime('+1 hour +20 minutes',strtotime($start)));
09 Aug 2017
1function seconds2human($ss) {
2$s = $ss%60;
3$m = floor(($ss%3600)/60);
4$h = floor(($ss%86400)/3600);
5$d = floor(($ss%2592000)/86400);
6$M = floor($ss/2592000);
8return "$M months, $d days, $h hours, $m minutes, $s seconds";
06 Oct 2019
2$date = new DateTime();
3echo $date->getTimestamp(). "<br>";
4$date->add(new DateInterval('PT674165S')); // adds 674165 secs
5echo $date->getTimestamp();
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phpphp add hours minutes seconds to current timetime php date hour minute secondhow to add 1 hour in php add 1 hour to date phpadd minutes in timestamp in phpseconds to minutes hours days phpadd second to date phpminute date phpphp add two hours to timeminutes to hours and minutes in phpphp date add one second to nowseconds to date time phphour minute second phphow to add some minute to a date value in phpseconds to hours and minutes in phpphp convert minutes and seconds to secondshow to add hour minute seconds in php datetimephp add seconds to datetimedivide hours by 20 minutes interval phpphp date add secondsadd minutes datetime phpdate seconds to days hours minsphp create data time with secondsphp date plus 1 houradding seconds to time phpadd hour minute in datetime in phpminute second hour phpdate php plus 1 hourphp date hours minutes secondsseconds into days phpconvert seconds to duration phpadd 30 seconds to time in phptime function to get time hour minute and seconds in phphour minut time in phpphp convert hour to secondsphp date for hour and secondphp datetime 1 hour agoadd minutes to time in phpadd one hour to date time phpadding seconds hour for datetime in phpphp dateperiod time hour minutesadd 5 minutes to given date in phpadd 10 minutes to time phpphp convert seconds to days hours minutesadd hour to date now by phpseconds 2b date phpdate 2b 1 hour phpseconds to days hour minutes seconds phpphp add minutes to date timephp add 1 hour tp timwehours to days in php 2c minuteshour to seconds phpadd days and hours minutes and seconds phpphp new datetime add minutesconvert seconds to days 2c hours 2c minutes and seconds phpget hour and minute fron date 28 29 in phpphp seconds to hoursadd seconds to current time phpconvert years to secondshow to add 48 hour in datetime in phpadd seconds phpphp minutes to hoursphp convert minutes to hours minutes secondsphp minutes to hours and minutesphp time 1 hourdate php 2b 1 hourdatetime set seconds phphow to get hour minute and second from date variable phpdatetime add 1 hour phphow to add seconds to current datetime in php 3fphp minutes to days hours and minutesadd one minute to datetime phpminutes and seconds in date 28 29 phpphp rund seconds into minutes 27php time 2b 1 minutetime 2b1 hours phpadd hour to datetime phpphp date hour minutesphp add secondhow to get hour minute and second from the date 28 29 in phpphp 1 minute agophp hour minute second calculatephp add 1 hour to timephp addd hours in timeadd minutes to a timestamp phpconvert minutes to hours in phpphp new date time hourphp add houres seconds and miushour to minute phpphp date add 60 minutesadd hours minutes and second to date in phpphp time add 30 minutestime to hours and minutes ago phpphp datetime 2b 1 houradd minutes to current datetime phphours to days hours minutes phpphp seconds to days and hoursphp now 2b1 houradd 2 hours to time in phpadd hours in phpphp date with hours and minutesphp add 1 minute to datetimenow 28 29 3eaddseconds 2860 29 in laravelphp time 28 29 2b 1 seconddate php hour minute secondphp to add minutes to timeadd to date years phphow to get seconds in x hours in phpphp date 2b1 hourstrtotime add date secondsdatetime add minutes phpadd minutes to date phpphp add 5 minutes to current timephp datetime set hourhow to add one hour to time in php0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 7 mins 29 00 secs formathow to add 1 hour to current time in phpadd 5 minutes in time with date in phpadd seconds from today phpseconds to minutes in phphow to add 48 hour in dateitme in phpphp seconds to day hour minutephp seconds to minutesadd hour in tyime in phptime to seconds converter phpset hour in datetime phpphp add 2 hours to datetimephp get hour and minutes from datetimehours from seconds phpadd 1 hour to time phpadd seconds to date phpseconds to time php date 28 29php minute to day hours and minutesconvert duration seconds to minutes phpget time plus 4 minutes phpadd 2b1 hour and 2b1 minute to now 28 29 phpadd 1 hours with timestamp in phpconvert seconds to hours phpphp add 15 seconds to time2 hour timer add in phpphp add one minute to datetimephp format time to add secondsadd minutes on time phpphp convert seconds to hourshow to convert seconds into days phpadd hour in timestamp phptime to number of seconds in phpphp time add minutesdatetime 1 hour phpphp datetime plus 1 minutephp date hour minute secondphp date add 1 hourphp format seconds to days hours minutesdatetime 2b 1 hour phpadd seconds to date 2b phpconvert current hour to seconds php 5ecalculate seconds into days hours minutes phpphp add hour in datehours minutes seconds phpphp add 4 hours to current date timephp date 28 29 add secondsadd more hours using timestamp phpphp convert seconds to days 2c hours 2c minuteshow to append hour min and am pm in phpphp get hour and minuteadd minutes in time 28 29 phpadd minutes to datetime php 2b1 hour datetime phpconvert seconds to hours in phpphp add secounds to datetime strtotimehow to add minute to timestamp in phpadd one hour to date phpphp datetime add minutesphp add second to datetimephp time add hourphp convert seconds to hours minutesphp datetime to secondsconvert hours to second phpttime to hours 2cmin 2cddays in phpday to seconds phpphp add seconds to a dateadd 1 hour in existing time in phphow to add the minutes to the current data time in phpphp add seconds to dateadd hour in time in phpadd hours and minutes to date in phpphp add minutes to timephp new date hour minutephp date 2b 1 hourphp date add 1 minutephp total seconds to minutes hours daysdatetime set hour phphow add time and minutes in phptime add minutes phpphp seconds to minutes and secondsdate 28 29 with the add minute in phpconvert current hour to seconds phpphp datetime set hours and minutescreate date with hour minute second phphours to days 2c minutes phphow to add hours and mintes in date 28 27y m d 3a h 3am 3as 27 29 phphours into seconds in phphow to add time in hours date in phpclass for convert time to daysphp add hours every 60 minutesconvert seconds in hours and minutes phpfrom seconds to hours and minutes phpphp convert time to hours minutes secondsadding times together phpget minutes 2c seconds hour from datetime php seconds to days hours minutes seconds phpphp datetime add 30 minutesphp convert precision hour minutes from inthour and minute phpadd one minute to time phpturn seconds into hours 2c minutes and seconds phpdate 2b1 hour phpphp date 2b x seconds1 hour to minutes phphow to add 10 minutes to time in phpphp convert seconds to hours minutes secondsadd minutes in current time phpphp add 1 minute adn 1 second to datetimephp add minutes to datephp hour minute second to secondsadd 30 minutes to time in phpdays hours and minutes to seconds phpphp add 1 hour to datedate add seconds phpphp hour minute secondadd seconds in given time phpphp add seconds to stringphp how to add date and timehow to print minutes from 1 to 60 as text in phpadd minute to date phpconvert hours into seconds phphow to convert minutes to seconds in phpphp date hour minutephp datetime 1 houradd time to date in phpdatetime less than one hour one hour phpphp seconds to string with days hours minutesset hour minute second to new datetime phpphp add hour to dateseconds to time in phpdatetime format minutes and seconds phpphp add hours to timestampphp 2b1 hourdate interval create from date string secondsseconds to minutes phpphp time seconds to minutes and hoursconvert hours to seconds in phpadd 1 minute to time phpphp date year month day hour minute second codephp datetime hours minutes secondsseconds to days phpadd hours and minut in php with current timephp add 4 hours to datetimephp add 1 minute and1 second to datetimeadd 5 minute time 28 29 phpphp time plus time valueadd sectond to time date and get new date in phpphp date add up a hour time programmaticallyphp total seconds to minuteshour and minutes in phphow to add minutes to datetime in phpphp hours minutes secondsphp add time to hoursphp datetim hours minutes secondsadd seconds to datetime php