add attribute to element

Solutions on MaxInterview for add attribute to element by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "add attribute to element"
15 Nov 2017
1var element = document.getElementById('btnBuild');
2element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
28 Jan 2020
1//This is for creating an attribute with setAttributeNode
3var f = document.querySelector("#menu-item-16 > a");// Get the <a> element
4var c = document.createAttribute("target");// Create a "target" attribute
5c.value = "_blank"; // Set the value of the target attribute
6f.setAttributeNode(c); // Add the target attribute to <a>
9//With setAttribute
11let e = document.querySelector("#menu-item-16 > a");
12e.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
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